Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 335 Prepare to go to the dark latitude

Chapter 335 Prepare to go to the dark latitude
"That's natural. You in other parallel universes have been fighting against Dormammu all your life. Of course, except for some very rare exceptions. I don't know you well, but I know you quite well."

Wang Ming still said calmly, but Gu Yi's tone didn't change, she was still so calm and composed, but she just asked a little weakly.

"Then would you like to help me deal with him?"

"The lord of the dark dimension? I'm quite interested."

There was an inexplicable light in Wang Ming's eyes, and he thought about it and said, this is the truth. He really wanted to know what level a lord of a dimension is?
There are many special dimensions in the Marvel universe, and these so-called dimensions can also be understood as special spaces, and six of these special dimensions are relatively famous and powerful, and the dark dimension is one of them.

At the same level as Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, there are: Mephitos in the dimension of hell, Nightmare in the dimension of dreams, Visandi in the dimension of magic, beholders in extra dimensions, and Cytorak in the crimson dimension.

Among them, Emperor Weishan is actually three people, to be precise, it is a trinity composed of three gods from the ancient earth. They are in charge of the power of the origin of all white magic in the Marvel Universe, which means that this is the head of all white magicians Boss, the source of the concept of white magic.

And Dormammu was just a wizard on the earth. He accidentally discovered the dark dimension, entered it and controlled it. In terms of magnitude, he is still quite different from other dimension controllers.

The extra-dimensional beholder is the representative of the Cthulhu system in Marvel. The specific strength is unimaginable, but it is very strong anyway.

The Crimson Dimension is even worse, its lord Saitorak is the strongest among the six dimensional lords.

This is also a guy that Wang Ming is more afraid of. This guy is basically comparable to the five creation gods, and even stronger. It is conservatively estimated that his strength is above multiple.

Because in the comics, Thanos of the Six Gems was wiped out by him a few times. Although Marvel's comics themselves are a bit broken, and even contradict themselves in many places, this also proves his strength from the side. There is no way to affect it in any way.

So unlike the other five latitude lords who are basically multi-dimensional and above, Dormammu is at most half-step multi-dimensional, and if he is overestimated, he may have the level of a quasi-immortal emperor. After all, his origin is just ordinary human beings. The backgrounds of the other dimensional lords are not simple.

This is just Wang Ming's maximal speculation, and the specific strength will not be known until Wang Ming sees the other party, but Wang Ming also has multiple levels of strength now.

He is not afraid of the opponent, and Wang Ming really wants to try his own strength. He wants to transform into a super-dimensional God Lord to fight once, after all, he has never changed.

"Yes, I haven't dealt with him before, and I want to see what level he is this time."

After Wang Ming thought for a while, he agreed without hesitation, and Gu Yi showed a relaxed look on his face when he heard the words.

Because something seems to have happened to Dormammu recently, her power has become stronger and stronger, and it has become more and more difficult for Gu Yi to fight. The reason why she can fight against Dormammu is because she also used the power of darkness.

But she didn't use the power of the dark dimension, she received the power of the extra-dimensional beholder, and the beholder gave her power to grab her body, in order to take her body and come back to the real world.

The price for Gu Yi's use of dark power is that her body has been eroded more and more seriously. In theory, she has an extremely long lifespan.

But now it seems that within ten years, Gu Yi will not be able to hold on anymore, which is why she chose Strange, the successor Supreme Mage, because her body has reached the verge of collapse.

Only by finding the next supreme mage before her body completely collapses, and letting the other party kill herself, can the beholder's arrival be prevented.

Therefore, Gu Yi was able to fight against Dormammu, in fact, he used the power of the beholder. From this, it can also be seen that the strength of Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, is somewhat watery.

First, the ancient one used the power of the beholder to fight against him, and then Doctor Strange used the power of the time gem to make him restart infinitely, which can be said to be unreasonable.

And this time Gu Yi asked Wang Ming for help, in order to try to see if he could use his remaining strength and unite with this outsider to completely eliminate Domamu.

However, Gu Yi's idea was simpler. Dormammu had completely merged with the Dark Dimension and became an immortal existence. To kill him, the only way to kill him was to destroy the entire Dark Dimension.

And to achieve this level, at least multi-level strength is required, or try to collect six infinite gems, can you snap your fingers to destroy it.

But Wang Ming didn't say anything about it. Since Gu Yi wanted to try it, he didn't mind opening his eyes. At least Wang Ming felt that Domamu had nothing to do with him.

"Then wait for me for another two days. I will recover first. When I recover, we will go to the dark dimension."

After Gu Yi saw that Wang Ming agreed, he also started to make a plan. Naturally, Wang Ming had no objection to this, and Wang Ming also found that Gu Yi started to pay attention to Strange now.

From this, it can be seen that Gu Yi had planned for Strange to become the next Supreme Mage. She must have seen something through the time gem, so she chose Strange.

In this way, three or four days passed in a flash, and Gu Yi temporarily recovered some vitality. This was the last time she set foot in the dark dimension.

Regardless of success or failure, she will not take the initiative to go to the dark latitude in the future. After all, it is not her home field, and many of her powers have been suppressed. As long as Dormammu dares to invade the earth, Ancient One is still confident to repel it. of.

"Let's go when we're ready."

Gu Yi looked at Wang Ming and said, Wang Ming didn't answer but nodded with a smile, then Gu Yi waved and drew a circle in front of him, and a magic channel appeared in front of them in the next second.

Without hesitation, the two walked in without hesitation, and the magic passage was closed just as they entered. Wang Ming only felt the darkness in front of him. After a while, he could see clearly where he was now.

Here is a boundless dark space that can't be seen, and this dark space is not empty, it contains the wreckage of many planets, and even a black sun emitting black light.

At first glance, it looks more like a complete universe than a special dimension, but the dark dimension is getting bigger and bigger under Dormammu's control, because it has been devouring some weak dimensions to grow itself over the years .

(End of this chapter)

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