City A was turned into several large battlefields by more than a dozen S-level heroes, among which four S-level heroes formed two teams, and were dealing with the two peak dragon-level combatants.

The other S-level heroes are annihilating those little minions who are about to flee. Although they are little minions to S-level heroes, any one of them has the ability to destroy a city.

If one is let go, it is unknown how many people will die, so the S-level heroes will not be lenient in the slightest, and they all threw themselves into the battle.

The battle lasted for about an hour. The most important thing was that the two fighters at the peak of the dragon level were more difficult to deal with. After all the other minions were killed, the two guys still hadn't fallen.

In the end, all the S-level powerhouses shot together to completely annihilate these two very powerful combatants. So far, the whole incident has ended, and thanks to these aliens, City A has been razed to the ground.

The aftermath of their battle was too fierce, plus the aftermath of Wang Ming's previous battle with Poros, although Wang Ming deliberately controlled the power and reduced the damage to the surroundings, there was no way to avoid it completely.

Or these are trivial matters for Wang Ming, and controlling time in this kind of universe, which is not considered a very advanced universe, is simply a routine for him.

"It's a pity that it's so completely destroyed."

"If I remember correctly, the permanent population of City A is more than 3000 million, right? It's probably going to be a big news now, and the TV station in the next city has already sent a helicopter over."

"This should be the biggest disaster ever suffered by human beings. The alien invasion is really terrifying."

After a group of S-level heroes rescued the trouble, they said with a little sigh that even though they were usually weird and problem children, they still couldn't help but feel a little terrified in the face of the tragic situation at the scene.

And the big commotion here, the city next door has already been aware of it. After knowing through the satellite that the battle is over, the reporters of these TV stations rushed here like sharks that smelled blood.

At this time, there are more than a dozen helicopters circling in the sky. They are all special planes of the major mainstream media on the earth. At this time, they are broadcasting live to report the disaster.

Because the incident was so big that it was impossible to hide it, and the people who saw the tragic scene through the live TV broadcast all exclaimed in disbelief.

"My God, what kind of tragic disaster has this experienced? The entire city has been wiped out, and there is nothing left."

"It's really terrible. Could it be that this disaster was caused by dragon-level monsters again? But to achieve such an exaggerated level, it is still in the city where the headquarters of the Heroes Association is located. At least dozens of dragon-level monsters must be at the same time. show up?"

"Suddenly I feel that the city is too unsafe, and I want to go back to the countryside."

People reacted differently after watching the live broadcast, but most of them had only two emotions, shock and fear. Who wouldn't be afraid of such a tragic scene?
At this time, Wang Ming also stood up and said after seeing the S-level heroes had finished their affairs.

"It's all over, then I'm about to start."


The S-level heroes were stunned, not knowing what Wang Ming meant by saying this, but Wang Ming ignored their reaction, his body gradually floated up to the sky above the city.

At this time, the helicopters in the sky also noticed Wang Ming, and they shot him one after another. After all, Wang Ming is also one of the most popular S-class heroes, and it is not too much to give him a few close-ups.

But what Wang Ming did next shocked the jaws of everyone in the world. Wang Ming put his hands up empty-handed, and a very majestic temperament emanated from him.

"Time, go back."

Wang Ming said something lightly and then waved his hand. In the next second, an extremely shocking scene appeared in front of everyone.

The city that had been destroyed began to recover quickly as if the reverse button was pressed, the damaged roads were restored to their original state, and the buildings that had collapsed into ruins were erected again.

Even the destroyed trees returned to their original state, and then the dead people appeared one by one, at the position one second before their death, and the whole city suddenly became lively.

In just a dozen seconds, the entire city A returned to its previous prosperity and prosperity. It was as if there had never been any disasters or aliens.

To do such a miraculous thing, Wang Ming actually did not consume much, because the people he resurrected were all low-level life forms, and there was no major cause and effect in their bodies, so they were resurrected without any effort.

As for those trees and buildings, it is even more trivial. This seemingly incomparably great deed is just a matter of effort for Wang Ming.

As for why Wang Ming didn't resurrect those people who were killed by other weirdos, it was because Wang Ming didn't think it was necessary.

The reason why he went out of his way today and made such a large-scale intervention in reality is because the disaster today could have been avoided, because Wang Ming was sitting at the headquarters of the Heroes Association at that time.

But he didn't discover and warn in advance. Wang Ming felt a little shameless, so he did this. As for the other people who died in the disaster before, it's none of Wang Ming's business.

There is a cause and effect in this world. Who and when will die are all predestined in the dark. Wang Ming has no reason to intervene, although this is not a big or difficult matter for him.

But Wang Ming feels that as long as there is no one who has a good relationship with him, he doesn't need to interfere with the karmic cycle of this world.

After all, he himself is also the controller of karmic reincarnation. Regarding these matters, Wang Ming's attitude in most cases is a kind of idea of ​​letting nature take its course.

"My God, is this a miracle!"

"What the hell is going on here?!"

"This must be God descending into the world! The god of the world!"

The people who saw this scene through the live TV broadcast were all crazy and overwhelmed. They were a little dazed by the sudden huge amount of information, but when they reacted, no one was not crazy.

Because this kind of miracle appeared under their noses, and although the S-level heroes were not as crazy as ordinary people, they were still inexplicably shocked. They vaguely guessed that this was Wang Ming's ability.

"Is this time ability?"

"So great, so terrible..."

"Since he can use the time ability to such an extent, he is almost invincible?"

The S-level heroes looked at Wang Ming in the sky in shock and muttered to themselves. The scene before them also subverted their worldview.

For the first time, they knew that there was really someone who could stand shoulder to shoulder with a god...

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