"It's this thing, if you have it, it will become very powerful."

Wang Ming handed the copied version of the Xingtian Summoner to Geros, and then said with an unpredictable smile on his face, this version of the Summoner was remade by Wang Ming, without any restrictions, even if it is a robot. It can be used. After the latter took the summoner, he looked at it with some puzzlement.

"Thank you teacher, but how to use this thing."

Genos didn't understand how to use the camera-like thing in front of him, and then Wang Ming briefly taught Genos how to use the Xingtian Summoner.

"You do this first, then do this again, and finally you have to catch this card handsomely, insert it into your belt, and then shout that the Xingtian armor fits together."

"Good teacher!"

"Don't call me teacher. It sounds a little uncomfortable. By the way, you have to remember your identity after summoning the armor. It is called an armor warrior. Well, you can try it now, and summon the armor for the first time."

After Genos understood how to use the Xingtian Summoner, he also bowed respectfully to thank him, while Wang Ming just waved his hand, expressing that he was not used to his name, and asked him to try the Summoning Armor first.

Genos was also very obedient when he heard the words, and immediately he took the Xingtian Summoner and pressed the switch on it, and a belt appeared on his waist in the next second.

As soon as Genos patted the small box on his waist, a metal card flew out from it, and then he firmly caught the card with the Xingtian Summoner, and in the next second he followed the method Wang Ming said, It stuck into the belt, and then yelled.

"Xingtian armor fit!"

'Armor fit! '

With a flash of illusory light, Genos successfully summoned the Xingtian armor. He looked at the red armor on his body curiously, and then said in an incredible tone.

"Teacher, I feel that this set of armor is greatly enhancing the function of my body. Now my strength has been increased by at least ten times. However, due to the limitation of the armor, I cannot use the firepower device that comes with me. This set of armor Do you have any weapons?"

"I told you not to call me teacher. The weapon is in the card box. You can insert the weapon card and you can take it out. The skill card is also in it."

"Okay, teacher!"

For the very real Genos, Wang Ming felt a little headache, but Genos started to operate according to Wang Ming's guidance, and there was no problem as expected. After seeing that Genos was almost familiar, Wang Ming waved his hand and said.

"Okay, go and test the power yourself, I still have something to do, don't disturb me playing games."

"is teacher!"

Genos was refreshed after hearing the words, bowed deeply to Wang Ming directly, and then left the apartment building. As for where he went, Wang Ming didn't bother to care, Wang Ming only knew that there might be some strange people coming.

And he went in with today's ingredients and continued to play games with Saitama, but today both of them played a different game, played basketball games for two days, and now they feel sick when they see basketball.

There is a kind of physical discomfort, there is no way, who told them that they are not playing a regular basketball game, the random physics engine setting when shooting, I don’t know which genius came up with it, no matter how accurate the shot is, you can only look at the face .

The two of them got tired of playing this game, but this time they chose a gun battle game, No.1 is called perspective, the screen is divided into two from the middle, one half is Wang Ming's character perspective, and the other half is Saitama of.

This actually has a disadvantage, that is, Wang Ming can judge his position through Saitama's perspective, and Saitama can also judge his position through Wang Ming's perspective.

This made Wang Ming, who wanted to be the sixth child, no room to play. After a while, there was a crackling sound of the handle button in the living room, and the battle between the two was quite fierce.

But this time it is still Wang Ming who is playing against Saitama with an overwhelming advantage. He has no choice but to have a strong reaction. This seemingly fast-paced game is very simple for Wang Ming. The picture is like watching slow motion.

And when Saitama is not in a fighting state, his physical ability is obviously not able to exert much, which leads to more and more blue veins on his forehead, and sweat flows down one by one. There is no doubt that this is a crushing situation.

On the other hand, after Genos got the Xingtian Armor, he started looking for strange people on the street, because the apartment rented by Saitama is very close to the area where strange people are densely populated, so Genos found a few lonely people in a short while Wolf monster.

Almost effortlessly, he instantly killed these wolf-level monsters. Just when Genos was feeling a little bored, his main brain suddenly detected a high-energy response.

"who is it!"

Genos snarled and slammed his fist hard on the ground. The ground cracked in the next second, and the ground under his feet was instantly blown away.

"Cough cough cough! What a powerful strange force!"

A talking groundhog came out of the ground, and Genos frowned when he saw the groundhog. There was no doubt that this was a strange person, but why did the other party attack him?
At this moment, Janos felt the sound of breaking through the air behind him, and he subconsciously turned around and punched out!
The dull crashing sound spread throughout the street, and then a huge robot slowly revealed its true face from the dusty ruins. Just now, he was punched by Genos, and Genos looked at this huge robot. The robot suddenly had many bad memories.

"Giant robot... Could it be, hey, I have a few things I want to ask you."

Genos' tone became cold, he looked at the giant robot and said, at this time he was already trying to suppress his emotions.

"What a powerful force, is this armor bestowed on you? Just like in the information, we are the crystallization of the wisdom of the family of evolution, please come with us obediently, the doctor is very interested in you and the armor on your body .”

At this moment, another giant who was at least five meters tall and very strong and strong came out from the other side of the street. This little giant had a lion's head, a human body and beast claws, and looked a bit like a lion beast.

At this time, Genos has been surrounded by three monsters, a steel robot with the appearance of a giant orangutan, a groundhog with the word "earth dragon" written on its stomach, and the last monster who looks like a lion beast.

"The House of Evolution... What do you want from me, no, now I have something to do from you, take me to your headquarters, or you will bear the consequences."

The mechanical eyes under Genos's mask exuded a rare cold murderous aura, and his tone was also quite cold.

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