Then Wang Ming took Genos to the Heroes Association branch in City Z, but the place was empty at this time, and he didn't know what happened.

No, to be precise, there was only one person left, the only one left in the empty hall was an old man with a hunched body, wearing a black jacket, and silver-white hair.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Banggu? Why are you the only one left here now?"

When Wang Ming saw the old man, he immediately greeted him, and the latter also had a faint smile on his face when he saw Wang Ming.

"It turns out that our Kamen Riders are here, and even the armored warriors are here."

"What happened here, why everyone disappeared?"

Genos asked with some doubts, while Bangu had a sarcastic smile on his face, he sighed and said slowly.

"They all ran away. A huge meteorite will land here in 10 minutes. At that time, the whole city will disappear from the map. People from the Heroes Association and other heroes have run away. Only us can solve this crisis. S-class heroes, but as you can see, there are only three of us here now."

"What about the other S-level heroes? Are they afraid too? It's just a meteorite."

Wang Ming was a little curious, these S-level heroes didn't seem like cowards, but Banggu said with a helpless sigh.

"The association issued an emergency summoning order this time, and did not clarify the matter. Every time the association issued an emergency summoning order, it meant that something troublesome happened, and these S-level heroes were a little passive and sabotaged because they were afraid of trouble. The first time to rush over, of course, some people really can't catch up because of their slow speed, but most of them are simply afraid of trouble."

"This is really in line with the personalities of these S-class heroes."

Wang Ming also shook his head helplessly when he heard the words. Each of these S-level heroes has a very strange personality. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a group of problem children.

At this time, the entire city began to sound sirens.

"The Heroes Association issued an alert. A meteorite will fall in City Z in 10 minutes. Citizens and friends are requested to evacuate as soon as possible. The disaster level this time is dragon level."

The sweet voice of the announcer resounded throughout the city through the alarm system all over the city. After hearing the news, people were completely panicked, and the whole city fell into chaos.

People rushed to the outside of City Z. Those who lived on the edge of City Z were the most relaxed group. They drove away after a while, while the people who lived in the center of the city were really panicked. Incomparably, the scene is almost out of control.

Because no telescopes and satellites are needed, people can observe with the naked eye, a star exuding crimson light is slowly growing in size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is no doubt that if this meteorite is really let down, then this disaster will be the most suitable disaster in history, with the performance of dragon-level destructive power.

After all, when this meteorite falls, at least several cities will be affected, not to mention being razed to the ground, they will also be turned into ruins.

Isn't this exactly the description of a dragon-level disaster?Disasters that could destroy several cities were dealt with by the heroes before ordinary dragon-level monsters showed such destructive power.

"This meteorite is not simple, it's not just a natural disaster."

Wang Ming just glanced at the meteorite, and made some judgments in his heart. Although he didn't know who did the good thing, the orbit of the meteorite was artificially changed.

Although Wang Ming can see the past through the ability of time, he is too lazy to look it up. To him, these things can only be regarded as trivial matters, which are indeed a bit boring.

"Teacher let me come, just in time to try my new equipment!"

"Then leave it to you."

Genos suddenly became a little inexplicably excited. Recently, he has been carrying a suitcase around. Wang Ming didn't ask him what it was. It turned out that this is the new equipment that the doctor gave him to study. Wang Ming also thought Insightful thought, so there is no rejection.

Then both of them ignore Bang-gu and walk straight out of the lobby of the Heroes Association and onto the roof of a tall building, because both feel that Bang-gu can't help in this situation.

After all, there is a specialization in the art industry. Maybe Banggu's melee combat strength can indeed be at the forefront of S-level heroes, but he has almost no way to deal with this kind of large meteorite.

And at this moment, another big robot flew over from the sky. Wang Ming also knew this man. robot.

"Metal Knight, are you also here to stop the meteorite?"

After the metal knight approached, Genos asked curiously, but the metal knight's answer was a bit chilling, and a calm middle-aged male voice came from the robot's mixer.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to stop the meteorite. I'm just here to test new weapons. Stopping the meteorite is just a matter of chance."

Metal Knight's words were very unkind, even quite indifferent. Genos was a little dissatisfied with this, but he didn't say it outright, while Wang Ming didn't care at all.

"Then let me go first."

A large number of red lights suddenly lit up on Metal Knight's back, and then one after another micro-missiles were launched from his back. At this time, the meteorite had broken through the atmosphere and was falling towards the ground. minutes will hit the ground directly.

Whoosh whoosh!
Hundreds of missiles shot out, hitting the falling meteorite at a speed many times faster than the speed of sound!

The huge explosion resounded throughout the sky, and the light of the explosion above the head was even brighter than the sun for a moment. Although the missile was a little smaller, its power was not bad.

The entire sky was covered by missile explosions and meteorite collisions, and the resulting black mist filled the air. At this time, Genos also began to accumulate energy, ready to activate his full-power burning bubble.

Because his computer captured that the meteorite was not destroyed and continued to land firmly, but Genos was a little nervous at this time.

Because he underestimated the hardness of this meteorite, such a violent explosion did not blow this meteorite into pieces, and even this meteorite was unscathed.

In other words, this meteorite may not be a meteorite made of simple stones, but a huge piece of meteorite. If it is hit on the ground by this thing, it will not be a dragon-level disaster.

It is very likely that it will be close to a demigod-level disaster. It is estimated that this continental plate in the far east will sink. After all, such a large piece of meteorite falling down, the power can be imagined.

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