'Golden Suge! '

Seeing this, Wang Ming didn't dare to be careless. He threw it casually, and a golden lettering pattern appeared on top of his head, and then bright golden light enveloped his whole body. At this moment, Wang Ming's strength increased many times.

It is the correct operation to apply the buff first in a fight, and after Wang Ming applied the boost buff, Dormammu had already arrived not far in front of him, and Wang Ming also punched directly when he saw this.

The fist with the bright golden light and the extremely dark and evil fist collided fiercely!
The terrifying impact sound spread out to an unknown distance, and the terrifying energy fluctuations from the punches of the two people directly hit the surrounding void trembling, and then one after another wonderful pictures appeared around the two of them.

It was a picture of countless worlds. There were square-shaped spaces above and below the two people's heads, left, right, front, back, and front. Each of these spaces was extremely huge, comparable to the real universe, or even the multiverse.

The place where only the two of them were was blank and empty, and there was nothing there. Wang Ming probably glanced at it, but also had some guesses.

This void should be the place where all the dimensional spaces exist, but generally these spaces are hidden, without the power of terror to shake, you can't see what's around.

And the blank area where the two of them are is probably the trace of the previous dark dimension. Now the dark dimension has been absorbed and smelted by Dormammu, so this place is empty, and next door to him is another dimensional space.

All of a sudden, the whole void became lively, because everything was relative. The battle between Wang Ming and Domamu used the most primitive violence to shake out other dimensions, and people in other dimensions could watch it. to them.

For a moment, countless curious eyes gathered on the two of them, because from their perspective, a huge blank suddenly appeared in the starry sky of the universe, and the protagonists in the center of this blank were Wang Ming and Domamu.

And the violent behavior of the two also successfully attracted the eyes of other dimension lords around, and these dimension lords looked at them with some horror.

Unlike those ordinary people who don't know anything, they know Dormammu's name. This guy is extremely aggressive and always devours other dimensions. He is a guy with a very bad reputation.

Obviously Domamu's neighbors don't have any powerful presence, otherwise they wouldn't behave like this, and these things happened only for a moment, before other people realized what was going on, Wang Ming and Domamu Mam's war broke out completely.

The bodies of the two turned into two beams of light, colliding quickly and intensively in this empty space, and every time they collided, the surrounding dimensional space trembled.

The two were still fighting hand to hand, Dormammu didn't use a weapon, I don't know if he didn't have one, and Wang Ming didn't take out a weapon either, because he didn't want to end the fight so soon, and Dormammu's strength in front of him was complete. At his level, a worthy opponent.

And the surrounding dimension lords are almost scared to pee. As I said before, not every dimension lord has reached the multi-level level. To be precise, in all dimensional spaces, the dimension lords who have reached the multi-level level will not More than twenty.

In the eyes of these people, the battle between Wang Ming and Domamu was already considered a battle between the top powerhouses. Although eating melons is very enjoyable, but these two peerless powerhouses are fighting at the door of their own house, which makes people feel uncomfortable. A little scared.

"Hahaha! Death! Eternal darkness!"

Dormammu laughed crazily and suddenly turned around, punching Wang Ming's chest fiercely like exchanging wounds for wounds. Dormammu's punch exuded a strong black light, and dark fluctuations full of destructive aura were in it. shine.

Wang Ming obviously lacked a sliver of defense against his crazy fighting style. He received a punch from Dormammu solidly, and Dormammu was also directly punched through the chest by Wang Ming's punch.

In the next second, Wang Ming's figure turned into an almost invisible ray of light and shot towards the rear at an extremely fast speed. In just an instant, Wang Ming's body crashed into an unknown dimensional space behind.

This is a strange space full of yellow sand. Wang Ming's body fell from the sky and directly crashed into the sand. The dust splashed by his impact instantly filled most of the dimensional space.

But Wang Ming's body still didn't stop until he completely smashed through this dimensional space and flew into another dimensional space.

And this dimensional space seems to be a magical world. When Wang Ming's body fell from the sky, a magic war was going on on the ground.

And he directly smashed the entire continent into seven or eight knots, and then Wang Ming's body continued to retreat until this dimension was also smashed through.

In this way, Wang Ming didn't even know how many dimensions he had penetrated. It is conservatively estimated that there should be more than [-].

This seemingly incomparably terrifying speed only lasted for three seconds. After three seconds, Wang Ming managed to barely control his figure.

In the three seconds, he has already penetrated tens of thousands of dimensions. From Wang Ming's perspective, he can still see Dormammu, who has a big hole in his chest, showing him Evil smile.

"It's kind of careless."

At this time, Wang Ming was also beaten up, and at the moment when he was no longer calm, a red light flashed in his eyes, but Wang Ming himself did not notice this small detail.

He took out the tablet and looked at the bond value between himself and Dormammu, and then made a decision.

"Has it reached 90% already? It seems that after this guy's madness, he has quite a lot of emotional fluctuations. If this is the case, the battle should be over."

Seeing that the bond value was almost full, Wang Ming decided not to continue playing with this guy. He decisively took out a card and inserted it into the driver.

'Aurora sword! '

There was a Chinese prompt sound from the driver, and a card portal suddenly appeared on Wang Ming's side. Wang Ming inserted his hand into the portal and took out the Aurora Sword that had not been used for a long time.

He casually held a sword flower in his hand, and then bent and squatted down, as if preparing to charge, but the fact is that he really had such a plan.

As for why he teleported directly to Dormammu without using the space ability?
Of course it's because there's no momentum like that!

Wang Ming held the Aurora Sword tightly, his whole body turned into a beam of light, broke through the extreme speed, and shot towards the hole in the dimensional space that he pierced through.

Before the other dimensional lords could react, Wang Ming's body turned into a stream of light and swept across their dimensional space. He returned to Dormammu's body in an instant, and slashed down fiercely with his sword!

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