This is also the reason why Qiyu was hit by Putuosa just now, but nothing happened. You must know that the blow by Putuo just now seemed random, but the power contained in it is really not too big to blow up a universe. Disaster.

After all, a cosmic-level powerhouse is only a monk equivalent to a true immortal. Isn't it as easy for him to kill a true immortal as a fairy king?
But Qiyu actually held on so abruptly. You must know that Qitama's strength was even at the galaxy level before, and in just a moment, he raised his strength to the universe level.

Although there is still a huge gap with Putuosa, if Putuosa continues to fight him, it is really unknown who will win the battle.

"You are an interesting ant. Did you use any secret method? You have increased your strength in an instant, but the price of your secret method is probably very serious. Forget it, I will show you a ride with mercy."

This time Putuosa really became interested in Saitama, he looked at Saitama and said something with great interest, while Saitama touched his big bald head and replied somewhat at a loss.

"What secret method? I don't understand what you are talking about, don't care about these details, fight with me!"

Qiyu was a little confused at the beginning, but immediately burned with a raging fighting spirit, and Wang Ming also took the initiative to propose when he saw this.

"Since that's the case, let's go to the starry sky to fight. Although I don't know what your purpose is, you don't want the men you have trained so hard to die in the aftermath of the battle.

It can be seen that you have great ideas about this world, but it is impossible for one person to rule the world, you need a group of reliable subordinates. "

"You're not stupid, if that's the case, then let's fight in the starry sky!"

Putuosa also nodded indifferently, and after saying this, he flew towards the starry sky of the universe, while Wang Ming followed with Qiyu.

Qiyu's face turned purple the moment he entered space, because he felt that he couldn't breathe, but after a while, something miraculous happened, and Qiyu returned to normal directly.

He seems to have perfectly adapted to the environment in space. Even Wang Ming felt a little speechless when he saw this abnormal growth and adaptability. If the moment just now was evolution, Saitama at least Evolution over hundreds of millions of years.

Wang Ming could see that Saitama didn't use any special ability to block the environment in the universe. He adapted to the environment in the universe in an instant, just as normal and natural as human beings on the earth.

These are basically two concepts. Wang Ming has a chaotic body and six paths of reincarnation are not afraid of the vacuum environment. Not afraid of the vacuum environment and fully adapting to the vacuum environment are two concepts. The former is resistance, and the latter is fusion.

Wang Ming suddenly had a premonition that this guy Putuosa might not need to get close by himself, and whether he can beat Saitama is still a question.

After all, Qitama's growth rate is too terrifying, and the world of One Punch Man is his home field. Judging from the current trend, Wang Ming himself has no confidence in defeating Qitama.

Putuosa's speed was very fast. He used a method similar to short-distance space displacement, and Wang Ming also used the same method to lead Qiyu forward. After a while, several people ran away tens of light years.

The earth is finally at a relatively safe distance, and Wang Ming will pay attention to the aftermath of the battle of several people, so there is no need to worry about the earth being affected.

"Okay, here you go, let's get started."

Wang Ming said with great interest through the words in his mind that he really wanted to see what step Qiyu could make, while Putuosa gave Wang Ming a sneer.

"Don't be too happy too early. When I kill him, you will be next. Why don't you two go together."

Putuosa said very arrogantly, Qiyu was a little anxious when he heard the words, but he didn't know how to read words in the heart, so he opened his mouth there and didn't say a word for a long time.

Just when Putuosa was about to laugh, something even more miraculous happened. Wang Ming didn't even know what happened. Anyway, Qiyu can speak directly in a vacuum at this time, which makes no sense at all.

"You don't want to fight Wang Mingsang, a weirdo. I want to fight him. It's been a long time since I met a weirdo who can make my blood boil. Is this a gift from God?"

Qiyu's anxious voice reached the ears of the two of them, and Putuosa was furious when he heard his words, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he shot at Qiyu directly!
"The yellow-mouthed kid wants to die!"

Putuosa roared wildly, and then came to Qiyu as if teleporting, and slapped fiercely!
In the next second, the surrounding space trembled violently, and the terrifying fluctuation instantly spread to the surrounding light-years. Various stars within a few light-years were directly shattered, and the starry sky darkened immediately.

The aftermath alone is terrifying, and the power of his palm can be imagined. You must know that Wang Ming is protecting the surrounding space all the time. Now this scene may be even more spectacular, and stopping the aftermath of their battle at this level, It is not difficult for Wang Ming.

Otherwise, Putosa's palm can directly destroy half of the starry sky in the universe. Of course, the universe itself will not be destroyed by him, but the stars, which can be regarded as cells in the universe, will be destroyed of.

Saitama didn't react for a while, and received the palm firmly. The next second, his body flew upside down faster than the speed of light. What was quite strange was that during the upside down flight, Qiyu's aura was also changing. As he kept climbing, his strength doubled several times.

This is to become stronger after being beaten. Now Wang Ming can see the characteristics of the limiter on Qiyu. The greater the crisis encountered, the faster the limiter will be broken.

For example, when encountering a hungry wolf in the starry sky, or an enemy like Poros who is not a big threat to him, his limiter will be broken very slowly.

And if he encounters a universe-destroying crisis like Putusa, the limiter on Saitama's body will explode at a rather outrageous speed. It feels like the entire Xeon universe is instilling power into him. .

To put it simply, Putuosa's slap just now directly hit Saitama from the universe level to half-step multi-level, which does not mean that Putuosa really knows how to play.

His first slap knocked Saitama from the galaxy level to the cosmic level, and this second slap directly knocked Saitama down from the cosmic level by half a step, which is already equivalent to the fairy king level in the world of Shrouding the Sky Fighting strength.

That is to say, Putuosa beat Saitama twice, and brought the opponent's strength to the same level as his own, and then came the real battle, a half-step multi-diversity battle of equal power!

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