At the same time, Wang Ming also came out of Karma Taj. He lived here for a few days, mainly because he was curious about it.

After bragging with Gu Yi for a few days, he finally felt a little bored so he came out. Now Wang Ming feels a little bored because he doesn't know where to go.

The timeline he is in now is the timeline of the Infinity Legend chapter. As the name suggests, all major events that happen on this timeline will eventually involve the six Infinity Gems.

And collecting six infinite gems is an absolute multi-level combat power. Yes, although the performance of Thanos getting six infinite gems in the movie is a bit fishy, ​​but in the comics, the world view is the same.

Thanos of the six gems is a proper multi-level powerhouse. After all, he is in the Marvel universe. Whether it is a movie or an original comic, it is something in this universe.

Moreover, Wang Ming couldn't tell for a while whether this is the comic version of the universe or the movie version of the universe. There are so many Marvel universes that it is impossible to count.

Although Wang Ming felt that he could have a multi-level combat power by breaking out with all his strength, he still didn't want to be so ostentatious, it would be better to keep a low profile.

"Infinity gems are a good thing, but this thing can't be turned into a card. Do you want me to brush the bond value with Thanos with six gems? It's not impossible, but the destructive power may be a bit too big if we fight."

Wang Ming has already returned to the streets of New York. Since he has come to Marvel and the main plot takes place in the United States, there is no need for him to stay in China.

At this time, he was standing on the top of an unknown building, looking at the city below and muttering to himself, thinking about what he should do after he came to this world.

Although the main purpose is to come here to play, to improve his strength, and by the way, Wang Ming's current mentality is very Buddhist.

He doesn't have any deep hatred to avenge, and he doesn't even have any reason to become stronger, he just does something if he thinks it's interesting.

Wang Ming was thinking about it for a while, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and he had a particularly good idea. This is not true, he had premeditated it, and he suddenly remembered it.

"Six infinite gems, I have six reincarnations, and the emperor's armor. Six paths, is this a coincidence?"

Excitement gradually bloomed in Wang Ming's eyes, because he felt that the next thing might be very interesting. It would be interesting to collect all six infinity gems and directly embed them on the emperor's armor. Six paths, right?
In this case, this card alone already has a combat power beyond the general multi-level, and the Emperor's Armor may have to be renamed again, it should be called Six Gems Emperor's Armor. Six Paths?

Or Wang Ming can try to see if he can integrate the gems into his own small six realms of reincarnation, so that the power exerted is the same.

And if the six infinity gems are integrated into his small six reincarnation halo, Wang Ming's own strength can directly soar to the multi-level level without any external objects.

But first of all, he had to consider whether Wang Ming himself could bear it. If he couldn't bear the multi-level power of these six infinite gems, he had no choice but to embed them on foreign objects.

Just like why Thanos made an infinite glove, because his body can't stand the powerful power of the infinite gem, and he can't use it directly.

Therefore, only foreign objects can be used reluctantly, and Wang Ming's situation is also the same, if his own body cannot withstand the power of the infinite gemstone, then he can only inlay it on the emperor's armor.

Rather, Wang Ming really couldn't use these six infinite gems as his own power, because in this case, this power would be separated from the attributes of the card.

These six infinity gems are the concretization of the rules of the Marvel Universe. It is not known whether it will work or not if it is taken outside. If Wang Ming fuses six infinity gems.

But he can only display multi-level combat power in the Marvel Universe, which is just a tasteless, useless, and he won't stay here for long.

In other words, these six infinite gemstones Wang Ming must be inlaid on the emperor's armor, because in this case, the nature of the card will change after inlaying the emperor's armor with infinite gemstones, or it is an upgrade.

As long as it can be stored in the card box and use this power through the drive, there is no problem at all. This is also a characteristic of the ultra-dimensional Decade drive.

It can take those things that are limited to this universe and can only exert their power to other places, and use them perfectly.

For example, Saitama's ability card, and some cards obtained by Wang Ming before, some abilities in these cards are obviously endowed by the rules of the universe, and it stands to reason that they cannot be used in other universes, and they don't recognize you at all. this rule.

But the ultra-dimensional Decade driver can perfectly display these abilities, even stronger than the original version, and this is its truly terrifying place.

As for why Wang Ming's minor six realms of reincarnation can be used normally, the emperor's level is not so high, that is because Wang Ming's minor six realms of reincarnation is theoretically part of the emperor's armor.

His situation is quite special. The Little Six Paths of Reincarnation should share the attributes of the card with Emperor Armor. Six Paths, so it can be used normally in other universes.

Of course, even if there is no such attribute, the special thing of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is common in most universes, just like the clone of the Emperor before, he can use the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the Ultra universe power?

The Six Paths of Reincarnation itself is a very cherished thing. It is normal to have some mysteries. Even Wang Ming is not quite clear. How did the Emperor come up with such a method that can cultivate the Six Paths of Reincarnation?
But Wang Ming is not very strange, after all, the emperor's body is so powerful that he can't even explore it, although fighting in the outer universe may be relatively ordinary.

But if anyone dares to go to the Ming Realm to make troubles, the Emperor will definitely be able to unleash a truly multi-faceted combat power with the help of the Ming Realm's power.

After all, the Ming Realm is also a multiverse, so it should be called the Armor Multiverse. After all, before Wang Ming crossed over, Armor still had new releases.

This means that the potential of the world is more than that. Maybe there will be more powerful guys in the future, or there will be a setting that is even more against the sky, maybe the rising star armor.

As long as the armor series hasn't really ended, who can say for sure?The so-called infinite refers to infinite possibilities, there is no strongest, only stronger!
And the Emperor himself is equivalent to the Immortal Emperor in the world of Immortal Cultivation before, a strong Immortal Emperor created a technique that can give birth to the six reincarnations, which is barely justified.

(Spoiler: the previous arrogant Wang Ming is about to re-enter the account, within the next 10 chapters)

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