Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 332 The Martial Arts Hall in Chinatown

"Well, it's decided like this. Let's play honestly on the earth for a while. There is no need to collect gems or anything. When the time comes, Thanos will come to your door. I just need to wait with peace of mind."

Wang Ming thought for a while and finally figured it out. He didn't quite know where the Infinity Stones in this world were kept, and he didn't bother to look for them everywhere.

Anyway, Wang Ming only knows that this is the timeline of Infinity Legend, and Thanos will definitely come to his door in a few years, and Thanos at that time probably has already collected most of the gems. The last few gems.

In fact, if it is true, there are the most infinite gems on the earth. Thanos only got two or three infinite gems from other places, and the rest are all on the earth, so he will definitely come.

After figuring out these things, Wang Ming didn't care too much about it anymore. He first established a legal identity for himself in the United States through means such as mind control.

Moreover, in order not to let himself be so bored, Wang Ming actually opened a martial arts gym in Chinatown. That's right, it was a martial arts gym. This time, Wang Ming was going to play the role of a martial arts master.

Going to different worlds, experiencing different lives, and seeing different scenery is what Wang Ming likes to do. He is not very interested in fighting, killing, and seizing treasures.

Sometimes when you encounter something you are interested in, you will do it, and sometimes when you meet someone who is not good at it, Wang Ming doesn't mind teaching him a lesson.

Wang Ming's current state of mind has the meaning of being free and at ease. It is difficult for outsiders to guess what he wants to do, because sometimes what he does is absolutely illogical.

After Tony escaped from birth, he immediately devoted himself to his own research. He wanted to reproduce the flying shadow armor he had summoned.

For this reason, he even directly took out the summoner, and after summoning the armor, he studied the armor on his body, but obviously he couldn't understand the black technology of Planet Ares.

Because the civilizations of the two sides have different forms of existence, and even the basic sciences are not the same, it is indeed difficult to forcibly understand them.

Among other things, Tony couldn't understand the process of summoning the armor. Is this a space teleportation?Or space compression and release?
Tony has no clue about this, let alone the kind of field that appears when the armor releases its ultimate move, the things involved are even more mysterious.

This is simply not what the science of the earth can explain. Although Tony is a genius scientist, he is limited to the science he understands. He said that such unknown things are a bit difficult to deal with.

At least for now, Tony has not been exposed to any quantum technology or alien technology. His scientific research level is only at the top of the earth, and it is still a little worse than the first-class scientists in the universe.

In the end, after tossing for a long time, he didn't understand the structure of the armor, so he could only use his own knowledge to make a set of armor that was most suitable for ordinary people.

And this is when the steel armor of the Mark series was born. The steel armor was manufactured like the original, but unlike the original, this manufactured iron armor more or less brought a little Hiying armor style.

For example, the color matching is not the classic red and gold color, but a blue and white color similar to the flying shadow armor, and the eyes of the visor have become more handsome than before.

All in all, Tony's steel battle suit made by the flying shadow armor is not weaker than before in terms of appearance, and even looks more trendy and technological.

After Tony put on this battle suit, he couldn't wait to conduct a series of actual combat training. As for the objects of his actual combat training, of course they were those hapless terrorists.

Tony has hated this kind of organization deeply since he was kidnapped by terrorists once, so he will attack it if he has nothing to do.

And his nickname of Iron Man has spread all over the world. After solving the second and fifth uncles in his company in the original book, Tony announced to the world in a very high-profile manner that he is Iron Man.

Especially when Wang Ming saw this guy's mutated steel suit on live TV, he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of soda. For a moment, he thought that what happened to the steel suit and the Flying Shadow Armor was ulterior motives. things.

And Tony's high-profile behavior has also aroused widespread discussion around the world, but he is not doing well at this time, because the Ark reactor he created contains palladium in it.

And this element is extremely harmful to the human body. Tony must keep the Ark reactor on his chest all the time, so as to save his life.

Because Tony had to rely on electromagnetic force to hold the shrapnel to prevent them from piercing his heart, he also thought about having surgery to remove the remaining shrapnel in his body, but no doctor in the entire United States dared to accept this operation.

After all, the risk is too great, whether it is the risk of surgery or the risk of surgery failure, the risk of surgery is inherently high, and the probability of success is not optimistic.

Therefore, the risk of failure of the operation is extremely high, and once the operation fails, basically there is no need to think about what will happen to the doctor who presides over the operation.

The lighter ones will be ruined, and the serious ones will lose their lives, so Tony didn't keep the Ark reactor on his chest because he liked the Ark reactor.

He was just trying to save his life, but now he has developed a palladium poisoning reaction, Tony must take a large amount of chlorophyll every day to neutralize the palladium, otherwise he will die of palladium poisoning in a short time.

So now Tony is a bit self-defeating, so what if he has a powerful battle suit and transformation summoning armor?He didn't know how many years he could live.

So Tony's behavior became more and more indulgent and absurd. Anyone who knew that he was going to die soon would have the same reaction afterwards.

As for Tony's performance of giving up on himself, his personal bodyguard, Happy, really couldn't stand it anymore, so after many inquiries, he heard that there was a magical Boss Wang in Chinatown.

This Boss Wang was originally the owner of a martial arts gym, but he has a very mysterious power, but it is not clear what exactly it is.

However, he thought that this mysterious power from the east might be able to help his boss, so he was going to come to find out the reality of this Boss Wang.

At this time, he has also come to the door of a martial arts gym, and there are a few big characters written on the martial arts gym, which is also the name of this martial arts gym. Hapi looked at the big characters with English annotations on the door, Read it with some doubts.

"Exquisite martial arts gym? The name is a bit strange."

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