"Follow me."

"it is good!"

Tony came to Yingsen and whispered, the latter nodded excitedly, then he picked up an assault rifle that fell on the ground, touched a few clips casually, and rushed after Tony. out.

But this cave is full of terrorists' monitors, and the movement here has long been captured by the monitors and spread throughout the camp. Immediately, the leader of this group of terrorists, a big bald head, gave the order to die.

"Kill these two people at all costs!"


The subordinates who received the order began to gather towards the entrance of the cave, and surrounded the entire entrance of the cave in an instant. We held all kinds of weapons in our hands, and there were even a few people who carried the same weight as the man in the cave before. With a bazooka.

Tony had just walked to the entrance of the cave, and before he had time to use any weapons, a rocket bomb hit him, and he was blasted back just as he walked out.

However, he was not hit by the rocket head-on, but was blown away by the explosion. If he was hit by the rocket head-on, the simple armor he made now would definitely not be able to withstand it.


Tony, who hadn't finished his mission yet, couldn't help cursing, but before he could scold enough, there was a dense sound of metal collisions on his armor.

There were at least a dozen rifles shooting at him outside, and the bullets carried huge kinetic energy, forcing Tony back into the cave abruptly.

"Your secret weapon doesn't seem to work!"

Inson complained with a wry smile on his face, while Tony hastily activated the flamethrower and set fire to the outside, temporarily forcing those who fired back.

At this time, Tony saw very clearly that two more guys carrying rocket launchers were loading rockets and preparing to launch them into the cave.

After seeing this scene, Tony's face darkened immediately, and immediately he also made a bold decision. He first inserted the limbs of the armor into the cave wall fiercely, and made a pose to resist the bombardment .

Then Tony got out directly from the quick release opening of the armor. He finally understood that now only by withdrawing into the hole can he temporarily survive.

If he carried it hard, he might be killed on the spot. After all, this is just a big iron lump made temporarily. There is no shock absorption system or high temperature resistance system.

Not to mention rockets, even those rifles that shoot for a long time can blast through this layer of iron skin. If you are still wearing iron armor and preparing to fight recklessly, it is equivalent to putting yourself in a living coffin, and you only have to wait for death .

"Go inside quickly! The reaction speed of these guys is beyond my imagination. Now the two of us are probably going to die."

After Tony got down from the iron armor, he dragged Yingsen directly towards the interior of the cave, and they didn't run out for a long time, but just after turning a corner, there was a huge explosion from the entrance of the cave.


The terrifying blast wave moved forward along the cave, and both Tony and Yingsen were overturned and fell to the ground, and the dog gnawed on the mud, but the ground here was really mud, and neither of them suffered any injuries.

"It's over, we're dead now, these lunatics!"

Yingsen was a little emotional now, because after the dust and smoke from the explosion cleared, the group of terrorists would definitely rush in and kill the two of them.

There is still no movement because the line of sight is blocked, and the cave is a confined space. They are afraid that Tony and Yingsen will fight back inside.

Tony didn't lose control of his emotions when he fell into a desperate situation. Instead, he was thinking about countermeasures very calmly. At this moment, the Feiying Summoner that he had been carrying close to him suddenly vibrated.

Tony was a little surprised and took out the Flying Shadow Summoner from his trouser pocket. This was the first time this thing responded after he received it.

At this time, the Feiying summoner was not only vibrating, but also emitting a faint blue light. A fingerprint pattern appeared on the screen of the summoner. Tony, who has always been engaged in technology, understood it almost immediately. It seemed to be a fingerprint. validator.

With a skeptical attitude, Tony pressed his thumb towards the pattern, and the moment his thumb touched the screen of the Flying Shadow Summoner.

Many pieces of information automatically flooded into his mind, all of which were about how to use the Flying Shadow Summoner and what the Flying Shadow Summoner was.

It took a long time for Tony to recover from the shock, and now he finally understands that the thing that ghost gave him that day is not a talisman at all, but a starter for a set of alien technological armor .

According to Tony's understanding, this is the case. After all, he doesn't understand metaphysics, armor warriors, and the attributes of the three talents of heaven, earth and man. According to his understanding, this is a set of high-tech armor.

"It came at the right time. It was a great help. That ghost really didn't lie to me. This thing can really save lives at critical times."

Tony swept away his previous seriousness at this time, with a smile of excitement and anticipation on his face, and at this time the smoke at the entrance of the cave was about to disperse, and those terrorists were about to rush in.

And Tony also started to summon the armor according to the information he got. He took the Feiying Summoner in his hand, and after verifying the source code of the information, this set of Feiying armor was bound to Tony's DNA.

In other words, this set of armor has been fully activated now, and only Tony can use it. This is also Wang Ming. In order to prevent other people from plotting to do something wrong, he deliberately set it up like this. After all, the technological level of the Marvel Universe is abnormally high. Ari The Sri Lankan planet is not necessarily as good as their technology.

If you don't add some secrecy measures, maybe one day Wang Ming will encounter an army of armors when he walks in the universe. It is not very difficult to perfectly reproduce three sets of mass-produced armors with the technological level of Marvel Universe, of course. , this is on the premise that Wang Ming did not take any measures to keep the armor secret.

And Wang Ming is not someone who is worried about the Marvel Universe, using the power of the armor to do something. After all, they definitely have armor that is comparable to armor, and even much stronger than ordinary armor.

Wang Ming just didn't want this thing to be too widespread. Without the permission of him and the emperor, he made armor in batches, which made him feel like he was being NTRed.

This confidentiality measure was only set by Wang Ming according to his personal preferences, and at this time Tony had already started to summon the armor, and he pressed a button on the Feiying Summoner.

In the next second, a belt appeared around Tony's waist. Tony honestly pulled out a card from the card box at his waist, and awkwardly inserted it into the Feiying Summoner, and then put Feiying The summoner was inserted into the buckle groove on the front of the belt and let out a loud shout.

"Flying Shadow armor, fit together!" (Self-brained English)

"Armor fit!" (brain supplement English)

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