The bodies of the two flew upside down and almost reached the edge of the dark dimension. The speed at which they flew out could no longer be described in terms of physical speed, such as the speed of light. In front of this speed, it was almost at the kindergarten level.

This wasn't space travel, it was an indescribable speed, much faster than the Speed ​​Force, the two managed to stabilize their bodies after flying out for tens of seconds, and stopped.

"It's a little underestimating this guy."

Wang Ming looked at a crack that appeared on the breastplate of his imperial armor, and his tone became rare serious. He definitely used all his strength to hit Dormammu just now, but the latter didn't use it. Do your best.

This is equivalent to the entire dark dimension united to give Wang Ming a powerful force that is unimaginable. He now has multi-level defensive power, but the emperor's armor was actually cracked.

On the other side, Dormammu was also having a hard time. His core was so shaken by Wang Ming's punch that he almost collapsed. This punch also severely injured him.

However, because this was his home field, he recovered after a while, but this consumed the overall power of the dark dimension, so Wang Ming's punch knocked out the defense of the entire dark dimension.

"This guy is too terrifying. You have to fight to the death. Instead of being beaten to death by him, it's better to drag him to the back together!"

Dormammu said fiercely to himself, at this time his ferocity has been completely aroused, because Wang Ming's aura was too powerful before, he felt fearful, but now there is no fear at all. .

He just wanted to fight Wang Ming to the death, because he understood the current situation very well, and the other party would not let him go, so he had to fight with all his strength!
In the next second, the two seemed to be in agreement, and they stepped out at the same time, and their figures appeared in the center of the dark dimension and stood facing each other.

Gu Yi was in a daze from the beginning to the end, and now she realized that she seemed to have no way to intervene in the battle between the two, and she couldn't even do the most basic help.

"Master Gu Yi, you should go back to the real world first, the battle that will follow is likely to be fierce, this guy is desperate, and you may be affected."

Wang Ming looked at Gu Yi who was light-years away and said with a smile. His voice was directly in Gu Yi's mind, and the latter said after hesitating for a while.

"Okay, be careful yourself, I'll go back first, I'm really sorry, I clearly said that we were going to deal with him together, but in the end I left you busy alone."

"It's okay, this guy's strength is already so strong, I was already mentally prepared before I came."

Gu Yi said apologetically, but Wang Ming replied indifferently. He already knew that Dormammu was not that simple, and he had prepared himself mentally before he came.

Gu Yi didn't hesitate any longer when he heard the words, and directly opened a portal to leave the dark dimension and returned to the real world.

Now in the lonely, dark, boundless dark dimension, there are only two figures exuding powerful momentum and light left.

"I'll give you a chance to use your hole cards while I still want to know how much you weigh, otherwise you will lose your chance."

Wang Ming said calmly to Domamu, the latter was directly irritated by Wang Ming's arrogant words, if Wang Ming's tone was ridiculed, he would not be so angry.

But Wang Ming's current tone seems to be expounding a fact, it is not a strategy at all, but he thinks so from the bottom of his heart.

"Very well, it seems that my conscious forbearance has given you excessive self-confidence, then you can experience it, my true strength!"

In the last sentence, Dormammu almost roared, and after he finished speaking, the entire dark dimension began to collapse inconceivably.

To be more specific, Dormammu's body is absorbing the existence of the entire dark dimension, and the power of fully invoking the dark dimension is different before.

Dormammu is preparing to directly fuse the dark dimension into his physical body. It has to be said that this is a pretty crazy move.

If he really succeeds in merging, he will definitely have truly multi-level power and strength. With a body condensed from an entire dark dimension, every move he makes can cause extremely terrifying damage.

But Wang Ming didn't stop his move, and was even happy to see it succeed. After all, the more strength he showed now, when Wang Ming got his card, he would also have the same strength.

If Dormammu can become a real multi-level ability card, then the ability card he gets is also a multi-level ability card, which can be regarded as Wang Ming's first single multi-level ability card.

The emperor's armor doesn't count, after all, the combination of the emperor's armor and his own strength is multi-level, and if it is counted alone, there is no multi-level.

A single multi-level card is still very useful. For example, Wang Ming is already a multi-level card now, and then he uses the emperor's armor to swipe a Dormammu ability card.

In the case of multi-diversity + multi-diversity, it is by no means comparable to ordinary multi-diversity powerhouses. Besides, Wang Ming is just short of one card to make up the last position of his god-lord mode. Domamu's strength is indeed quite good .

While Wang Ming was thinking, Dormammu had already shrunk the dark dimension to the extreme, and even Wang Ming was excluded from the dark dimension.

At this time, the place where Wang Ming was standing was a void, there was nothing around, there was no chaos, there was no starry sky, and it was not a universe, it was empty, not even black and white.

This feeling is quite weird, as if this place shouldn't exist in the first place, this is the first time Wang Ming has arrived at such a weird place.

But after a while, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of Wang Ming, and an incomparably terrifying aura erupted from him.

Dormammu's body was completely condensed into shape!
"How do you want to die now? It is your honor to bury you in nothingness."

Dormammu's voice carried an incomparably frenzied will. At this time, his whole state seemed to be very frenzied, but Wang Ming heard unexpected information from his words.

Where is the place between nothingness?Why has he never heard of it, even in the comics, he has never seen this thing.

"Where do you say this is?"

"This is the place where all the dimensional spaces exist in the void, and it is also your burial place!"

Wang Ming tentatively asked a question, but Dormammu's temper is quite bad now. After saying this sentence, he didn't plan to talk nonsense, and directly burst out with terrifying power, and punched Wang Ming with a punch!

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