Chapter 334 Gu Yi's Sudden Contact

"Tony, I hired a master to detoxify you."

When Happy saw Tony, he ran up excitedly and yelled. His sudden sound startled Tony who was drawing a draft.

After all, this is his private laboratory, without his authorization, even Harpy can't open the door here, if a person suddenly appears inside, anyone will be shocked.

"Happy, how did you get in? I don't remember that I authorized you to access the gate here... Oh, my god, are you that ghost!?"

But Tony's psychological quality is still good, but after being frightened for a while, he recognized that it was Happy's voice, so he turned his head and said with a displeased expression, but when he saw Wang Ming, the whole People were startled again.

"meet again."

Wang Ming said with a faint smile on his face, but Tony couldn't think of what to say because of his violent mood swings.

"Okay, I'm here today to solve your palladium poisoning problem. You thank yourself for having a good man. He came to beg me, so I came here."

Before Tony could say anything, Wang Ming spoke first, and then Wang Ming stretched out his right hand to Tony and shook it lightly.

In the next second, a cloud of dark green black mist separated from Tony's limbs and blood. They floated in the air, forming a liquid about the size of a fist.

This is the toxin in Tony's body. Wang Ming didn't need any antidote or anything like that. He directly used the most primitive, violent and difficult method to separate these things.

Then Wang Ming slapped his backhand across the air, and the toxins were completely drowned in the air and disappeared. Tony's face instantly became rosy, and he recovered to a healthy state.

He looked at Wang Ming in disbelief, and it took him a long time to react, and he quickly thanked him.

"Thank you, I, I really don't know how to repay you."

Tony's voice was very excited, and the miraculous scene in front of him broke the scientific view in his heart again, but Wang Ming just said with a faint smile on his face.

"It's nothing more than a little effort. Everyone still has to believe in science. The power of science is great. It was just my control over gravity just now. But it's all here. I'll help you take out the shrapnel in your heart by the way."

"Is it really possible!?"

Hearing that Wang Ming was willing to help him solve his confidant's serious troubles, Tony also became emotional. He rarely showed such intense emotional expressions in front of outsiders, which was enough to show how violent his mood swings are now.

"Of course it's possible, but it might hurt a little, so bear with it, why don't you get an anesthesia first?"

"Okay, Jarvis will give me an anesthetic injection, don't numb my consciousness, just numb the feeling in my chest."

"Okay, sir."

Tony is not a master who does not listen to persuasion. He immediately ordered his intelligent program assistant Jarvis to help him adjust the dose of anesthetic.

Wang Ming, on the other hand, looked at the busy mechanical tentacles in the laboratory with some interest. His curiosity about Jarvis mainly came from the movie. Who would not want to have such an all-round artificial intelligence assistant? ?
After Jarvis prepared the anesthetic, Wang Ming was ready to start the operation. He could completely retrieve objects from the air without injury, but it was unnecessary.

Because the meaning of what he said just now was to tell Tony not to believe in metaphysics. What he wanted to see was Tony the Iron Man, not Tony the Supreme Mage.

In some Marvel multiverses, the supreme mage is actually from Tony, and Tony in it worshiped the ancient one as his teacher, and completely gave up science and specialized in magic.

But the matter of that universe is the matter of that universe. In this classic multiverse, Wang Ming still wants to see the birth of Iron Man Tony, so he tries to avoid doing things that exceed the specifications.

The previous Flying Shadow armor can be interpreted as an alien battle armor, taking out the toxin can be interpreted as a fine application of gravity, sudden teleportation can be understood as a space transmission device, and taking out the shrapnel next to the heart can be interpreted as the application of gravity.

Thinking of this, Wang Ming actually felt that there was no need for Tony to be anesthetized. After all, it could be construed as a space device if he took it out directly.

If the other party’s anesthetic has been applied, it would be a bit cheating to say this now. Wang Ming didn’t think of this for a while, so after Tony applied the anesthetic, Wang Ming took off the Ark Reactor on his chest, and the other party was in the air. a grip.

In the next second, at least hundreds of pieces of iron filings, large and small, came out of Tony's flesh. These pieces were as small as a hair, and as big as a grain of rice.

Although the fragments are not large, the number of pieces is great. No wonder no one dared to take over the operation after the filming. This is really not to blame other doctors. Those who dare to take over this kind of operation are all super powerful experts.

Then Wang Ming put all these iron filings into a white plate and handed it to Tony with a smile.

"Look, it's these little things that have been playing tricks in your body."

"It's really scary. Although they are small, let them go forward, but they will pierce my heart into a sieve. Thank you so much this time."

Tony looked at the iron filings in the plate with some fear, just when he wanted to continue to say something like thank you to Wang Ming.

But an elegant female voice came from Wang Ming's ear. After listening to the content of the voice, Wang Ming immediately said something to Tony.

"Let's talk about thanks later, I'm in a hurry right now and I'm leaving first."


Tony didn't realize it. When he was about to say something, Wang Ming had already disappeared in front of him. This is really the demeanor of a real master.

When Wang Ming reappeared, he had already arrived at Karma Taj. That's right, the person who called him just now was Gu Yi, but Wang Ming also wondered why Gu Yi called himself.

And when Wang Ming saw Gu Yi's state, he was also taken aback. After reading the comics, he knew how powerful Gu Yi was, and he also knew who Gu Yi's opponents were.

At this time, Gu Yi's condition was not very good, he was very weak, as if he had just fought a battle with someone, Wang Ming wondered if there was something wrong with the Dark Dimension?
"What do you find me for?"

Wang Ming asked directly, but Gu Yi didn't speak immediately after seeing Wang Ming coming, she waited for a while before speaking.

"There is one thing I want to ask you for help. Your strength should not be weaker than mine, right?"

"You want me to help you deal with Dormammu?"

The moment Wang Ming heard Gu Yi's words, he guessed the other party's plan, and the latter's answer was indeed that.

"Yes, it seems that you understand my situation very well."

(End of this chapter)

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