That's right, under Wang Ming's bad taste, the Flying Shadow Summoner he gave Tony spoke English. Of course, Tony, who has never seen the Armored Warriors or the original Armored Summoner, would not feel that If there is anything more dramatic, it is better to say that this is a matter of course.

And after Tony completed the steps of summoning the armor, a burst of blue light flashed, and he successfully summoned the flying shadow armor!

"I feel a steady stream of power coming up, this armor is amazing."

Tony looked at his current body excitedly, while Ying Sen beside him asked in surprise and doubt.

"Is this your real secret weapon?"

"Yes, this is so cool, I'm going to try its power now."

Tony was a little eager to try, and Yingsen was also looking forward to it. After all, the scene just now was really amazing. Both of them had an inexplicable sense of trust in the Feiying Armor.

"You stay inside, I'll go out and get rid of them."

"it is good!"

Tony said impatiently, and then he rushed out towards the entrance of the cave. At this time, those terrorists were holding guns and preparing to enter the cave to kill grass and roots.

But before they approached, everyone saw a blue figure rushing out of the cave suddenly. The few people walking in the front were directly knocked and flew about ten meters away. When they landed , already unconscious.

With the appearance of Tony, the four of them were instantly eliminated. At this time, these people realized that there was a blue and white figure in the field at some point.

"kill him!"

Although I don't know the details of this strange guy in front of him, judging from his actions just now, this guy is undoubtedly an enemy. Since he is an enemy, he should be eliminated directly.

Da da da……

The ferocious sound of guns resounded throughout the audience, and at least more than 40 rifles fired wildly at Tony, but these bullets hit the Flying Shadow armor and were instantly ejected, leaving no traces.

And most of the bullets that were bounced hit those unlucky terrorists. After all, these guys fired at Tony in a semicircle. Under the circumstances of this kind of bullets, it is normal to hit their own people. , First of all, their surrounding posture is wrong.

After Tony summoned the armor, he knew exactly what the armor's function was, so he immediately turned into a blue streamer and shuttled among the crowd.

Those terrorists were sent flying out by his punches and kicks, and after he finished walking around, a large group of people had already flown out.

These people are all ordinary people, and being kicked 30 meters away is basically a hiccup. Maybe they are lucky and there are two others who can breathe.

In less than three seconds, all the terrorists in this camp were beaten out of combat effectiveness, including the leader with a big bald head.

This is the speed of the Feiying Armor. Although it is hard to see how fast he is in the original book, after all, he didn't show it very much. That's because their opponent, the Nether Demon, is not slow.

When the speed of the two sides is equal, it looks relatively normal, but facing these ordinary people, the speed of Feiying armor is crushing.

"Huh, cool!"

When Tony saw the terrorist who was easily killed by him, he also roared with excitement. After all, it doesn't matter whether it is Yanxing's armor or Ares' armor.

They all have the characteristic of strengthening the user's physique. This is all-round strength strengthening, which belongs to semi-biological technology.

Unlike the Mark Armor developed by Tony himself in the future, all the power of the Mark Armor researched by Tony is in the Armor, and it can actually exert its full power with or without a driver on it.

In more cases, the driver is more like a tool man. When fighting, it depends entirely on the propulsion system and weapon system of the armor itself. It can be called a black technology shock absorption system.

So fighting with the armor of the Mark series is actually not as enjoyable as fighting with the armor of the Ming Realm. After all, the two concepts are different.

The armor of Mingjie is to strengthen the strength of the summoner. The summoner and the armor fight together, which is equivalent to a partner mode, while the armor of the Mark series is more like a brother leading a younger brother. It doesn’t matter whether there are people in it or not.

That's why Tony will feel very happy after summoning the Flying Shadow Armor. After all, his physical fitness can only be regarded as average, but after summoning the Flying Shadow Armor, he feels that he is now a little superman. This kind of strength improvement comes from God It's cool, but it's irresistible.

"It's finally over."

After the excitement, Tony sighed in relief, and then he did not remove the armor, but went directly into the cave and brought Yingsen out.

"You knocked them all down? Oh my god, you're so good!"

Yingsen yelled out in disbelief, and Tony's personality returned to that foolish look when his life was not in danger at this time, and he immediately said with a very proud smile.

"That's right, I did it. These guys are too rubbish, they're not enough for me to fight. Okay, let's find out if there are any clues, and notify the military to come. As long as there are coordinates, they will definitely come."

Tony glanced around and said, and then he also lifted his armor, and Yingsen searched for communication equipment in the terrorist's stronghold.

The stronghold of terrorists like this must have communication equipment, otherwise how would they receive news from the outside world? Sure enough, the two found a satellite phone.

Tony directly called a general of the US military. The general had a very good relationship with Stark Industries and could be regarded as a half-partner.

The most important thing is that this general is an old friend of Tony's father, so he dared to call him in such a crisis situation, knowing that someone was messing with him.

After dialing the phone, the person on the other side was very shocked, but he made sure to get it down immediately, so there was no need to say anything about the coordinates, because the satellite phone in Tony's hand was a moving live coordinates.

It has to be said that after knowing the specific location of Tony, the military responded very quickly. After all, most of the various advanced weapons they used were produced by Stark Industries.

For this genius weapon inventor, both ordinary soldiers and high-level military officials attach great importance to it, so they rushed to the scene in just half an hour.

Under the escort of several fighter jets, Tony and Inson boarded a Chinook helicopter and left this unknown desert area.

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