And within a few days of the peaceful days, new troubles came to the door, but in this world where weirdos and heroes frequently appear, it is normal to have troubles.

By the way, Genos received a message from the doctor a few days ago and went back to transform and upgrade his body. When he shows up next time, his own strength alone should be enough to reach S rank.

And after summoning the Xingtian Armor, Genos' combat power with the terrifying addition of the armor may be comparable to the god level, below the god level, above the dragon level, if you have to divide the strength, it should be considered a demigod level.

Because even if the Xingtian armor is summoned, the current Geros can't defeat the god-level weirdo, and the average dragon-level even if it is the peak dragon-level, it is estimated that it will not last long in front of Genos, so there is a demigod the concept of.


"Hey, what's the matter? A weirdo in the ghost town, two A-level heroes are in a hard fight, and one has lost the ability to fight. Okay, I see, I'll go right away."

Wang Ming, who was playing games with Qiyu, suddenly received such a call. This is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened, because Wang Ming has the ability in space, and it is actually necessary to ask him to handle some emergency support tasks. Very convenient.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Ming would not refuse, because it was too simple for him, and the enemy could be dealt with by urinating, it was just a matter of effort.

After all, it is normal to pay some price for enjoying the privilege, so Wang Ming paused the game and said to Saitama.

"Wait for me, there are some small matters on the association's side that need to be dealt with."


Qiyu was not surprised by this, so Wang Ming stepped out and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the coordinates provided by the association.

Then you are in a remote street, there are no people around, and you can even say that you are not angry. The more Wang Ming looked at it, the more familiar it became.

Then he immediately realized that he was only looking at the latitude and longitude given by the association just now, but he did not find the coordinates of this latitude and longitude, which was just a few streets next to the apartment building where Saitama was located.

At this time, the street was in a mess, full of traces of battles. On a pile of ruins in the street, a young man in a hip-hop costume and a baseball cap was lying unconscious on it.

This is the A-level hero who was defeated in the information. If I remember correctly, he should be the 29th A-level hero, nicknamed Golden Ball.

And at both ends of the street, a middle-aged man in a green suit, with a gentlemanly beard and a Western rapier in his hand, was confronting a weird guy who looked a bit like kelp. This was the 33rd A-level man. Hero, nicknamed Springbeard.

However, Spring Beard's condition was quite bad at this time. The green suit on his body was so torn that it was like a beggar's outfit, and the Western rapier in his hand was half broken, looking like chopsticks.

"It's pretty embarrassing."

Wang Ming didn't know when he came to Spring Beard's side, he still had a calm smile on his face, and Spring Beard breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him coming.

"S Rank No. 11, Kamen Rider, thank you for your support."

"Well, then you leave it to me, you take the golden ball and go to heal your injuries first."

Spring Beard said gratefully, Wang Ming still nodded indifferently, then Spring Beard dragged his body which was almost seriously injured, lifted the golden ball and left the street.

Because there are S-level heroes taking over this mission, he didn't force himself to stay, because every S-level hero represents the strength to crush monsters.

"Quickly deal with you and then leave."

"You are really arrogant."

Wang Ming looked at the kelp monster and said calmly, the kelp monster was quite dissatisfied with Wang Ming's attitude, but in the next second Wang Ming appeared beside him and punched him hard!
This punch didn't have any bells and whistles, it was just an extreme force. The kelp monster didn't even have time to react, and was directly wiped out by this punch.

And the abandoned high-rise building behind him was also completely wiped out, and a big hole was punched out along with the clouds in the sky behind him. The terrifying air waves blew the abandoned street into pieces.

It was originally a street that was abandoned because there were too many strange people, so there was no need to worry about hurting innocent people, even if it affected other people, it was just weird people.

"Hey, I seem to feel some familiar aura, what's the matter with this weird aura?"

Although the kelp monster was instantly killed with one punch, Wang Ming felt an unusual aura at the moment of the kelp monster's death.

This breath gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, a bit like a substance he encountered in the forbidden area of ​​the last universe, but it was completely different. It can only be said that the way of existence is somewhat similar, but not in essence. the same.

Wang Ming was a little unclear. After thinking about it for a while, he also gave up investigating to the end. Maybe it was just his illusion, maybe there are similarities between the two universes.

The universe is so big that it is not surprising that there are any weird things, so Wang Ming also gave up the idea of ​​investigating to the end. After all, he is just a passer-by in this world, and this is not his main world. Well.

Moreover, there is still Saitama in this world, such a protagonist with unlimited upper limit potential exists, and it is basically impossible for ordinary villains to defeat him.

In this way, a few more days passed, and Genos successfully upgraded his body and came back. He still followed Wang Ming like a follower, and Wang Ming didn't bother to pay attention to his weird behavior.

While Wang Ming and Qiyu were playing games, a huge meteorite in outer space was gradually approaching the earth, and the members of the Heroes Association also discovered this somewhat terrifying phenomenon for the first time.

Because the mass of this meteorite is quite huge, and the predicted landing place of this meteorite is Z City, if it is allowed to hit the earth directly like this.

I'm afraid that the entire city of Z will disappear on the earth, and even its powerful shock waves and various natural disasters will sweep the world, and the whole earth will fall into chaos.

Jingle Bell……

After a while, the mobile phones of Wang Ming and Genos rang at the same time, and they answered the call almost at the same time. Then Wang Ming and Genos looked at each other and got up immediately.

"The association summoned us to the Heroes' Association."

"Well, I have also been notified. I don't know what happened."

Genos said the content of the phone call, while Wang Ming remained calm. With his strength, he basically walked sideways in this universe, and there was no danger.

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