And those weirdos on the earth, after being targeted by Qiyu who has mastered the space ability, died miserably, Qiyu directly teleported and punched.

Not to mention that these weirdos didn't react, even the heroes who fought against them didn't react, and these weirdos were killed in just a moment.

Saitama's figure was active all over the earth, and countless strange people suddenly exploded into blood mist and died completely, but I don't know if it was a coincidence, no one knew, and no one saw how these strange people died.

Even the satellite didn't capture Saitama's shadow, because he really came and went in a hurry, which led to a particularly interesting coincidence. He was obviously the biggest contributor to solving the earth's crisis, and no one knew it at all. It was Saitama who solved this crisis.

All in all, Saitama killed all the invading monsters in less than half an hour, and the speed was much faster than before.

At this time, the earth was already devastated, and the number of deaths from this disaster directly exceeded 2 billion, which was more serious than the casualties caused by the original Poros invasion.

It’s just that when Poros invaded, it wasn’t the god-level disaster predicted by Grandma Shibabawa. The real god-level disaster was the starry sky wolf behind, and the losses caused by this sudden disaster were worse than the starry sky hungry wolf behind. Much more.

If it weren't for Wang Ming, even if Qiyu could solve Putuosa, at least half of the universe would have to be wiped out. By then, there would be no one-punch superman Qitama, and there would be only a cosmic wave who had lost his hometown. guest.

And Wang Ming's obliterating the magic thoughts went very smoothly. After all, it was not the first time he did this kind of thing. After about two hours, he completely wiped it out, because he devoured the magic thoughts left by Putuosa.

"Go back to Earth and have a look, those guys are probably looking for me everywhere."

Wang Ming stretched his muscles and said to himself, the disasters suffered by the earth this time are completely absent in the original book. consciously.

So Wang Ming stepped out and appeared on the earth the next moment. Looking at the devastated earth, Wang Ming shook his head helplessly, then stretched out his hands, and slightly lifted towards the sky.


Wang Ming said two words lightly, and the next second the earth began to spin backwards. Of course, this was an illusion caused by time regression.

If the earth was really spinning backwards, few of the people above would survive, so Wang Ming directly rewound the time to before the disaster happened in the morning.

Wang Ming's trick is quite subtle, it's not just about going back in time, because in that case, people will not have this memory, and the dead monster will be resurrected.

Wang Ming is a kind of micro-manipulation, restoring material time and retaining the time in people's spiritual memory, that is to say, the world has returned to its original state, but people remember this disaster, and the dead weirdos are targeted and thrown away. resurrection.

Although this universe is the supreme universe, the difference between the supreme universe and the multiverse mentioned before is that stronger powerhouses can be born here.

And the cosmic barrier is quite strong, and the space is a little more stable, other places are no different from ordinary multiverses.

It is not surprising that Wang Ming can play operations in the Ultra Multiverse here, and there is no need to think how amazing the law of time here is.

Because the power of the six realms of reincarnation is quite special, if someone who is the master of other laws of time comes here to play with the power of time like Wang Ming, he will definitely be backlashed by this universe.

Ordinary time-capable users, or those who have mastered time, come here. If they want to use the time of this universe, it is equivalent to forcibly calling it, playing with it in a small way, or just acting on themselves. It may be fine.

But if large-scale calls will be backlashed by the will of the universe, and Wang Ming and their concepts are different, you can understand Wang Ming as a hacker.

Everyone came to rob, others forced the door to grab things directly, but Wang Ming used technical means to make the door open by himself, and even let things come to him on his own initiative.

To put it simply, Wang Ming's use of the Six Paths of Reincarnation to control the time here is equivalent to making himself a fake controller. Naturally, there will be no obstacles to the transfer of the highest authority.

Doing this just means that there is a possibility of being discovered, but as long as the time of the whole universe is not changed, there is almost no risk of exposure, so it is not difficult for Wang Ming to change the time of the earth.

This is also why Wang Ming has always been in a world, as if returning to his hometown, he can control the space and time there, this is the power of the six reincarnations.

After the people on the earth discovered this, they almost didn't have to think about it. Wang Ming's name popped up in their minds, and everyone immediately began to thank him with joy.

At this time, Wang Ming felt that there was something different in his six realms of reincarnation. It was a kind of golden energy. After carefully feeling it, Wang Ming murmured to himself with some doubts.

"It is somewhat similar to the light of faith of the children in the Diga world, but it is different. The light is not as pure as the children, and the quality is also a lot worse. If I remember correctly, according to the Western name, this should be It's called the power of faith, according to the Eastern term, this thing seems to be a merit, right?"

Wang Ming was a little puzzled, but he felt that his guess should be correct, but these things didn't seem to be very useful for the time being, so Wang Ming simply didn't bother to take care of them.

Glancing at the peaceful blue earth, Wang Ming also dismissed the idea of ​​saying goodbye to Saitama and Genos. Sometimes it's better to say goodbye without saying goodbye. If you say goodbye, you will leave thoughts.

And because of the particularity of this world, even if Wang Ming left the coordinates, he couldn't come back by force, so if he was destined to go nowhere, he wouldn't leave people any more regrets.

Immediately, Wang Ming took out the tablet and clicked the World Travel button that he hadn't clicked in the morning, and the next second a gray mist appeared in front of Wang Ming.

This time, Wang Ming was very careful when he was cheated. He carefully observed the surroundings, then turned his back to the light curtain, and walked in backwards. This thing is a bit risky.

The matter of Putuosa sounded the alarm for Wang Ming. The characteristic of Dimensional Wall is that it is easy to be smuggled by others. After Wang Ming raised his vigilance this time, he can also ensure that he will not be smuggled again.

At the moment when the dimensional wall was slowly closing, there was a loud impact sound from the opposite side of the dimensional wall, and the sound echoed in the sky of the earth, which seemed a little strange...

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