Suddenly sucked into an unfamiliar space, the King of the Deep Sea looked around in panic, when Janos' voice came into his ears.

"You have violated the unforgivable crime of genocide in the Human Act, and now I, the Xingtian Armor, declare that you will be wiped out, and you can be arrested without a fight!"

"The Promise of Heaven and Earth will kill the heavens!"

Genos yelled loudly, and then rushed towards the Deep Sea King, whose body was bound by a magnetic field. The latter tried desperately to struggle but found that he couldn't move at all, because the field magnetic field of the certain kill technique controlled him.

"Qiankun takes the devil's palm!"

Genos came to the Deep Sea King and slapped him on the head fiercely. The latter was hit on the head without any resistance, and his head exploded on the spot.

And no matter what kind of creature it is, as long as it is not a mythical creature, the loss of its head basically means death. Although the recovery ability of the King of the Deep Sea is strong, it is no exception. It can be said that he died quite miserably.

After the death of the Deep Sea King, the killing field gradually dissipated, and the space returned to normal. The people in the shelter cheered when they saw the Deep Sea King fell to the ground with his head gone.

"Saved! Thank you, Armor Warrior!"

"Janos-kun, I love you!"

"As expected of an S-rank hero!"

People cheered one after another, but Genos didn't care at all. He didn't care about reputation. He scanned his surroundings and found that no new monsters appeared, so he immediately lifted his armor.

"Let's go back quickly, and buy ingredients for dinner."

Genos looked at it for a while, and waved to the people he saved as a symbol. In the next second, he activated his flame injection system and flew in the direction of City Z. Now the most important thing in his mind is The important option is to buy the ingredients for dinner, nothing else.


At the same time, on the other side of the earth, a dinosaur bigger than a mountain walks on the land of America. Its size has surpassed most of the monsters in Ultraman.

"Now that the King of the Underground and the King of the Deep Sea are dead, it's time for us dinosaurs to rule this planet again!"

This huge dinosaur made an arrogant declaration while walking. His voice was so loud that he could hear it clearly even if it was more than ten kilometers away.

And he is the ancient king who once ruled this planet for hundreds of millions of years, and the leader of all dinosaurs!

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, dozens of missiles flew from the distant hillside and hit the ancient king, but for the latter, this attack like scratching an itch couldn't hurt him at all.

The ancient king walked directly towards the chariot that fired the missile over there, but before he took a few steps, a transport plane flew in the sky.

A small black spot fell from the sky on the transport plane, and then landed very lightly on the plain in front of the ancient king. The tornado with the figure of a loli with green long hair was looking at the ancient king with disdain.

"Who are you guy?"

The ancient king looked at the tornado under his feet, which was more inconspicuous than ants, and asked a little strangely, but the latter was about to answer when her phone rang.

"Hey, what? You asked me to go back again! Didn't you say that some strange guy here has awakened and asked me to deal with him? What are you doing? You are always in the morning, right?"

"I'm not a strange guy, listen carefully, I'm the ancient king, the leader of the dinosaurs who once ruled this planet..."

"It's so annoying, didn't you see that I'm on the phone!"

After hearing that he was called a strange guy, the ancient king also opened his mouth to explain, but before he finished speaking, he was yelled at by the tornado.

Because the ancient king's voice was so loud that Long Juan couldn't hear what the person on the other side of the phone said.

The ancient king didn't know why, but he didn't open his mouth to continue interrupting. After the quarrel between the tornado and the other side was almost over, he lowered his head and stared at the tornado with his big head and asked in a low voice.


"What's the matter with your head? Are you trying to scare me?"

Looking at the ancient king's small hillside, the dragon juan complained about the dinosaur head, which was a circle bigger than the average one, and the ancient king was completely irritated by her, he growled.

"You can take advantage of it now, small human being, and when I crush you to the ground, you will know that you are wrong!"

As the ancient king spoke, he raised his big foot and stepped on the tornado fiercely!

In the next second, an earth-shattering loud noise resounded in this desolate plain, and the whole earth trembled. This shows that the power of the ancient king's foot is simply shocking.

However, the ancient king's blow didn't work. The tornado came to the ancient king's side at some point. At this time, she was looking at the ancient king coldly with her hands folded. As the strongest telekinetic superpower, Her strength is beyond doubt.

"Huh? You have some skills, but it is impossible to destroy us again. Unless you move a meteorite to hit me, otherwise, you have no other way."

"That's it, then it's done."

When Long Juan heard the death suggestion given to him by the ancient king, he also nodded in agreement. At this time, the ancient king hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter, so he still mocked with a look of disdain.

"Stop joking, what can you do to me just because you are a little guy?"

After the ancient king taunted, he began to accumulate energy in his mouth, preparing to kill the tornado with a bombardment, but the next second he felt that the sky above his head suddenly darkened.

Then he looked up, and almost scared to death a huge meteorite with a diameter of 5 kilometers, which was rushing towards him, and it was basically impossible to hide at this time!

In the next second, the meteorite slammed into the body of the ancient king, denting him and the whole ground, forming a huge hole.

If it weren't for the fact that this meteorite was pulled from the universe by a tornado with telekinetic power, and its power could be controlled, it is estimated that the entire continental plate would have been dented or even separated by the impact.

Don't underestimate the energy of a meteorite. The energy produced by an ordinary earthquake is equivalent to the explosion of hundreds of nuclear bombs.

Not to mention that such a large meteorite fell from the sky. What the ancient king said before is indeed true. With his size and average defensive power, even the most powerful nuclear bomb hit him.

But things like meteorites are different. The energy contained in meteorites that fall from the sky is definitely hundreds of times more than ordinary nuclear bombs.

Moreover, this is still a physical attack, not an energy attack. The ancient king's defense power does not have much effect, so he was instantly killed by one blow.

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