In other words, Dormammu's strength has actually been getting stronger all the time. The more dimensions he devours, the greater the dark dimension, the stronger he is, probably for this reason.

And Gu Yi said before that Dormammu's strength has suddenly become much stronger than before. It is probably because he has devoured some new dimension recently, otherwise there is no reason to explain it.

Now Dormammu has completely merged with the Dark Dimension, the Dark Dimension is him, he is the Dark Dimension, if the Dark Dimension is strong, he will be strong, if the Dark Dimension is weak, he will be weak, and if the Dark Dimension dies, he will die with him. An existence similar to dimensional will.

"Little bug, I didn't take the initiative to trouble you, but you came again. Let me see, this time you brought a helper. It seems that you are really impatient."

While Wang Ming was looking around, the space in front of him and Gu Yi surged, forming a huge face, and Wang Ming recognized this guy as Domamu at a glance.

After all, he has also seen the Doctor Strange movie. This guy was tortured by Doctor Strange with the time gem. From the initial rebelliousness to the subsequent agreement to negotiate, Wang Ming remembered it clearly.

"Dormammu, I'm here to completely destroy you this time."

Gu Yi said in a calm tone, as if he was explaining a fact, and his words completely angered Domamu, who said sarcastically.

"It's just the two of you? You were lucky that you didn't beat you to death last time. I didn't expect you to be so ignorant of cherishing life and come back to die. You don't want to escape this time."

When Domamu's words fell, dozens of planetary wreckages smashed towards the two of them, and these planetary wreckages contained a huge dark force.

It's not just as simple as being big, it's not so good to be hit by this thing, but Gu Yi also showed his strength at this time.

Her hands were covered with a layer of golden magic patterns, and when she waved her hands in the air, the debris of these planets were thrown out, and the strength he showed now is indeed not weak.

Those star wreckages covered with dark power, none of them have a mass much smaller than a black hole, and Gu Yi can throw these things away without any effort, which also proves that she really has something.

"It seems that your injury is almost healed. This is beyond my expectation. If this is the case, then let's work harder."

Dormammu's voice was a little surprised, because last time Gu Yi was seriously injured by him and fled, he didn't expect the other party to recover so quickly.

He was just probing the few times just now, but now he was ready to start the real thing, and he didn't see any action. The next second, endless pressure swept towards Gu Yi and Wang Ming from all directions.

In just a split second, the six halos of reincarnation behind Wang Ming were forcibly opened in response, and the function of protecting the Lord was activated.

And there are countless patterns of magic circles emerging around Gu Yi, helping her resist this pressure. This feeling is quite uncomfortable, as if the entire universe is being squeezed towards the two of them, and this universe is not ordinary. universe, which is the repulsive force of the dark dimension.

To be precise, it was multiple repulsive forces of the dark dimension that sandwiched the two of them, and many repulsive forces squeezed together to form a state of enveloping and pinching.

At this moment, the two of them were fighting against the power of the entire dark dimension. If Wang Ming's body hadn't reached the level of half-step multivariate, if it was still the same as before, with only cosmic-level strength, they would have been crushed into meatloaf by now. .

"I still underestimated this guy. You are right. His strength is indeed beyond my imagination. It's time for me to take it seriously."

Under great pressure, Wang Ming said to Gu Yi with a forced smile on his face, although he didn't know what kind of strength Dormammu would be after full firepower, but even at this level, it was almost the same. At the quasi-immortal emperor level of power.

In other words, in his own home court, Dormammu can explode close to the multi-level combat power. Sure enough, as a relatively powerful dimensional lord, Dormammu still has close to the multi-level strength.

However, his strength is still a little watery. Now it can only prove that he has multi-level power, but it is not sure whether the essence is multi-level. After all, the sum of six infinite gems is only multi-level.

The fact that Dormammu can be affected by one of the gemstones, the Time Stone, proves that its essence is not diverse. If his essence is diverse, then the six Infinity Gems can affect him at most, not A time gem made him so embarrassed.

In other words, he can only explode multiple levels of attacks in his own universe. The analogy is very simple.

Just because a child can shoot bullets that exceed the speed of sound with a pistol does not mean that the child can run faster than the speed of sound. The gap between multivariate and multivariate is so large, and even more exaggerated.

"It's better to use this one when fighting with you."

With a thought in Wang Ming's mind, the super-dimensional Decade belt appeared on his waist, and then Wang Ming pulled out the Emperor's Armor. Six Paths card from the card box, and said to the arrogant Domamu.

Just when the latter looked puzzled, Wang Ming had already inserted the card into the drive, then pushed it with one hand and said with a faint smile on his face.

"The Emperor's Armor!"


'Armor fit! '

As Wang Ming's voice fell, an incomparably terrifying and majestic golden beam of light descended from the sky, enveloping Wang Ming's body. After a while, the golden light gradually dissipated. A set of extremely majestic and domineering golden armor with a huge halo hanging from the back, It appeared in front of the two of them.

Wang Ming successfully summoned the Emperor's Armor. Six Paths!

"What is this? This kind of aura is simply unimaginable, who the hell are you!"

Dormammu was puzzled at first, and then cried out in shock. He admitted that he was a little frightened. He had only experienced such a terrifying aura from those top dimensional lords. At this moment, Dormammu even It is suspected that Wang Ming is the lord of another dimension who came to trouble him.

"It's just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember it for me."

Wang Ming's voice still carried a faint smile, and Gu Yi also looked at Wang Ming with a face of shock. Usually she rarely showed other expressions, but now she was really surprised.

She didn't expect that the kind young man before was actually such a terrifying strong man. If he knew that Wang Ming was a strong man of this level, Gu Yi's previous attitude would be much better.

"Next, let's start the real battle."

Wang Ming looked at Domamu with a slight smile in his tone.

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