Because now Saitama is facing an opponent of the same level as himself, his limiter will not explode so fast, and his limiter will explode quickly, only when the power gap between the two sides is very large.

And once the strength of the two sides reaches a similar level, the speed at which Saitama's limiter explodes will become very slow, and it will not even explode until the last moment.

Saitama's setting reminded Wang Ming of a perfect creature from the Ultra world, that is Yefu, the only perfect ultimate life form in the Ultra world.

It can't be beaten to death no matter what, it can be revived after being beaten into scum, and it can become stronger than before, and it can also copy the opponent's skills. If the opponent responds with violence, it will respond with more violence. This is like a mirror .

Saitama's setting is somewhat similar to this, but not exactly the same. Saitama's setting is more perverted than Yefu.

And Putosa's punch could have directly hit Saitama to the edge of the universe, but Saitama stopped after flying out for a light year, and when he stopped, the aura exuded from his body was no longer comparable to Putuosha is going to be weak.

"how can that be!?"

Putuosa looked at Saitama in a daze. Although he was separated by several light-years, his twelve eyes were not mortal. He suddenly had a feeling of doubting his life.

This guy obviously wasn't even a real fairy in the last second, why did he become a fairy king in a split second?
Rao is the well-informed Putuosa, who was a little shocked after seeing this scene, and he was even more shocked later, it can be seen that a space portal suddenly appeared in front of him, and Saitama stepped out of it in one step, and then Qiyu waved to Wang Ming immediately and said excitedly.

"Wang Mingsang, I can also do your trick, it's really useful!"

"Yeah, I think so too."

Wang Ming also felt speechless at this moment. He forced a smile on his face and nodded. Is this the gold content of Xeon Universe Destiny's Son?It made Wang Ming want to call his adoptive father in the past.

It took only one second for Qiyu to surpass Wang Ming's decades of hard work, and also surpassed Putuosa's unknowingly hundreds of millions of years of hard work. Both of them actually felt very uncomfortable.

Especially Putuosa, he has the feeling of beeping the dog, this guy doesn't even play it, at least he plays the explosive kind to improve his strength to make him psychologically balanced, isn't it like this for ordinary protagonists?How can you be so blatant!
"Okay, you multi-eyed red-headed monster, now is the time for us to have a real showdown, give us a serious punch!"


After sharing his joy with Wang Ming, Qiyu showed a serious expression on his face. The next second, he came to Putuosa and punched Putuosa hard, but the latter hadn't reacted yet. , was hit by Saitama!

Wang Ming could clearly feel that the star field he was in trembled, and the power of Saitama's punch was simply unimaginable.

If it were an ordinary multiverse, his punch would be powerful enough to break through the cosmic barriers of hundreds of millions of universes, that is, the cosmic barriers of Xeon universes are hard enough to allow him to play so unscrupulously.

And the end of Putuosa who was hit by this terrifying blow was naturally quite miserable. His body exploded in an instant into a bloody mist, and he didn't even have a chance to fly backwards.

He was beaten into blood scum the size of countless molecules on the spot, the strength of Saitama's fist did not disappear, and his fist strength flew towards the deeper starry sky.

Wang Ming clearly felt that a large starry sky was forcibly obliterated in the direction where the fist was flying. This is the starry sky of the Xeon universe, and the starry sky of the single universe is completely two concepts.

The Xeon universe is many times larger than the normal universe. At least Wang Ming has enlarged his perception to the limit, and he still has no way to see the whole picture of the Xeon universe.

This is also the news that he detected together when he discovered the anomaly of the universe just now. Several characteristics of the Xeon universe now conform to the description on the tablet data.

The personality is equal to the multiverse, and the cosmic barrier is even several times stronger than the general multiverse, and the volume is at least a million times that of the general single universe. The exaggerated Xeon universe is even equivalent to hundreds of millions of ordinary universes. size, and the space in the Xeon universe is much stronger than that of the single universe.

Only with these prerequisites can a perverted son of destiny like Saitama be born. That is to say, after Wang Ming obtains Saitama's ability card, he can also exert an effect similar to getting stronger and stronger in battle.

"In that case, wouldn't I already be able to reach the multi-level in the god-lord mode? Even if I didn't have this level when I first transformed, I will become stronger and stronger and finally reach the multi-level."

Thinking of this, Wang Ming suddenly felt that his newly obtained Saitama Ability Card was so strong that he didn't need to find any other strong people. Now Wang Ming already has the qualification to wrestle with ordinary multiverse-level strong people. .

"Huh? I punched him again? How could this happen!"

At this time, Qiyu's mood was broken, and he finally met a strong opponent, but he was dealt with by himself with a punch. He felt the world's deep malice towards him.

"Bastard! How dare you break my body!"

Just when Qiyu was a little disappointed, an extremely angry voice came from in front of him, and then Qiyu saw that the weird guy who was blown up by him just now had returned to his original state, he was not dead at all!
"What, it turns out you're not dead, that's really great."

After Qiyu saw Putusa who had returned to its original state, he immediately showed an excited expression, and the latter said to Saitama with a gloomy face.

"I am an immortal king, I am almost immortal, why should I be afraid of your barbarian strength, but your strength is a bit scary, do you practice strength to prove the Tao? I don't know what I will grow up to if I swallow you to the point..."

Putuosa's expression gradually changed from the initial anger to greed. He looked at Saitama as if he was looking at a big tonic. The salivating look made people think that he was a gay.

And Wang Ming saw Putuosa's performance, and he realized something in his heart. It seems that the immortal king's immortality is really not a joke, and it is basically consistent with the information he got in the last world.

"I don't care who you are, if you want to fight, come on, it's been a long time since you've been so excited!"

Saitama directly chose to ignore Putuosa's self-promotion. He clenched his fists excitedly, looking eager to try.

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