At this time, Poros, who had exploded with all his strength, definitely had the strength of a star-level powerhouse, even in the world that shrouded the sky, he was still a saint-level powerhouse.

But this is like fireworks, and as Poros himself said, it is just a short bloom. If he exits this state in time, Poros may still have a few years to live.

But if he is determined to fight to the death, even if Wang Ming fights him standing up, he will decay and die after 10 minutes. This is a warrior who is willing to dedicate his life to the battle. Although his strength is weak, he is indeed a man worthy of respect. opponent.

After the complete eruption, Poros's skin also changed from dark blue to pale. On his pale body, there are many continuous black lines, which looks mysterious and strange.

"Come on, let's start the third round!"

Poros let out a roar full of fighting intent, and then rushed directly towards Wang Ming, this time Wang Ming did not choose to dodge like a play.

Since the opponent has given everything for this battle, Wang Ming, who is a strong man, will give the most basic affirmation. He will let Poros fight to the last moment and die. This is also Poros' long-cherished wish.

So this time Wang Ming fought back, but he still suppressed his power to the same level as Boros, because Wang Ming was confident, even if he only used the opponent's power at the same level.

Simple combat skills and experience can crush the opponent, this is the confidence he has gained from experiencing so many worlds, and it is also to convince Poros.

bang bang bang...

The next moment, there were countless explosions in the air, and every fight between the two would generate a powerful shock wave. Whether it was the S-level heroes below or the members of the Dark Matter Universe Pirates, they were all confused by the shock waves. Unsteady standing.

At this time, the two sides unexpectedly did not choose to fight while the main generals were fighting, because both sides knew that the outcome of this war lay with the two people at the center of the battlefield.

With the terrifying strength of the two, if one side wins, it will completely crush the other side, and no one wants to engage in meaningless battles.

Wang Ming and Poros fought from the ground to the sky, and from the sky to the ground, Wang Ming perfectly displayed the fighting skills obtained from the tablet.

That set of fighting techniques is quite exquisite, even with Wang Ming's current strength, it can still be used, and its origin is definitely not simple.

And in this situation where the strengths of the two sides are equal, whoever has more combat experience and who has stronger fighting skills will have the absolute upper hand.

But the current situation is that Wang Ming suppressed his strength to the same level as Boros, but he was able to gain the upper hand and fight against the opponent.

Wang Ming's fists, feet, shoulders and knees have turned into the most terrifying weapons. At this time, he is like a humanoid combat weapon. To be more precise, the moves in that set of fighting skills are more like humanoid combat weapons. moves.

Extremely vicious and vicious, but quite easy to use.

After Poros was hit by Wang Ming's knee again, the whole person immediately flew out of the atmosphere and flew towards space. In the next second, Wang Ming appeared behind Poros like a ghost, and he elbowed him hard. It's down!

At this time, Poros was like a sandbag, being played with by Wang Ming at will. In the beginning, the two were actually on the same level.

The main reason was that Wang Ming hadn't used this set of fighting skills for a long time, and Boros was at his peak at the beginning, so there was a short-term draw.

It has been 3 minutes since the two fought against each other. If it weren't for the extremely abnormal recovery ability of Poros' body, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

But now the battle situation is truly one-sided, Poros has been beaten unconscious, and he is just fighting with his fists instinctively.

His physical fighting consciousness is extremely strong, even though he is about to lose consciousness, he is still fighting Wang Ming on his own.

This is a true martial idiot and war madman. Even if he is about to die, he will not have any thoughts of begging for mercy or repenting, because Poros knows that he will die in this battle, but he has no regrets!Because this is the destination in his heart!
"Let me free you now."

Looking at Poros who was already on the verge of death, but his body was fighting automatically, Wang Ming said something seriously, but at this moment Poros could no longer hear what he said.

Only the word "fight" remained in his mind, and he didn't have any other thoughts. After Wang Ming kicked Poros away, he bent down slowly and raised his fist.

In the next second, Wang Ming's body shot up into the sky like a cannonball, and an extremely huge hole was sunken in the ground under his feet. Then Wang Ming waved his fist fiercely at Poros who was flying backwards!
An invisible pillar of air was thrown out by Wang Ming, and the moment Poros' body touched the pillar of air, it turned into fly ash.

Like the previous Meruzagarudo, Wang Ming directly wiped out Poros from the quark-level particle level. Although he is a respectable opponent, it does not represent the crime he committed.

These are two different things, and the punishment that should be received must still be there. Wang Ming is very clear about this, and the pillar of air he smashed after destroying Poros, ruthlessly plunged into the deep space of the universe.

I don't know how many meteorites were directly annihilated. This column of air rushed out for several light years, and its speed has surpassed the speed of light by an unknown number of times.

After doing all this, Wang Ming slowly descended from the sky, facing everyone's shocking eyes, Wang Ming nodded and said something.

"It's over, you can deal with the rest of these minions yourself, I think you can't wait a long time ago."

The calm smile returned to Wang Ming's face, and after hearing his words, the rest of the S-class heroes also showed excitement.

One is because the god-level disaster in the prophecy was eliminated, and the other is because they watched Wang Ming and Poros fight just now, and their blood boiled with excitement, and now they want to do it a long time ago.

Among the remaining members of the Dark Matter Universe Pirates, there are two top-level combatants who are at least at the peak of the dragon level, and a group of fighters who are the lowest and ghost-level.

The S-level heroes present were all in line, and one point was enough to fight. It was impossible for them to let these aliens go, because the opponent slaughtered a whole city of people.

Although the chief culprit has been put to death, the S-level heroes can't let the rest of them off so easily. Don't even think about putting them in prison.

Then the battlefield was handed over to the remaining dozen or so S-level heroes, while Wang Ming watched the show from the sidelines. After a while, the whole city of A became lively again.

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