Happy feels that the name of this martial arts school is quite strange, but this is actually a sign that English is not strong enough to explain Chinese. It is a translation error, but only this translation is the most meaningful, although it is a bit strange to read.

There are only three Chinese characters on this plaque, and the name is Jingwumen!
Of course, this is also one of Wang Ming's bad tastes. During this period of time, he has been playing the role of a mysterious owner of the martial arts gym. No one knows the origin of this owner. Everyone only knows that he is from Huaxia.

Then it was inevitable that some villains and gangsters would come to find fault with the clichés, and then these guys were beaten to the ground by Wang Ming with one hand.

Even when they raised their guns to shoot, Wang Ming's ability to catch bullets was regarded by these people as a mysterious power in the East. After this time, Wang Ming became famous in the first battle, and he seemed extremely mysterious and powerful.

Even under the influence of rumors, his strength has been exaggerated a lot, and Wang Ming even began to doubt whether his true strength was unintentionally exposed?
dong dong dong...

Because the gate of the martial arts hall was closed, Happy could only knock on the door with his hands. After all, Wang Ming didn't install a doorbell here, and the gate of the martial arts hall was always closed.

This is what Harpy heard from the residents here, so he knocked on the door, otherwise, in this case, he would usually turn around and leave.

Sure enough, the door was opened after a while, and a Caucasian guy wearing a training uniform with the four characters of revitalizing China opened the door. He looked at Happy and asked with some surprise.

"Want to come to learn martial arts? But our martial arts gym is already full. If you come late, there will not be room for so many people in the courtyard. You should go back."

The Caucasian boy showed a refusal look when he came up. It seems that many people have indeed come here these days, but he sent them away.

"I'm not here to learn martial arts. I'm here to find your shop owner. I don't know if he wants to do a big business. As long as he completes the business, he won't have to worry about it for the rest of his life."

Happy said in a bewitching tone, after all, since ancient times, money has moved people's hearts. No matter what kind of mysterious oriental power, as long as he opens a shop to teach apprentices to make money, he will definitely be bought by money. Talking about money directly will not hurt feelings.

"Do you think our museum owner will be bought by money? Do you know who I am? I am Harry Osborne, and the Austen Group belongs to our family. I wanted to use money to impress the teacher, but I was directly Get kicked out, even if you are a member of the Stark Group, don't try to impress the teacher with money."

Seeing Happy talking about money with him, Harry Osborn immediately laughed unceremoniously, and Happy was also a little embarrassed by the atmosphere at the scene. The voice rang in the ears of the two.

"Let him in."

"is teacher."

After hearing Wang Ming's words, Harry Osborn immediately made a 180-degree turn and said respectfully, then he pointed to Happy.

"In the innermost part of the lobby, the teacher is waiting for you there, you can go there by yourself."

"oh oh."

Until now, Happy is still a little confused, because just now he didn't understand where the voice came from.

But since the other party asked him to go in, he walked in obediently and walked through a large courtyard. Only then did Happy realize that it was so quiet inside, but the guy said it was full of people.

There are a group of black, white, and yellow teenagers, who are holding on to a rather strange posture. There are many speculations that this should be some kind of method to exercise perseverance and physical fitness.

And these people seemed to be well-trained. They didn't even pay a second glance to Hapi, an outsider, so Hapi could only obediently bypass them and came to the innermost lobby.

The decoration inside is antique, and the style is similar to the ancient Chinese style that Hapi saw in the TV series before. In this most important seat is sitting a very handsome young man. This man is the king of the cos martial arts gymnasium owner. Bright.

"What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Wang Ming asked directly after seeing Happy. The latter was stunned for a moment when he saw such a young face of Wang Ming, and then hurriedly said when he realized his reaction.

"Sir, I heard that you have mastered the mysterious power of the East. I wonder if this power can detoxify you?"

"You want me to solve the palladium poisoning for Tony Stark?"

Wang Ming roughly calculated the current time point, and after hearing the question raised by Happy, he guessed what it was. After hearing Wang Ming's words, Happy was stunned for a few seconds, and then Only then looked at him ecstatically and said.

"Mister is indeed an expert, you must save Tony!"

Happy's tone was quite agitated, he almost came over and hugged Wang Ming's thigh and cried. It has to be said that he was a bodyguard and cared more than Howard's own father.

"It's just a matter of raising your hand. Tell me where he is now. I have some relationship with him. It doesn't matter if I help."

Wang Ming thought about it for a while before agreeing. Anyway, Nick Fury, an old fox, will sooner or later hand over Howard's new element clues to Tony, so it doesn't hurt to help now.

In the original book, Tony got rid of the plight of palladium poisoning because he created the second-generation Ark reactor with new elements, and even later, he completely abandoned the plan of embedding the Ark reactor on his body.

Because he invited a master of surgery from Huaxia to help him completely solve the problem of shrapnel near the heart. (This paragraph is not edited by the author, it is an easter egg in the movie, but some people may not know it, after all, this scene was released after the ending song is over.)
"Thank you, master! Tony should be in his laboratory now, the address is..."

Happy heard the words and told Tony's possible address very excitedly, and even learned the address of an oriental expert in film and television dramas. The word master in the United States means an extraterrestrial expert.

"Let's go."

Wang Ming smiled lightly when he heard the words, then waved his hand and disappeared in place with Happy. When the two reappeared, they had already arrived in the private laboratory of Tony's home.

And as expected, Tony was calculating some drafts here with a serious face, and there was still a huge glass with at least one liter of chlorophyll on his left hand.

While he was calculating the draft, he took a sip of the real thing and drank it like water. At this time, Tony's face was very ugly, and his face was already black and blue.

According to the old Chinese doctor, this is a sign that he is already dying of illness, and the fact is true. If the problem of palladium poisoning is not solved as soon as possible, Tony will definitely not live for a year.

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