"Tell him that we have enough raw materials to make the Jericho missile here, and as long as he helps us make the Jericho missile, we will set him free."

The bearded man said to the doctor like striking iron while the iron was hot, and the doctor also translated the words intact.

And Tony, who had already thought of a countermeasure in his heart, smiled and stretched out his hand to shake the bearded man, and said to the doctor.

"He will definitely not let me go."

"I think so too."

The doctor also had a wry smile on his face, but what he translated to the bearded man meant that Tony had already agreed, so the bearded man patted Tony on the shoulder in satisfaction.

"Then start manufacturing tomorrow, and I'll ask the doctor to help you."

The bearded man said this to the doctor, and then they returned to the small room under the guard of a group of armed soldiers.

In the room at night, Tony Stark looked at the doctor seriously and said.

"Listen, the military is definitely looking for me, but they may not be able to find me here, so we have to save ourselves. These few days are very important to me. You must cooperate with me to create a new type of weapon. Only Only then will we be able to escape, otherwise we will all die."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Inson."

The doctor also nodded very seriously, they.We had already communicated in the afternoon, but Tony didn't know his name until now, and Tony also knew that the doctor was also a captive who was captured and would definitely be executed after being used.

Even if the two of them listened to the terrorists honestly, they would end up with a death sentence, and even Tony Stark would be treated by shooting a video and beheading. This is the highest etiquette these terrorists have for Americans.

"By the way, this thing is yours, is it a communicator or something? It looks like a high-tech feeling. I quietly helped you stay during their body search during the day."

At this moment, the doctor suddenly lowered his voice and said this, and then he carefully took out a blue MP3 from his pocket and put it in Tony's hand.

His movements were very secretive, and he used his body to block the only camera in the room, so the camera couldn't capture the scene of him handing things.

And Tony also accepted it calmly, and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, and then he explained.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. This thing is probably a protective talisman or something. I don't know what it is for. Maybe it's this thing that protected me from being bombed to death."

Tony had no idea. The ghost said that this thing could save his life at a critical moment, and he didn't know whether this thing would work at a critical moment.

After all, he had been on the line of life and death once before, maybe he didn't die because of this small blue box protecting him.

Tony didn't know about the Flying Shadow Armor, so he could only guess wildly, but he still treasured it and hid it close to his body.

After all, he is now calling Tian Tian Ying, calling the earth not working, calling God, God ignores him, calling Satan, Satan is eager for him to come down, so he can only believe in that ghost for a while, and there is no one to rely on at critical times.

On the second day, the terrorists transported various raw materials for making missiles into this small room, and Tony also started his own plan.

He has always had an unfinished idea in his mind, or something that has been calculated on paper but has not been put into practice, and that is the Ark Reactor.

And Tony's plan is the same as the original book, first build an ark reactor, and then secretly build a steel armor.

Of course, before these things were useless, he deliberately disassembled them and put them aside, making them look like scrapped parts. Only the Ark reactor was built by him first.

And although those terrorists pass the surveillance every day and watch Tony and Yingsen messing around there, their education level is limited, and they don't understand what the two are doing. They only know that they are working.

In this way, the plan was proceeding smoothly, and the time finally came to the day when Tony promised to deliver, and in a while, the bearded man would come to him to ask for the finished product.

But the two didn't make missiles at all. They just fooled around and put an empty missile shell on the table. What they really built was an extremely crude armor and an Ark reactor.

At this time, with the help of Yingsen, Tony was standing in a dead corner of the surveillance wearing armor. They had to make all the preparations before the bearded man came over. In order to escape from birth smoothly.

"You haven't told me where you are from?"

"I come from a small town called Mikula, which is a very beautiful place, and my family is still waiting for me there."

"Yes, that's good, you can go home soon."

The two were chatting while wearing their armor. After all, they were a bit bored now, and by the way, they could ease their nervousness, because at this time, both of them had heard the sound of footsteps getting closer outside the door.

And their armor hadn't been assembled yet, finally Yingsen stood up a little unsteadily, and said to Tony very seriously.

"There's not enough time, I'll hold them back for a while, and you quickly install the remaining two parts."

"Okay, try not to conflict with them, I will come right away."

Tony also replied very seriously, and then Yingsen pinned a pistol on his waist. He didn't know where he got it, and opened the door first and walked out.

Bang bang bang!
After a while, there was a fierce gunshot outside. It seemed that a gunfight had taken place. Seeing this, Tony didn't dare to neglect, and began to speed up the assembly. After more than a minute, he finally completed his first armor. assembly.

At this time, Ying Sen was almost unable to hold on anymore. After all, he only had one pistol in his hand, while the opposite side was full of assault rifles, and he had even carried a bazooka at this time.

This is a kind of awareness that they must be completely wiped out. It should be said that these terrorists are quite dark in their attacks, and they don't want missiles. They just want to kill two people to silence them.

At this critical moment, Tony ran out wearing a bulky battle armor. He raised his hand and activated the flamethrower in his hand, directly burning a group of people standing in front of him to death.

It also included the terrorist holding the bazooka. Tony was quite excited now. Under the stimulation of adrenaline, he didn't feel any discomfort when killing people.

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