"Dad, are those monsters still out there?"

"Don't worry, it's absolutely safe to stay in this shelter, and with so many of us, we can attack monsters together at critical times!"

A child in the refuge curled up in his father's arms with some fear, and the father comforted him tremblingly, but what he said obviously didn't match his tone.

At this time, the King of the Deep Sea had already arrived outside the refuge.

"Hehehe, so many wonderful breaths~ It's really intoxicating, then it's time for dinner!"

The King of the Deep Sea sniffed intoxicated, and in the next second, he punched hard on the shell of the circular shelter!
The shell of the shelter, which can resist conventional missile attacks, was like paper in front of the King of the Deep Sea. A big hole was punched out directly, and then his huge body full of oppression was exposed in front of everyone in the shelter.

"Meet for the first time, then goodbye forever."

The King of the Deep Sea showed his thick fangs, looked at the people in the sanctuary with an evil smile, and the people were scared out of their wits by its hideous appearance.

"Are you the King of the Deep Sea, a powerful monster who defeated the sexy prisoner of the S-class hero?"

Just when everyone was in despair, a voice came from behind the Deep Sea King, and both the Deep Sea King and the people looked outside with some doubts.

Because the King of the Deep Sea is too tall, people can see the outside scene through his crotch, and then they found Genos standing quietly in the rain.

"Oh, how come one or two are not finished, and they all like to come to die?"

The King of the Deep Sea had an unhappy expression on his face, while Genos nodded confidently, and then took out the Xingtian Summoner.

"It seems that you have found the wrong person. They are indeed very powerful. No wonder you defeated even the S-level hero sexy prisoner. Your energy level is quite high. If I used to face you alone, I would not be sure, but now I can't. It's the same."

"Xingtian armor!"


'Armor fit! '

A burst of illusory light flashed, and a set of red and white armor appeared on Genos. Now that Geros has re-upgraded the body, the improvement of summoning the armor again is much higher than last time.

Because his strength has increased a lot, Wang Ming dared to let Geros come to deal with the King of the Deep Sea. It is not that Wang Ming has never read the original work. He knows how strong the King of the Deep Sea is. The kind that hangs and hits.

If he wanted to deal with a monster like the Deep Sea King who was relatively strong in the dragon class, he would have to be a top ten hero in the S class to defeat him.

"It's the No. 18 armored warrior of S rank!"

"Oh my god, finally an S-class hero is here!"

"Come on, armored warrior!"

People also recognized Genos at first glance, there is no way, the armor on his body and the armor after Kamen Rider's transformation are too recognizable.

Anyone who knows a little about some heroes will know the names of the two of them. This also relieved the heroes hiding in the crowd. They were originally prepared to fight to the death, but now it seems that there is no need for them. .

"Oh, you look different from those trash before. You seem to be much stronger. It's interesting, it's really interesting."

The King of the Deep Sea squinted his eyes vigilantly when he sensed Genos' defecating temperament after his transformation. Although his tone was ridiculed and mocked this time, his movements were much more serious.

"You have violated the unforgivable crime of genocide in the Human Act, and now I, the Xingtian Armor, have announced that you will be wiped out, so let's arrest you!"

Genos read out Wang Ming's revised armor debut line, which has the attribute of transformation, and then yelled such a cool line, it really attracted fans, and the children in the crowd had already begun to have Learned like a model.

Because compared to heroes in real life, heroes like Genos and Wang Ming with transformation attribute templates are the sci-fi heroes that are often broadcast on TV, and they are also the most acceptable type of heroes.

In fact, there are no normal people in the Heroes Association. They are either superpowers, martial arts masters and body-training masters, or half-robots, or even full-robots and mutants. If you want to find out the ideal hero with this attribute not easy.

This is also the reason why Wang Ming and Genos' popularity soared as soon as they debuted. Even the most popular A-level No. [-] Sweetheart Mask among all the heroes before was surpassed by the popularity of the two of them.

After all, most of the children in this world grew up watching tokusho, and there are tokus in this world, so they have a very high acceptance of two people who are similar to Tokusaku.

"What a mess, watch me tear you apart!"

The King of the Deep Sea snorted in displeasure, and then rushed directly towards Genos. His speed was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of Genos in just a moment, and punched hard, but Genos did not back down , he also punched him without hesitation!
The dull impact sound spread throughout the audience, and then the Deep Sea King was punched by Genos and knocked back a few steps. Now the Deep Sea King was really unbelievable.

"Your strength is so great."

"Why so much nonsense, just be obedient and die."

Genos didn't want to say anything to the Deep Sea King anymore, he rushed towards the opponent directly, his shots were like lightning, his legs were like light, and the Deep Sea King retreated steadily.

He couldn't parry at all for a while, this is the strength of Genos today, in terms of pure fighting skills and strength speed, he can be regarded as the top existence among all S-class heroes.

"Flaming Palm!"

Genos attacked the Deep Sea King frantically for a while, and then took advantage of the gap exposed by the opponent, and slapped him hard on the chest.

The latter was suddenly struck by lightning, and his body turned into an afterimage and flew out, smashing hard on the ground, making a big hole in the ground.

At this time, a clear palm print appeared on his chest, and even the recovery ability he was proud of could not recover from this terrifying injury for a while.

"Ahem! How can you be so strong!"

The King of the Deep Sea uttered an unbelievable cry, and at this time Genos also slowly bent down and took a stance. The next second, the surrounding environment was spinning, and an unknown space enveloped the scene. This is Genos' preparation Zoom in.

In the original book, the ultimate move of the armors is to seal the enemy, but the ultimate move is not only used for sealing, the effect of killing the enemy is also first-class. Strictly speaking, Genos is using the real armor at this time. Must "kill" skills.

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