"Alas, Allah, your attack worked, though only a little."

The King of the Deep Sea twisted his neck that was somewhat disjointed from the beating, then showed an arrogant smile, looked at the sexy prisoner and said.

"Unfortunately, your attack only worked a little bit on me."

The sexy prisoner wiped the nosebleed from his face, with a confident smile on his face, what he said was true, but he was already secretly crying in his heart.

'This guy's fist is so hard, and what's with the abnormal recovery ability, speed, strength, plus recovery, he has almost no shortcomings, where is this monster, but I can't lose, I can't Let the other boys be destroyed by him! '

The sexy prisoner cheered himself up in his heart, he wanted to maintain his dignity as an S-class hero, he couldn't let the boys who believed in him down!
"I can't help it. If this is the case, then I will transform, but the enemies who have seen my posture are already dead, so make up your mind, angel form!"

The sexy prisoner made up his mind, then looked at the Deep Sea King with a serious face and said, the latter also looked a little more serious after hearing his words.

In the next second, the muscles of the sexy prisoner's body began to expand, until the clothes on his body exploded, his whole body grew bigger, and then he was completely naked.

This is his angel form, the principle is to mobilize the muscles of his whole body, and he can't wear any clothes.

That is to say, the King of the Deep Sea is not a human being, and he doesn't know how shameful this kind of thing is, because his own dress is also very eye-catching.

The King of the Deep Sea is in the shape of a huge green muscular mermaid. Except for the fins on his back, his facial features are similar to those of humans. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a green giant.

And the King of the Deep Sea has no fabric on his whole body, only a cloak that symbolizes his royal power, and a pair of underwear that looks like T-shaped pants on his pants.

All in all, the atmosphere at the scene was full of philosophy, and a bit hot-eyed. A muscular man was wearing nothing, and a green muscular man was wearing a pair of T-string pants. There would be nothing wrong with saying that these two are perverts. The voice of rebuttal.

"Angel Clash!"

The sexy prisoner rushed towards the King of the Deep Sea without the slightest hesitation after transforming, because his posture consumes a lot of energy and cannot last long, so he must make a quick decision.

"Ola Ora Ora!"

The sexy prisoner came to the King of the Deep Sea, his hands and feet had turned into afterimages, and he attacked every part of the King of the Deep Sea frantically, and the King of the Deep Sea was suppressed for a while and could only cover his head with his hands and be beaten passively.

The sexy prisoner's terrifying combo lasted for more than a minute before it ended. When the attack ended, the scene was already full of dust and the ground was cracked, which showed that its strength was not weak.

"Solve it?"

The sexy prisoner jumped back to distance himself from the King of the Deep Sea, and looked at the dust in front of him with some doubts. As soon as he finished speaking, a voice full of jokes came from the dust.

"Oh, is your streak over? Then it's up to me!"

As soon as the Deep Sea King finished speaking, he came to the sexy prisoner. The speed of the former was so fast that the sexy prisoner had no time to react, and he was punched hard on the chin.

bang bang bang...

And this time it was the Deep Sea King's turn to launch a stormy series of beatings on the sexy prisoner, but the sexy prisoner did not have the terrifying physique like the Deep Sea King. The power is much greater than him.

"Listen well, the combo is to completely eliminate the enemy in one go, every blow must be struck with killing intent, your flaccid fist is simply ridiculous!"

While beating the sexy prisoner crazily, the King of the Deep Sea said in an educational tone, which directly hit the sexy prisoner both physically and mentally.


The king of the deep sea saw that the beating was almost done, and the continuous beating was over. He kicked the sexy prisoner fiercely. The latter was kicked out by him and directly knocked down a building, and his whole body was buried in the ground. Inside the ruins, it seems that the ominous situation is much worse.

"I'm so happy, the creatures on the ground are really interesting."

After finishing off the sexy prisoner, the King of the Deep Sea sighed like this, but at this time there was no obstacle in front of him.

Seeing this, the King of the Deep Sea turned his attention to the huge circular building on the other side of the city. Then you are the refuge established by the Heroes Association. In theory, it can withstand the bombing of ordinary missiles.

The people who took refuge in City J were hiding inside. The Deep Sea King looked at the huge building with a cruel and bloodthirsty smile on his face.

"A lot of wonderful breaths, it seems that you can have a full meal."


"Teacher, I just got a report from the association that the sexy prisoner of the S-level hero has been defeated, and the danger level of the target person has been raised from the ghost level to the dragon level. Shall we take a look?"

Genos said to Wang Ming very seriously, but Wang Ming waved his hand indifferently.

"If it's not a dragon-level disaster of the natural disaster type, ordinary dragon-level monsters are no match for you. Just go there and I'll see you off."

Wang Ming was really annoyed by such boring things. If there were strong enemies, that would be another matter. Seeing how weak these dragon-level monsters were, he had no interest in making a move at all.

"it is good."

Genos also nodded in agreement. Although he is very strong now, he is definitely not as good as Wang Ming's space transfer in terms of speed, so Wang Ming is willing to give him a ride, and he doesn't mind.

"Go, remember to buy some high-end ingredients when you come back, and make hot pot in the afternoon."

Wang Ming waved his hand indifferently, and the figure of Genos disappeared in the next second. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the center of J City.

"There is a high-energy response in that direction. It seems to be a disaster shelter there, so hurry up!"

Genos's electronic eyes quickly scanned and locked the position of the Deep Sea King. At this time, the Deep Sea King was about to reach the periphery of the refuge.

Genos naturally knows what these weirdos want to do. These weirdos are born with great hostility towards the human race.

The purpose of their appearance seems to be to destroy human beings, without any reason, all the weirdos appear basically for the same purpose.

And the purpose of the King of the Deep Sea is naturally no exception. He just wants to destroy the people in the refuge, or he simply treats the people inside as rations.

So Genos must arrive at the scene before the Deep Sea King destroys the shelter.

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