And in the Himalayas in front of Wang Ming, there is a mage sanctuary hidden: Karma Taj, which is also the headquarters of all mages on the earth, and the supreme mage on the earth, Gu Yi, is also here.

"Come here, come in and talk."

At this moment, a calm, elegant, and intelligent female voice appeared in Wang Ming's mind, and Wang Ming immediately knew that it was the ancient couple who were sending messages to him.

Immediately, Wang Ming also nodded with a light smile and then stepped out. When he reappeared, he was already inside Kama Taj, standing opposite to Gu Yi. Kama Taj's various defensive formations were of great concern to Wang Ming. Say it as if it doesn't exist.

"It's our first meeting, Mage Ancient One."

Wang Ming naturally sat across from Gu Yigao. At this time, there was a small coffee table between them. Wang Ming's indifferent attitude made Gu Yigao take a look at him.

"Are you not from this universe, from other multiverses?"

Gu Yi poured a cup of tea and handed it to Wang Ming, and asked with a calm smile on his face, Wang Ming took the tea and took a sip, then smiled calmly.

"That's right, I come from other multiverses, and the purpose of coming to this universe is just for travel, and I have no malicious intentions."

Wang Ming stated his purpose, Gu Yi nodded in disbelief when he heard the words, and then asked with some interest.

"So that's it, multiverse traveler? I've only heard of it before, and it's the first time I've seen it today. Would you like to talk to me about other multiverses?

Although I can spy on the existence of other multiverses, mages cannot interfere with other multiverses, let alone enter them. This will lead to the collapse of the multiverse and some very bad things will happen. "

What Gu Yi said is not a polite word, she is really interested in other multiverses, although she can spy on other multiverses, but she can't know exactly what happened in it, and the customs and customs there. .

"Well, then I can tell you that there are countless multiverses in this world, and there are all kinds of strange universes. I once met the supreme mage who fell into darkness in a multiverse..."

Seeing that Gu Yi was so interested in talking, Wang Ming talked about some Marvel comics he had read before.

Anyway, the contents of these comics all happened in the Marvel multiverse, and he is not telling lies.

Although some things he said may not have happened in the current timeline, but that is not important, anyway, it is something that happened in the multiverse, who can verify it?


While Wang Ming and Gu Yi were chatting and bragging, Tony Stark also took a special plane to Afghanistan. The purpose of his trip this time was to promote the latest super missile launched by Stark Industries, the Jericho missile.

This is a new type of powerful missile, and it is also one of the most proud works of Stark Industries in recent years.

"Oh hehe, this is called life."

On the plane, Tony and Rhodes were sitting in the bar of the private jet, enjoying the dance of the hot and beautiful stewardess. I have to say that this guy is really a bit fancy, but there is no way, who said that the plane is his own, he Do whatever you want on it.

It is impossible for Tony at this time to think that a few hours later, he will encounter the darkest moment in his life.

About an hour later, the plane landed at the Bagra Air Force Base in Afghanistan, and Tony's face was so big that a general was waiting below to pick him up.

"Nice to meet you, General."

After Tony got off the plane, he gave the general of the air force base below a big hug very familiarly, and the latter also said with a polite smile on his face.

"Welcome, Mr. Stark, we can't wait."

"Oh, no problem, my little baby will definitely satisfy you."

After listening to the general's words, Tony showed a very confident smile on his face, and then a group of people couldn't wait to walk towards a huge empty desert area not far from the air force base, which was the weapons testing ground in Afghanistan.

When Tony's entourage installed the missile launcher, Tony also started a very deceptive speech.

"Frightening, or respectable? I wonder if it's possible to have both, and I'm going to introduce you to Stark Industries, the boutique in the Liberty Weapons series: the Jericho Missile."

"It is a new type of missile equipped with our exclusive single-body propulsion system. The new type of explosive for the warhead is also our original creation. Some people have said that the best weapon is a weapon that never needs to be moved, but I have reservations. I would rather I like weapons that only need to be used once to achieve the goal."

"This is the experience of my late father, the experience of the United States, and the experience of history. This experience has been proven by history to be completely effective. Let's take a look at the power of this weapon."

Tony stopped talking nonsense when he said this, because the weapon debugging over there has been completed. He waved to the accompanying personnel, indicating that the missiles can be launched. The Afghan military personnel are also looking forward to it. Jericho missiles on missile racks.


As the operator shouted, a missile on the missile rack flew directly towards a huge barren mountain on the edge of the desert behind him.

The missile flew to its destination in a short while, and then suddenly the whole missile began to disintegrate and split into dozens of small missiles.

These missiles are equipped with an intelligent propulsion system, and in an instant, the target locking of the firepower coverage is completed, and the entire barren mountain has a huge explosion in the next second!

The sound of continuous explosions came from dozens of kilometers away, and the strong wind blown up by the explosions knocked off the hats of the military personnel present.

Just one missile was enough to cover a small mountain range with complete precision firepower. Now it can be said that there is no trace on that barren mountain that has not been covered by the explosion.

This is an extremely terrifying ground-sweeping precision strike. This one missile can match the power of hundreds of ordinary missiles.

I have to say that Tony is indeed a genius. He was able to develop such a terrifying weapon. After seeing this scene, the Afghan military personnel were all stunned. Where have they seen such a powerful weapon? Call Oh my god directly.

And Tony seemed to enjoy the other party's surprise and praise very much. He came to his portable freezer, took out the champagne that had been chilled a long time ago, and said something jokingly.

"One-time purchase of more than 5 million US dollars to send fine wine."

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