Just like that, another three days passed in a flash. During these three days, the wind and sea were rare, and nothing bothered to come to the door.

However, in this world full of weirdos, peace is obviously the most precious thing. City Z has not been peaceful for long, and City J, which is near the sea, has a new problem.

On a sunny afternoon, the sea suddenly turned black, and then huge monsters more than ten meters high emerged from the sea. After these guys appeared, the weather changed.

The sky was originally clear during the day, but it was suddenly covered with dark clouds and light rain fell. There is no doubt that these are weirdos, and they are a very rare army of weirdos!

As the name suggests, the monster army is an army composed of weird people. They don't appear alone, but a group of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of them appear like this. This is also the last natural disaster except the meteorite. A serious disaster.



"There's a weirdo!"

People screamed in panic from the beach in City J, and a few strange people who looked like alien mutant sea monsters laughed horribly.

"Hahaha! From now on, our deep-sea tribe will dominate the entire surface world, don't make unnecessary resistance, just obediently become our food!"

A strange man with an octopus head rolled up a person on the ground with his tentacles as he spoke. It seemed that he was about to eat him. Just as he opened his mouth and waited, suddenly a figure rushed from the side. come out!

In the next second, the tentacles of the monster octopus were cut off, and the unlucky guy caught by the monster octopus also took the opportunity to run away. Only then did the monster octopus see clearly the person who attacked him just now.

"You humans are doing pretty well."

He looked at the human youth wearing tights and holding a spear in front of him with some irony, the latter said with a hearty smile.

"The A-level hero who has just emerged and is gaining popularity, is now the A-level No. 11 hero Poisonous Ginseng!"

"It's an A-level hero Stinger!"

"Finally saved!"

"Come on!"

The people at the scene couldn't help but cheer up when they saw this. After all, because the A-level heroes are already quite powerful, ordinary ghost-level disasters can still be easily resolved.

There are only a few S-level heroes, and it is impossible to be there on time every time. Generally, A-level heroes are the most active, so people still believe in Stinger.

"Come on, guys who want to leave a big hole in their body come on!"

Stinger looked at the deep sea people around him with arrogance and confidence and said, people living in this world also know that it is not suitable to watch by the side at this time, so they are very conscious and ran to the shelter in the distance to wait The battle is over.

Few people in this world except reporters are willing to eat melons when heroes and monsters are fighting, because they might die on the spot in the next second.

In the next second, a cruel battle with one enemy against a hundred and a huge difference in numbers began. At the very beginning, the Stinger had the absolute upper hand.

His marksmanship is quite powerful, and he can poke a big hole in these strange people with just a single poke, but there are too many opponents, and he is a little powerless when he hits them.

The back of the stinger was accidentally hit by a few weirdos, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. However, after he used his unique move, he finally wiped out all the weirdos on the battlefield.

It has to be said that his strength is indeed quite strong, and he even killed all the deep-sea tribes who invaded this time by himself.

"I finally killed them all with my own strength!"

Stinger raised his spear and roared a little excitedly, but the next second a huge blue fist hit his waist, and he was knocked unconscious in an instant.

"You make me so upset, you can die."

A cyan mermaid who was only wearing underwear and was about five or six meters tall casually shot a stunned poisonous stinger into a building. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead. This powerful A-level hero was unexpectedly killed by him.

And he is the leader of the monsters who invaded this time, the king of the deep sea!
The King of the Deep Sea listened with some displeasure, and muttered something about the call for evacuation in the city.

"It's really stupid. There is no such thing as refuge, and no one will be spared. I will kill all the people on the ground and become food for our deep sea people."

The King of the Deep Sea had an unruly and mad smile on his face. At this time, the Heroes Association began to notify the nearby heroes to rush to City J. Naturally, Wang Ming and Geros also received calls from the Association.

However, neither Wang Ming nor Genos took it seriously, because according to the information they received, the S-class hero sexy prisoner had already rushed to the scene.

And the opponent's disaster level evaluation is only ghost level, not even a dragon level guy, an S-level hero should be able to easily solve it.

So the two had no plans to go there. The mere ghost-level disaster was really boring, and even Genos had no interest in it.

"S-class hero sexy prisoner, in order to stop you, escaped successfully!"

At this time, a muscular man in prison clothes suddenly appeared in front of the King of the Deep Sea. The King of the Deep Sea showed a playful smile when he looked at the sexy prisoner.

"Alaala, did you send someone over to die again?"

"It's really good. I feel a strong aura. The A-level 20th Stinger-chan and the A-level No. [-] Lightning Max-chan are boys I like. You actually destroyed them all. It's unforgivable." !"

"Although I was overtaken by Janos Sauce and became the last S-rank hero, I am still an S-rank hero. It is impossible for me to be defeated as easily as the two of them. Be prepared!"

The sexy prisoner rushed out as soon as he finished speaking, and then punched the King of the Deep Sea fiercely in the face, but when he was about to hit, the Queen of the Deep Sea came first and punched the King of the Deep Sea hard. Sexy Prisoner's Face!
The sexy prisoner didn't lose his fighting power after being hit, instead he turned around and punched Deep Sea King hard in the face!
The initial confrontation between the two sides was evenly divided. The two were punched by each other, and their faces were deformed. However, Deep Sea King's resilience was extremely strong, and the injuries on his face recovered after a while.

Although the sexy prisoner had put the crooked bones back to their original positions, his face was also swollen, and he could tell at a glance whether he was strong or weak.

'The guy's physical recovery ability is abnormal, we can't fight him for a long time, we have to deal with him in one go. '

The sexy prisoner could see where his weakness was at a glance, and immediately he had a countermeasure in his mind. To deal with this kind of enemy with strong recovery ability, he must use the greatest strength to eliminate him at once!

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