"Impossible! An ant that is not even a fairy can withstand a blow from me without dying!"

Putuosa was a little surprised looking at Saitama who was standing up in the big pit below, patting the dust on his clothes. At this time, Saitama's body was a little tattered, and many holes were punched out of his proud combat uniform.

However, he himself still looked dumbfounded, Qiyu looked at the tattered combat uniform on his body, and touched his head in distress.

"The clothes are broken. It's very expensive to mend this clothes. You guys are so rough."

After a while, Qiyu looked at Putuosa angrily, not because the other party hit him, but because the other party broke his clothes.

After being angry, Qiyu seemed to have come to his senses, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Putuosa in surprise, and he was still muttering something that Putuosa couldn't understand.

"His strength seems to be stronger than mine, and he is still a weirdo who wants to destroy the earth, so I can beat him?!"

Saitama suddenly changed his dull expression and became quite excited. Now he is really excited because he has met an opponent worthy of his shot.

Before Qiyu also knew that Wang Ming was strong, but he didn't want to fight with Wang Ming, because in his heart Wang Ming was a friend, a hero and a good person, no matter whether he was competing with Qitama or not, he didn't want to fight with him.

Because he was afraid of breaking Wang Ming, if Wang Ming was really a very weak rookie, Qiyu didn't care about controlling his strength and could fight him.

But Wang Ming is a very powerful hero, a powerful hero who can make Saitama faintly feel threatened, and his body can't help but want to break through the limiter.

Against such a powerful hero, Saitama couldn't perfectly control the strength of his punches. In the end, he really might accidentally injure Wang Ming because he couldn't hold back his hands.

This is the real reason why Qiyu does not want to fight with Wang Ming, and it is also the worry that Qiyu has always hidden in his heart. Of course, this is just his own concern, but he really treats Wang Ming as a friend, so he is like this to worry about.

But now that he meets a ridiculously strong weirdo who can let him play to his heart's content, Saitama doesn't have any psychological burden. It's better to say that he dreams about the appearance of such a perfect enemy.

"That red-eyed monster, I'll fight you!"

The moment Qiyu ignited his fighting spirit, Wang Ming could clearly feel that his aura had suddenly increased by more than a hundred times. No one knew how many layers of limiters Qiyu broke through at this moment.

Although Wang Ming also felt that Saitama's power was endowed by the will of the universe before, no matter how strong he is, he is still strong, but the universe level is limited in the universe after all.

But now Wang Ming has changed his opinion, because this world is really not simple, although it looks like an ordinary single universe.

But the fact is that this is not the case at all. This universe is not simple, and it also hides huge secrets, because with Wang Ming's current strength, it is not difficult to break the barriers of a single universe, even a multiverse.

If he knows the coordinates now, he can use his own power to return to the world he has been to before, just like what the Emperor and the old devil did back then.

And Wang Ming has indeed left some coordinates in the world he has experienced. Could it be that some people really think that it is fun for Wang Ming to send out some armors when he has nothing to do?
This trick, this trick was learned by Wang Ming from the old devil king. Even if the old devil king is not as powerful as him, he can use this method to cross the border. It is a lie to say that Wang Ming can't do it.

And after Wang Ming arrived in this universe, he didn't try to break the barrier of the universe for the first time. No one had nothing to try this thing.

And just now, after Qiyu survived a casual blow by a fairy king level powerhouse, Wang Ming re-examined this problem, so just now Wang Ming tried to break the cosmic barrier and he failed.

what does that mean?This means that this universe, which looks like a single universe, has a much stronger cosmic barrier than the multiverse.

In other words, it is not an ordinary single universe at all. This is a multiverse in the cloak of a single universe. At least the strength of this universe has surpassed most multiverses.

It is not the kind that can be destroyed casually. If you want to destroy a universe of this level, you must have at least a multi-level combat power. This kind of universe can be regarded as a very special kind.

It is a rare thing. Wang Ming has traveled through so many worlds, but he has never seen this special universe. He has only seen descriptions of this kind of universe in the materials recorded on the tablet.

If I remember correctly, the information on the tablet refers to this special universe as Xeon Universe.

This kind of universe is on the same level as the multiverse in terms of personality, and is stronger than the multiverse in terms of quality, but the multiverse is also divided into large and weak. The general Xeon universe is better than the ordinary multiverse. last point.

However, unlike the multiverse, there is only one Xeon universe, which looks like a single universe on the outside, but it is actually a terrifying universe that can give birth to multi-level powerhouses.

Anyone who mistakes this kind of universe for a single universe will probably die miserably, but the Xeon universe is very rare, and it and the multiverse follow two extreme evolutionary routes.

That's right, each universe will evolve, and they can be understood as another form of life, and a single universe also has the potential to grow into a multiverse.

However, the Xeon universe and the multiverse seem to be in the direction of evolution. The multiverse is infinitely expanding, and the bigger the better, the more universes it contains, the better, because the more universes it contains, the multiverse The universe is more powerful.

The Xeon universe shrinks all timelines, spacelines, and origins, and only strengthens its own main universe. This kind of universe pursues uniqueness of itself.

The evolution pursued by the multiverse is to become an infinite multiverse, that is, to spread itself to the extent that it exists everywhere. As long as there is a concept of the universe, it exists by itself.

The evolution pursued by the Xeon Universe is the only real world in the legend. As the name suggests, this kind of universe wants to make itself unique, irreplaceable, and the only universe in all worlds.

These two evolutionary directions are actually promising, but the time they need to consume is very terrifying. Many Xeon universes and multiverses cannot evolve to a higher level until they decay.

Because it is too difficult for them to evolve by their own strength, some universes with self-awareness or ignorant consciousness began to give birth to the existence of the Son of Destiny.

This is the so-called protagonist, and the meaning of their existence is to make themselves stronger and promote the evolution of the main universe.

And Saitama is the destiny son of this Xeon universe!

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