"I've been waiting for you for a long time. I let these wastes come out to make trouble, just to lure you out. You should obediently become my nourishment."

Putuosa stared at Wang Ming with endless greed in his eyes, and Wang Ming was also looking at this strange man who suddenly appeared. This is a strange man with a red body, muscles on his body, and looks very strong.

But there are twelve eyes on his head, and he has no ears, not even nostrils, and the whole face has twelve eyes except for the mouth.

Its limbs are composed of countless tentacles. The reason why it looks like one now is because these tentacles are entangled together, giving people a rather weird feeling.

This is a guy who is even weirder than a weirdo. This is Wang Ming's first impression of Putuosa. No matter how strange the weirdo looks, it is still relatively normal. Putuosa's appearance can only be described in one sentence.

This kind of physical art is still too early for human beings.

"You are so ugly. Tell me, who are you? I don't remember that there is someone like you on Earth, and I feel some familiar aura from you."

After Wang Ming saw the mighty Putuosa, he didn't feel shocked or surprised. He still had a flat smile on his face, and his attitude seemed to make Putuosa very dissatisfied. The latter seemed to be angry with Wang Ming. I laughed strangely.

"Jie Jie Jie, of course you will feel a familiar atmosphere, because I followed you from the previous world, but you seem to be unconscious at all, you have been targeted by our weird clan, but I don't know it yet, it really makes people laugh out loud, hehehe..."

I have to say that Putuosa's words really surprised Wang Ming. He wasn't surprised that he was being targeted by some strange people. He was surprised because how did this guy follow him?
One must know that with his normal strength, he is already equivalent to a real fairy in that world. This guy can hide from his perception and follow him. Could it be that he is a legendary fairy king?
"Are you the Immortal King powerhouse in that world?"

Wang Ming didn't hide at all that he thought about it and asked. Seeing that he had successfully mobilized Wang Ming's emotions, Putuosa seemed to enjoy it and laughed a few times.

"Hey hey, Immortal King? What kind of rubbish is that? My deity is just an ant that can be crushed to death with a single finger. I'm not afraid to tell you that now I'm just a clone of my deity.

If it wasn't for some unknown reason in this world that prevented me from being able to contact the deity, our strange clan would have arrived long ago. Although this is just a clone, it also has the strength of an ordinary fairy king as you know it. The deity of this seat is the quasi-immortal emperor! "

After listening to Putuosa's description, Wang Ming's eyes finally became serious this time, because he had estimated his own strength and the combat power of that world before, and his full strength state was only that of a quasi-immortal emperor. to an extent.

In other words, this guy's true self is a super strong man who can wrestle with him, and according to what he said, they are a group, and he can only be regarded as an upper-middle level in this group.

This is a bit scary. A strong man who is almost multi-level, in this so-called strange family, is only in the middle and upper reaches of the combat power, so how outrageous is their top strong man?
multi-level?Or an infinite multiverse?

No matter which one of them it is, the current Wang Ming is not able to compete, but fortunately, the other party has no way to travel through various unknown multiverses at will like him, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Only now did Wang Ming roughly understand the relationship between the various worlds he experienced. According to his own guess, countless universes and multiple universes exist in an unknown and boundless super-large space.

There are many different universes in this space domain. These universes are like countless irregular lines. Although they are close at hand, they may never be connected together, and there is no way to have any connection.

And some similar universes may be connected with the surrounding universes. The most representative of them is the linkage of various worlds. It is also because of this reason that the old devil and the emperor were able to cross the border.

Because they are all in a relatively close position, after all, they are all special photos.

The world that Wang Ming experienced before was obviously a fictional world. If such a huge world view was made into a film and television work, Wang Ming would have no reason not to know.

This is also why Putuosa said just now that he had no way to contact his true deity. Although these were just Wang Ming's guesses, Putuosa's statement also indirectly confirmed his guess.

After all, novels and animations belong to different fields, not to mention the different places of production. Wang Ming even wondered, if he is now traveling through a world that is also a fantasy novel, has this so-called weird family already broken up? Coming to your door?

After all, there are strong people of that level. As long as they have coordinates, it is not difficult for them to travel through the multiverse. The emperor can barely do this, let alone these stronger guys.

But obviously before Wang Ming appeared, all the world they knew was just their own world view. They had never thought about a bigger world, so they would not explore outside.

Even if they explore outwards, it is useless, and they can hardly find a new multiverse. As I said before, if there is no connection between two multiverses, it is impossible to be related to each other, even if these two multiverses are basically close to each other. It's impossible to wear it.

In the past, whether it was the emperor or the old devil king, it was because of the existence of Wang Ming that he was able to go to other multiverses, because Wang Ming was the bridge connecting these worlds together.

If Wang Ming doesn't show up, although it is possible for these special universes to be connected one day in the future, it is unknown how long it will take.

From here, one can see the horror of Wang Ming's belt. Wang Ming is already doubting the nature of this belt, because the personality it shows is too high.

It's not that I look down on Xiao Ming's ability, but running around at this level is indeed a bit of a foul, a bit beyond the recognition of Wang Ming's belt.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Ming pays more attention to his own training, because the power of this belt has reached the level that makes Wang Ming feel a little inferior. His psychology has also undergone a huge change because of this before, and it will not be good. Now he has corrected it.

At the very beginning, Wang Ming thought that he was the host of the belt, and the belt would live and die with him. It wasn't until the Ultra World that he had a vague feeling that he was the parasite attached to the belt.

It doesn't matter whether he has a belt or not, and he will be useless without a belt. This is what Wang Ming fears.

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