While Wang Ming was talking, he also bound his bond value with Domamu. He was still a little curious about Domamu's power.

And as an existence infinitely close to multi-level, Dormammu's strength is also qualified to be a member of Wang Ming's card box.

"Whoever you are, this is my place, I want to kill you, it's easy!"

Domamu let out a loud shout, and the next moment, Wang Ming could accurately feel that an incomparably huge darkness was gathering towards Domamu's big face.

This is the full infusion of the power of the dark dimension, and Dormammu has also changed from an illusory state with only a face to a normal human-sized physical state that is about the same height as Wang Ming, which should be regarded as his strongest body form.

Dormammu is very smart, he can feel the strength of Wang Ming, so he knows that if he does not concentrate his strength, there is no way to defeat Wang Ming.

Wang Ming wouldn't even shake his body if he just relied on the loose and simple energy oppression just now, so he had to forcibly condense his physical form, which is also his most powerful form.

Gu Yi was a little stunned when they saw it, but she had never seen Dormammu in this form, that is to say, when Dormammu fought her before, he didn't show all his cards and strength. .

"It seems that you are also serious. Not bad. I haven't fought with all my strength for a long time. Please please me."

Wang Ming also got a little excited. Since the Ultra World, he hasn't met an opponent who can match him in strength for a long time. The enemies he met are all chickens and dogs. Wang Ming even fought Not interested.

"Let's fight!"

In his own field, Domamu was very confident. He shouted and rushed towards Wang Ming.

There is no collision of laws, and there are no fancy operations of all kinds. For existences of the level of two people, if it is not absolutely crushed, the impact of laws will be minimal.

Other means had little effect on the opponent, so the two chose to fight head-to-head. After all, this was in the dark dimension, and it was Dormammu's home field. The effect of Wang Ming's law control was greatly reduced.

And Wang Ming has the attribute of invulnerability. It's not like Dormammu has tried sneak attacks on him, but all of them ended in futility.

This is also why there are so many unreasonable phenomena in Marvel comics, multi-level or even beyond multi-level existence, the fights are actually based on hand-to-hand combat, punching to the flesh, and the fighting is so intense that it doesn't look like a high-level one at all. During the battle, there is almost no application of the law in the whole process.

There is no difference between fighting with ordinary hooligans, and this kind of situation usually occurs because both parties have similar strengths and similar personalities.

In the case of strength crushing, it will be seconds, so there are so many nonsense and coquettish operations, the higher the strength level, the greater the gap between one level.

However, Marvel's comics are somewhat broken, and it's normal to be different from the real world.

The two people who had already exploded with all their strength turned into two streamers of light, one gold and one black, and collided fiercely together. The entire dark dimension began to tremble violently because of the impact of the two punches.

Gu Yi even temporarily used all his strength to resist the aftermath of the punches of the two, so he was not affected much. Just now, Wang Ming and Domamu punched each other tentatively, and the two did not use all their strength.

After confirming that Dormammu really possessed multi-level attack power, Wang Ming completely let go of his hands and was not going to hold back. Anyway, as long as the dark dimension is not destroyed, Dormammu will not die.

The level of this dark dimension has surpassed most of the universe, and is infinitely close to the level of the multiverse, which is also a symbol of Dormammu's strength.

The dimensions controlled by the rest of the dimension lords are estimated to be on the same level as the multiverse, or even stronger than the real multiverse.

This is definitely not a joke. Some of the dimensions in the Marvel universe are really ridiculously strong. Guang Wangming knows that there are heaven, the Greek God Realm, the Almighty City, Kunlun Wonderland and other dimensions that belong to the gods.

The Marvel Universe has never included more than Western mythology. The more powerful and mysterious Eastern mythology can only be seen in comics, and movies have not been made yet.

The system of Marvel Universe contains almost everything. Cthulhu, Eastern and Western mythology, and some niche mythological systems all have their place in comics.

"Not bad, you, although it's the first time you've used this kind of power, it's beyond my expectation that you can continue."

Wang Ming said in admiration, this is the first time he has controlled multi-level power, and he is not used to it, after all, this power is too powerful.

"You bastard, let me die!"

Dormammu seemed to be irritated by Wang Ming, he rushed towards Wang Ming directly, and ruthlessly pressed his knee against Wang Ming's chest!

Wang Ming sideways dodged this stance, and punched Domamu's chest hard with his backhand, sending him flying.

The latter turned into a stream of light and shuttled through the dark dimension, one after another star field wreckage was crushed by it, and the entire dark dimension began to tremble crazily, as if it was about to disintegrate.

In terms of fighting, Dormammu would have to practice for hundreds of years if he wanted to fight Wang Ming, and Wang Ming's punch had almost used his full strength, after all, he was already a multi-level fighter.

It's not surprising that the entire dark dimension trembled with this full-strength punch. If Wang Ming used his nirvana, he could directly wipe out the dark dimension.

But Wang Ming didn't want to end the battle so quickly, he finally met an evenly matched opponent, so what if he didn't make good use of it.

So Wang Ming's body turned into a phantom and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Dormammu. Without any hesitation, he punched out again very smoothly!
A punch hit Dormammu's chest fiercely, causing his entire chest to collapse. Its strength was unimaginable.

And Dormammu is not a vegetarian, in fact, he could have avoided this punch, but he took it on purpose, just to fight back!

Dormammu's body suddenly mutated into countless tentacles. The moment Wang Ming punched his body, Dormammu also wrapped his tentacles into a huge fist and slammed into Wang Ming's chest!

The two sides immediately flew out in opposite directions. Although Domamu was not multi-dimensional in nature, his attack had indeed reached the multi-level level, so Wang Ming also felt that his blood was rolling after being hit. Very good.

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