"Oh Shet! How did you walk, how did you suddenly appear in the middle of the road, I almost killed you!"

Wang Ming had just walked out of the Dimensional Wall, and before he could figure out what was going on, he heard quite dissatisfied, even angry complaints coming from his side.

But the speaker spoke English, Wang Ming turned his head to look at him after hearing that, and then he found that he was on the side of a busy street.

And the person who complained just now was a man wearing sunglasses and a delicate suit. At this time, he was getting off a sports car whose front was hit flat.

And that sports car crashed into a flower stand by the side of the road, and the front of the car was dented. It seems that the maintenance cost should be quite a lot.

But Wang Ming's attention was not on that car, he looked at this man more and more familiar, and then he remembered the identity of the man.

The man who appeared in front of Wang Ming was none other than the famous Iron Man in the Marvel series, Tony Stark!
But the current situation seems to be that, when he came out of the dimension wall, he happened to meet Tony who was driving. The latter was startled because of Wang Ming's sudden appearance, and he slammed the steering wheel and crashed the car.

"Sorry, if you want compensation, I can pay."

Wang Ming said with a calm smile on his face, he was also observing Tony at this time, and then he realized that he should have arrived, the time before Tony became Iron Man.

Because Tony didn't have an Ark reactor in his chest at this time, that's why Wang Ming dared to conclude that he hadn't become Iron Man yet. In other words, Tony now was just a playboy.

However, his nature should be regarded as not bad. If he is the kind of arrogant and domineering son who does all kinds of evil, there is a high probability that he will directly kill an innocent passerby in such a situation.

After all, killing a person is much less expensive than crashing a luxury car. That's why Wang Ming said that his nature is not bad, and he has no major flaws other than a bit of lust.

"Dude, are you kidding me? You don't read the papers or the news? I, Tony Stark, the owner of Stark Industries, would pay for this sports car?
I just want to tell you, look more when you walk next time, you just met me, if it were someone else, you would have died a long time ago, well, it doesn’t look like you are dressed like that I won't hold you accountable for the way the money looks like, you should pay more attention next time. "

Tony felt angry and funny at this moment, the Chinese man in front of him actually talked about money with him, he is a legal arms dealer, one of the richest men in the United States, talking about money with him is an insult to him.

Wang Ming didn't have any unexpected reaction when he saw this. Tony was still that playboy at this time, and it's normal to speak a little arrogantly.

According to Wang Ming's own experience, every time he appeared, he appeared when the plot was about to happen. That is to say, it should not be a few days before Tony was kidnapped by terrorists.

Thinking of this, Wang Ming suddenly felt that he could do something very interesting. He pretended to reach into his bosom to feel for it, and then he took out the small blue flying shadow summoner.

The Flying Shadow Summoner is the smallest of the three sets of Armor Summoners. Usually it is disguised as an MP3, and it is also the most convenient to carry.

It is different from the camera of Xingtian Armor and the game console of King Kong Armor. These two targets are a bit bigger and inconvenient to carry.

"Since you don't want money, then you can accept this thing. It can save your life in a critical moment."

With a faint smile, Wang Ming threw the Flying Shadow Summoner to Tony, and the latter took it in his hand out of a subconscious reaction. He looked a little strange at the metallic luster in his hand, which looked a bit like an MP3.

"this thing……"

Just when Tony wanted to ask clearly, Wang Ming's figure disappeared in front of him. Tony saw clearly that Wang Ming gradually faded in front of him, disappearing like a phantom.

"Fuck, did I go to hell?!"

Tony looked at the scene in front of him in bewilderment. What happened today seriously challenged his worldview. He has always been a staunch materialist.

But at this time, such a weird scene happened before his eyes, and he also got a gift from that guy who seemed to be a ghost. Thinking of this, Tony couldn't help but tremble, feeling horrified.

Tony subconsciously wanted to throw this thing away, but the strong curiosity in his heart prevented him from doing so. He was in the same psychology as a ghost movie watcher, fearful and curious at the same time.

After thinking for a while, Tony still kept the Flying Shadow Summoner, and put it very carefully in the innermost inner pocket.

Because he felt that the ghost didn't seem to have any malice towards him, and the other party said that this thing could save lives in a critical moment, Tony was also a little curious about how this thing could save lives, so he kept it.

And this scene was deliberately shown by Wang Ming to Tony. He knew very well that with Tony's current character and temper, if he said seriously how to use this thing and what effect it has, the other party might think he was crazy.

It would be better to play tricks like this to have some effect, and in order to make it easier to use it, Wang Ming specially installed the smart summoning mode on the Flying Shadow Armor that was given to him in a short period of time.

There is no need to have a bunch of action cards to transform like in the original work. At critical moments, the summoner will remind the holder what to do.

As for why Wang Ming gave him an armor summoner?There is no need to explain this question, it has already been said before.

Why not Tony?It can't be someone like Captain America, of course it's because Wang Ming likes Tony's character better.

And this kind of feeling is also very interesting. Wang Ming can even imagine the scene of Iron Man turning into Shadow Man or something.

Tony still developed the Mark series of armor because of the inertia of history, but when his enemies smashed his armor.

Tony suddenly took off the armor and took out the armor summoner, and showed the opponent on the spot what is the black technology of Ares planet.

That picture must be very interesting.

After Wang Ming left Tony, he stepped out to the vicinity of the Himalayas, and he had felt it a long time ago.

The moment he appeared, a pair of mysterious and intelligent eyes stared at him. Wang Ming didn't even have to think about it. At this point in time, there is only one person on Earth with this ability in the Marvel Universe.

That is the number one mage in the Nine Realms, the Gu Yi master who fought against the entire dark dimension with one person's power, so Wang Ming came directly to find her.

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