"Just sleep for another [-] million years."

Tornado looked at the ancient king who had been smashed down and only had a skeleton left, and said something lightly as if joking, then he returned to the plane and returned to the Heroes Association with the plane.

However, she was taken to the meeting room as soon as she got off the plane. At this time, it was already full of people. Almost all the S-level heroes were present, including Wang Ming.

Because they received an emergency notification from the Heroes Association, which was the highest level of emergency notification, no one dared to neglect and rushed over immediately.

Long Juan found that there was still a vacant seat next to Wang Ming, so he sat down on the chair next to Wang Ming, but Long Juan was not like other girls who would become nympho soon after seeing Wang Ming.

The other girls saw Wang Ming committing a nympho because of the chaotic body's natural attraction to lower life forms, while the tornado is a superpower, strictly speaking, it can be regarded as a new human being that has evolved.

So she will not be greatly affected by the chaotic body, at least not so deeply, at most she has a little affection for and pleasing to the eye of the man next to her.

"Everyone, I called everyone here today because I have a very important matter to announce, and this matter can only be said in person."

After a while, a senior member of the Heroes Association came in. He said to everyone with a serious expression, and everyone became serious when they heard the words, ready to hear what was important.

"Grandma Shibabawa passed away. When she predicted the disaster that might destroy the earth half a year ago, our Heroes Association has been preparing for it all the time."

"But Grandma Shibabawa passed away this morning. This is a very bad omen, because if Grandma is still alive, she can give an early warning when a god-level disaster strikes."

"But now that my mother-in-law has passed away, it means that at some point in the future, we will encounter a god-level disaster that can destroy all mankind without warning, so please S-level heroes must be vigilant and be ready at any time." Deal with a disaster of this magnitude!"

This high-ranking member of the Heroes Association explained the matter very seriously and clearly. After hearing his words, all the S-level heroes present except Wang Ming fell into silence.

In fact, this can be regarded as some kind of omen. There is a price to be paid for prophecy. When the prophecy is about to come true, it may be the time when the person who wants to speak is about to pay the price.

There is no 100% perfect ability in the world. If you leak the secrets, you will be eaten back by the heavens. This is a very simple truth. There is nothing that appears out of thin air, it is just an exchange.

While everyone was silent, the building of the Heroes Association headquarters trembled twice, as if it had encountered some violent explosion.

At this time, outside the Heroes Association building, several birdmen with four black wings were throwing energy balls at the Heroes Association. They were the ones who caused the shaking of the building just now.

However, the Heroes Association building is made of special materials, not to mention their energy balls, even nuclear bombs may not be able to break through the building's defenses.

"Hahaha! The other three kings are already dead, so the earth will be ruled by our Sky Clan, the Sky King!"

The red birdman among them laughed arrogantly, but he didn't laugh for a long time, and suddenly felt that he lost consciousness. Before he could realize what was going on, the birdman of the sky tribe had been cut It became countless fragments and fell towards the city below.

"What happened just now?"

"I don't know, anyway, it's right to kill them all."

"Protecting the spacecraft is the first priority."

"This guy flying in the sky is too much of an eyesore."

"Killing is the right choice."

After all the people in the sky clan died, the murderer who killed them all revealed his true colors. This is a strange man with five heads and a pair of huge bat wings, but these five heads seem to have their own independent consciousness. they are talking,

And the ax in his hand was still dripping with blood. It was obvious that he had just used this ax to kill all the members of the Sky Clan in an instant. Its power was unimaginable!
At this time, behind him was an extremely huge spaceship, comparable in size to the entire city of A, descending like a teleport!
There is no doubt that they are the cosmic dark matter pirates!This is an invincible pirate group that dominates the entire universe, and its leader Poros is the overlord of the universe.

This overlord doesn't mean being a ruler, but that he can't find an opponent in the entire universe. His full strength blow can blow up a planet, and he can be regarded as the strongest single life form in the universe.

After all, this world can barely be regarded as a world on the technological side, and it is normal for there to be no powerful single life. In terms of single combat power, Poros is indeed considered the top in this universe.

And the one with five heads who killed Sky King in one blow is one of the three strongest fighters of the Dark Matter Universe Pirates: Meruzagarudo!
After the spaceship arrived, Meruzagarudo jumped to the top of the spaceship, and after confirming that there was no one of his own below.

All the engines of the flagship of the Dark Matter Universe Pirates began to charge, and then suddenly released a terrifying impact, covering the entire city A in an instant!
The terrifying purple light swept across the entire city A in an instant, and the urban area of ​​city A was turned into ruins in an instant. During this process, Wang Ming did not have any abnormal reaction.

Because the dark matter universe pirates use dark matter to attack, there is no energy fluctuation or omen in the process of release.

Even Wang Ming wouldn't be able to detect it if he didn't deliberately perceive it, because this is considered a high-end weapon measured by technology.

And just now Wang Ming was having a boring meeting at the headquarters of the Heroes Association, and he usually does not have the habit of maximizing his perception all the time and knowing all the information around him, so this was succeeded by the Dark Matter Universe Pirates.

After all, Wang Ming cannot be blamed for this matter. Wang Ming is not so idle and boring. If he maximizes his perception, he can clearly feel everything around him, even the footsteps of ants.

But let alone whether this matter is considered voyeurism, just processing these information is enough to bother Wang Ming, just like a person with clairvoyant eyes, who sees everyone through perspective, the kind that directly sees through to the skeleton, Then this is not a superpower, this is a kind of torture.

Because he saw that the people around him were all skeletons, and Wang Ming was almost in the same situation. His perception was the widest, and he could even see the mites on the people around him clearly.

In Wang Ming's eyes, this world is different, a microcosmic world, a world that makes normal people feel sick, a "real" world.

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