Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 316 Full-scale invasion of the Weird Association!

For a while, the whole underground was immersed in the frantic laughter of strange people, and Putuosa did not stop this chaos, it might be better to say that he enjoyed this chaos very much.

At this time, the people on the ground didn't know anything about the upcoming danger, and people were still immersed in the discussion with Wang Ming.

Although Wang Ming later explained that this is only a time-based superpower, and it has a huge price, it cannot be used again for a period of time, but there are still a large number of people flocking to Wang Ming.

The sects established spontaneously by the people became more and more prosperous, and even in this technology-based world, there was a wave of worshiping gods for a while, and the god people worshiped was Wang Ming.

Wang Ming was also very helpless about this, and not only the ordinary people were crazy, but even the high-level officials of the Heroes Association came to Wang Ming through various connections to ask Wang Ming if there was any way to help people rejuvenate.

This is actually very normal, living beings are afraid of death, Wang Ming also understands why these people asked him, but Wang Ming rejected them all.

He didn't bother to take care of these things, because Wang Ming had already decided to leave this world, and just yesterday, the bond value between him and Qiyu had been maxed out.

And he has stayed in this world for two months, and it is almost time to travel to other worlds. As a world traveler, it is not good to stay in one world all the time.

There are so many worlds in the heavens and myriad worlds. If Wang Ming stays in each world for several years, then Wang Ming can't bear it, although his lifespan is now theoretically unlimited.

But if you stay in one world for a long time, you will feel bored, so Wang Ming usually stays in one world for no more than a year, unless there are special circumstances, he will stay longer.

"It's time to leave too, I've stayed in this world long enough."

Early this morning, Wang Ming did not go to Qiyu's house. He simply left a letter on the table in his residence, and was about to leave directly. Method.

Just when Wang Ming took out his tablet and was about to click the button to travel through the world, a violent explosion interrupted Wang Ming's movements. If it was just an ordinary explosion, Wang Ming wouldn't care much about it, maybe there was some desperate weirdo out to make trouble up.

But this kind of explosion is extremely powerful, and when Wang Ming released his perception, he realized that the seven large cities in the extreme east of ABCDEFJ had already fallen into a sea of ​​flames and boundless chaos.

Monsters with grotesque shapes but extremely huge bodies were wantonly destroying the city. For a moment, Wang Ming thought that monsters from the Ultra universe had passed through.

Because the scene in front of him is so similar, the recovery of Gatanjae he experienced in the world of Diga, set off the final darkness.

"What happened again? I don't seem to remember such a plot in the original book?"

After Wang Ming sensed the situation outside, he immediately stopped his movements and put the tablet back on his waist again. He muttered to himself with some doubts. What happened in front of him was completely different from the original works he had read.

Not to mention whether there is such a plot in the original book, these new monsters are already strange enough, and there is no objection to calling them monsters because of their huge size.

Jingle Bell……

At this moment, Wang Ming's cell phone rang, and it was someone from the Heroes' Association calling. Wang Ming answered the call without any hesitation, because he really wanted to know what happened, so after the call was passed, Wang Ming Ming didn't wait for the other party to speak, so he asked directly.

"Hey, what's going on now?"

"Mr. Wang Ming, something big has happened! The Monster Association has fully invaded! Moreover, their strength is dozens of times stronger than our information. Any of their weakest guys can fight an S-level hero on par. , now all the S-level heroes in the association are in a hard fight!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very familiar. If Wang Ming remembered correctly, it should be a senior member of the Heroes Association, but it sounded quite noisy on his side, and it seemed that the situation was not easy.

"Okay, I see, I will solve it right away."

Originally, Wang Ming didn't want to care about this matter. After all, Qiyu was there, let alone the Weird Association. Even if all the powerful people in this universe attacked him later, he could solve it perfectly.

But the current situation was beyond Wang Ming's expectations. He also wanted to know what the truth was, so he gave up the idea of ​​leaving for the time being.

Then, with a thought, Wang Ming came to City A, where the most strange people gathered. Speaking of which, this place was also full of disasters. It was destroyed by aliens just a few days ago.

Two days later, the Monster Association encountered a full-scale invasion, and the Monster Association seemed to regard this place as the main battlefield, and there were a lot of monsters here. After all, the headquarters of the Hero Association is here, and it is normal that it will receive special attention.


"Is the world going to be destroyed!"

"God! Come and save us!"

The city below Wang Ming fell into incomparable panic and chaos, people's screams of despair were everywhere, and the scene was as terrifying as a purgatory on earth.

There were corpses everywhere, and some weird people who liked to eat people were feasting on these corpses. Seeing this, Wang Ming couldn't help frowning.

"It's really unpleasant stuff."

He stretched out his hand after saying a word to himself, and at the same time as Wang Ming stretched out his hand, countless iron swords appeared out of nowhere in the sky, which were created by him condensing the iron elements in the surrounding environment.


Wang Ming said something in a calm tone, then waved his arms lightly towards the ground, those iron swords seemed to have received an order, and started to fall crazily!
Whoosh whoosh!
A piercing screeching sound resounded from the sky of City A, and countless iron swords fell from the sky. These iron swords seemed to have their own consciousness, choosing targets to attack.

They are very consciously looking for all kinds of weirdos, and once they find the weirdos, they directly chop them into pieces at an incomparably terrifying speed.

In just an instant, the situation on the scene was reversed. A large number of strange people died, and huge corpses fell all over the city, rendering the scene that was already somewhat like a purgatory on earth even more bloody.

With the fall of the iron sword, the turmoil in the city gradually subsided, and in just less than a minute, Wang Ming killed all the weirdos in the entire city A.

After seeing this scene, the surviving people immediately broke out into joyful laughter for the rest of their lives, and just when Wang Ming was about to leave for the next city to clean up the weirdos.

Suddenly an extremely powerful figure appeared in front of him, and it was Putuosa who blocked Wang Ming's way!

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