An extremely dull and loud sound spread throughout the entire city of Z, and then everyone saw a scene they would never forget, the meteorite that was as big as a mountain was kicked out by Wang Ming.

A layman watched the excitement, while an expert watched the doorway. When Bang Gu saw Wang Ming's kick, the pupils in his eyes shrank involuntarily.

This kick is not just powerful, this kind of perfect control of power is simply appalling, because if it is just a miracle with great strength, this meteorite will only be kicked into pieces, and then the meteorite fragments that fall can almost The entire city of Z was smashed into ruins.

And if you want to create the effect of Wang Ming's kick, you must perfectly cover every corner of the entire meteorite with the force of the kick, so that the entire meteorite will be kicked away.

And that meteorite was directly kicked out of the earth's atmosphere by Wang Ming's kick with terrifying power, and flew into the distant starry sky, where it would hit in the end.

After seeing this scene, everyone was overwhelmed, even Qiyu who was watching TV was a little surprised, because he thought that if he did it himself, he would at most just break the meteorite into pieces, and wanted to solve the meteorite so perfectly. Meteorites can't do that.

"Great, the meteorite was kicked away!"

"Kamen Rider I love you!"

"I'm a fan of Kamen Rider from today!"

The people on the ground erupted into endless shouts of joy. After all, it was the aftermath of the catastrophe, and it was normal for them to lose control of their emotions.

At the same time, the other S-level heroes who were watching the TV show also had a renewed understanding of Wang Ming's strength in their hearts. This man is too strong to see this side.

"How can one or two be so powerful? You make me, S-rank No.2, very embarrassed. First, KING, who is known as the strongest man on the surface, ranked seventh in the S-rank hero, and another S-rank hero came out. Kamen Rider ranked No.11, these guys on the Internet call him the god of the world."

S-class No.2 Tornado was very dissatisfied and muttered while swiping her phone, but she was only expressing her emotional dissatisfaction, not that she looked down on Wang Ming.

She still approves of Wang Ming's strength, because if she were to replace her, it would probably take her half to death to take down the meteorite. Wang Ming just used one kick to solve the meteorite. Still pretty big.

The most shocked ones were the top management of the Heroes Association. Although they had already overestimated Wang Ming's combat power as much as possible, they didn't expect this guy to be so strong.

This level of combat power is nothing more than a legendary god-level disaster, right?
Even the top officials of the Heroes Association suspected that as long as Wang Ming wanted to destroy mankind maliciously, he could immediately turn into a god-level disaster and sweep the entire earth.

"Okay, let's go back and continue playing games, it's too boring, these are some crap things."

Wang Ming released his transformation and returned to Geros and Banggu. He muttered dissatisfiedly, if he wasn't afraid of scaring these people, he could make the meteorite disappear in place with a wave of his hand. Trouble to kick.

Banggu was so shocked that he couldn't speak at this time, but Genos seemed to be used to Wang Ming's strength, and immediately said very respectfully.

"Okay teacher, let's go back now."

"You look like you're running out of battery?"

"Ashamed, the consumption of that move just now was a bit high."

Wang Ming looked at Genos who spoke a little weakly and asked, and the latter admitted it very straightforwardly, and Wang Ming didn't say much when he saw this.

He snapped his fingers directly at Genos' energy ball, and in the next second, a large number of electric arcs burst out from his energy ball, and Genos regained his spirit in just a moment.

"Okay, it's full, then let's go."

Wang Ming watched the recharged Genos wave his hand, and the two disappeared in place and returned to Saitama's room.

Only Banggu was left with a bewildered expression on the scene, counting with his fingers.

"Spatial ability, transformation ability, seems to have telekinesis, lightning ability, ability to control various metal elements, how many abilities does this guy have..."

Banggu felt that his world view was shaken a bit. He roughly calculated and found that Wang Ming's abilities were too much, so much that he doubted whether he had fallen behind the times.


"It's pretty amazing. If it were me, I might not be as clean as you."

Seeing Genos and Wang Ming who suddenly appeared, Saitama was not surprised, and praised lazily. Wang Ming waved his hand casually, took the game controller and said.

"It's nothing to worry about, it's just a small matter. Let's continue playing the game. It's been a long time since I played "Basketball Chicken Overlord". Today I want to revisit it. Do you dare?"

"Why don't you dare? Don't underestimate me!"

Naturally, Saitama would not admit defeat easily, and then there was the sound of two people pressing the handle buttons fiercely in the living room, and Genos ran to the kitchen to prepare lunch very familiarly.

Since Genos came, Wang Ming and Saitama have never cooked a meal again, which is why Wang Ming has always acquiesced, and Genos followed him.

When several people get together, there must be something useful, otherwise it will be annoying, and Genos seems to be a man with no shortcomings. He is basically proficient in everything, except for being a robot. Overall it's perfect.

At this time, the outside world's attention to today's world has risen to an extremely high level, but the protagonist of the incident was playing games leisurely, and did not pay attention to the meaning of these voices at all.

The most discussed by these voices is Wang Ming's strength. After all, it has been less than a month since Wang Ming made his debut, and he has shown an invincible and omnipotent posture. Anyone would be curious about this terrifying strength.

Various variety shows were launched with Wang Ming as the theme, and the news reports were also about Wang Ming's affairs. For a while, Wang Ming's figure almost swept the screen of the whole world, and he was almost a hero who was known to everyone.

At this time, deep in the ground, a particularly ugly weirdo was looking at the picture on the screen of Wang Ming kicking the meteorite, muttering to himself.

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect this guy to be such a stinky young man. He obviously has the ability to destroy the universe at any time, but he is willing to play house with these weak bugs on this earth, but that's fine. After my body stabilizes, I will swallow you, and use you as a springboard to devour the worlds!"

"Having the ability to travel to the unknown heavens and worlds, this ability is really tempting. I didn't know that there are other heavens and worlds in this world until I came here with you. It's really interesting, hehehe... "

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