"But I can't kill you."

Qiyu shook his head helplessly when he heard the words, he had beaten the guy in front of him more than 60 times, but this guy just couldn't die.

The Immortal King's immortality is extremely strong, and it is almost impossible to kill Putuosa through Saitama's method of vigorously performing miracles.

After all, Saitama's only means of attack is just fists. He makes people feel helpless because of his perverted adaptability and ability to break the limiter.

It is not so easy to kill an Immortal King, even if it is an avatar Immortal King. Pure violence is useless, and this involves a matter of law.

When Emperor Huangtian had not left the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, he had encountered enemies at the level of Immortal Kings, and he also discovered that a strong man of this level was almost indestructible.

So Emperor Huangtian obliterated his physical body, and used his soul to practice weapons, and then he discovered that this method is really good, so most of the enemies he encountered afterward that could not be killed ended up in this way.

"Bastard! Why are you such a waste!"

Putuosa was so angry that he cursed, he was almost mad by this guy in front of him, this is a big weirdo, he didn't want to see him in his life, even if the deity met him in the future, he would hide away.

"Okay, then I should be a good person and do good deeds, don't you want to be relieved? I will help you."

At this moment, Wang Ming, who had been watching the play, walked over wearing the emperor's armor, and there was a hint of schadenfreude in his tone.

But at this time, Putuosa couldn't care so much anymore, he wanted a relief now, so he said to Wang Ming in a pleading tone.

"Please, kill me quickly, I don't want to see this bald man again!"

"Hey, you are so rude, who is bald!"

After hearing Putuosa's words, Qiyu said a little angrily, but Putuosa didn't even bother to look at him at this time, he didn't want to see this bald man again in his life.

"In this case, you can go all the way and say hello to your deity for me, and I will go to him in the future."

Wang Ming stopped Qiyu who was about to rush up to beat Putuosa and said, and then he didn't say anything more, only to see the halo of six reincarnations appearing behind Wang Ming, which made him look very sacred.

"This, is this the Six Paths of Reincarnation?!"

Putuosa, who had closed her eyes and waited to die, immediately opened her eyes wide after feeling the breath of the six realms of reincarnation, and looked at Wang Ming as if she had seen a ghost.

Because the last person who used this kind of power had scared them, and that six-path reincarnation boxing move is still imprinted in his heart and cannot be erased, let alone his Huazi Dafa after the advanced six-path reincarnation. The thing is the Dafa that can reflect the heavens.

It stands to reason that he should not see the power of the six realms of reincarnation anywhere, and this thing is not Chinese cabbage, it can be seen everywhere.

On the contrary, this is a very rare thing. In the heavens and worlds where Putuosa is located, he has only seen a few people who can use this kind of power, and all of them who can use this kind of power are unrivaled powerhouses.



Wang Ming directly covered Putuosa with the power of reincarnation of the six realms. The latter seemed to want to say something, but it was too late. It was only a few breaths, and his body and spirit were absorbed by the reincarnation of the six realms. up.

Because Putuosa had no intention of resisting at all, Wang Ming did these things quite easily. After all, no matter how good he is, he is still a half-step multi-step immortal king-level powerhouse.

Really desperately resisting, it is really difficult for Wang Ming not to use the God Lord form to suppress him, but this guy seems to have the idea of ​​​​repenting at the last moment, so Wang Ming immediately stepped up his efforts to refine him.

Now his avatar is completely belching, and Wang Ming refined a quasi-immortal emperor avatar, and the harvest is quite huge.

His Six Paths of Reincarnation is a whole circle bigger than before, which is also the scary thing about Six Paths of Reincarnation. It can absorb and devour other strong people as nourishment to strengthen itself through this method.

However, Wang Ming usually would not use this method, and this time, if it wasn't for Putuosa's own initiative to seek death, Wang Ming would not have used this method either.

This method is harmful to the world, and it also conflicts with Wang Ming's beliefs. Generally speaking, if the person does not actively ask for it, he will not use it like this. Trouble, so Wang Ming will not use it lightly.

But only through this method can he kill Putuosa the fastest. After all, the other party is also a half-step multi-level power, it is not so easy to kill, and it is too troublesome to kill with ordinary methods.

And after Six Paths of Samsara completely absorbed Putuosa, Wang Ming's own strength directly skyrocketed, and his strength was directly raised to the level of half a multivariate without using any masks or armors.

It is no exaggeration for him now to say that after using the god master form, even ordinary multi-level powerhouses are no match for Wang Ming.

Now that he only summoned the Emperor Armor, he already has multiple levels of combat power. This is another qualitative leap in strength. The strength of the belt's addition to Wang Ming depends on Wang Ming's own strength.

The higher his strength, the more exaggerated the power of the belt bonus, which is why Wang Ming no longer pursues more powerful cards, because as long as he keeps strengthening himself, sooner or later, even in the basic form, he will be able to Reach the multi-level level.

"This is really a great harvest, it can be regarded as an unexpected joy, but I have to deal with the magic thoughts quickly, Qiyu, you go back first, there are still many weirdos on the earth that you need to deal with, these weirdos are not heroes. It’s solved, if you go back late, the earth is probably gone.”

There was some excitement in Wang Ming's tone, and there was a flash of red light in his eyes. Wang Ming didn't dare to carelessly tell Qiyu, and then crossed his knees in the starry sky and began to wipe away the magic thoughts.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Qiyu also nodded very seriously when he heard the words. Obviously, he had also seen the tragedy on the earth before, and now that the fighting spirit has subsided, people have recovered their composure.

He already mastered the space jumping ability, and he didn't need Wang Ming to send him off. After opening a space door at random, Saitama returned to Earth and began to deal with those strange people who had been mutated by Putuo.

Naturally, there is nothing to say about the result. The current strength of Saitama is terrifying. He can definitely be regarded as the best in half-step diversity. He can make a strong man of the same realm so angry that he can't love it. This kind of terrifying talent There is no need to go into too much detail.

Facing him, especially against Saitama in his home Xeon Universe, without the strength beyond multi-level, you can only feel endless despair and powerlessness. This guy's growth rate will make people doubt life .

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