The blazing golden sword light instantly illuminated all the surrounding dimensions, and the powerful sword light slashed fiercely at Dormammu's body.

The latter had no room to react at all, so he was cut into two pieces, and then his broken body was completely annihilated by the golden light and disappeared completely. Just stopped.

For a moment, countless dimensional lords gathered their eyes in horror, and there were many powerful existences with multiple levels among them, who also looked at this scene solemnly.

They could all feel that the sword that Wang Ming slashed out had the power to hurt them, while Domamu, who had taken this extremely powerful sword head-on, was completely silent.

But Wang Ming didn't take it lightly, because the bond value between him and Domamu hadn't reached full yet, it wasn't that Wang Ming made a wrong calculation and overturned.

According to his calculation, no matter who is killed, there will be a lot of emotional resentment fluctuations before death, and a mere [-]% of the bond value can be filled in an instant.

And Wang Ming's sword only increased the bond value between himself and Dormammu by [-]%, which can only show one thing, Dormammu is not dead!

"Hehehe, it's a powerful sword, but it's a pity that it's still far from killing me. Don't underestimate a dimensional lord. If I can really be killed by you with violence, then I, the lord of the dark dimension, will be Bai. It's time."

"Do you know why the dark dimension is called the dark dimension? That's because as long as there is darkness, the dark dimension exists. My tentacles have spread across countless universes, worlds, and even dimensions. What do you use to kill me?"

While Wang Ming was observing the surrounding situation, a sinister and sarcastic voice came from the place where Domamu was beheaded.

Then Wang Ming saw a large amount of black mud gushing out from the void. The mud rebuilt Dormammu's body, and his aura was no worse than his just now. In this instant, he recovered his full-bodied posture.

"Sure enough, the existence of multiple levels is not so easy to kill. This dark dimension has already involved the concept of darkness. It is really tricky."

Wang Ming looked at Domamu and muttered to himself, not that the other party was so strong that he would die only after destroying all the darkness.

It's because the other party has left his own traces in dark places. He will definitely die if he dies, but he won't die. He will be resurrected after a few years.

"So what are you going to do? I'll give you a chance to kill me, can you do it? If you can't, get ready to meet my wrath. You'd better stay in a bright place for the rest of your life, even Don’t even believe your own shadow, because I might be inside, hehehe!!!”

Domamu's voice was full of viciousness. He already knew that he would not be able to defeat Wang Ming, so he was going to make Wang Ming sick.

"Really, let me ask you, how do you define being alive? Is your consciousness alive, or your body alive?"

After hearing his words, Wang Ming was not angry, but instead asked a very serious question. Domamu was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wang Ming like a fool and said.

"Of course the consciousness represents me. With only my body alive, am I no different from a walking dead?"

"It seems that you also understand, then you can experience what real death is."

Seeing the face under the visor, Wang Ming unconsciously drew a slightly evil and arrogant smile. Before Domamu could understand what Wang Ming meant, Wang Ming took the lead.

The semi-illusory six circles of reincarnation halo behind Wang Ming suddenly burst into incomparably powerful light, and then the halo began to grow rapidly, until the halo became as big as a planet before stopping.

"what do you want to do!?"

Dormammu seemed to sense that something bad was about to happen, and said in a panic, while Wang Ming replied in a judgmental tone.

"Of course it turns you into a walking dead."

As soon as Wang Ming finished speaking, the six halos of reincarnation surrounding the two of them suddenly began to erupt, and a huge domain locked Dormammu inside. Wang Ming has already taken it seriously.

"Although it is the first time to use this trick, the effect must not be bad. Just watch your own demise quietly, and the Six Paths unfold!"

Wang Ming's voice came into Domam's mind, and at this time Domam looked at Wang Ming again, but he couldn't find him, and he didn't know where Wang Ming went.

But at this time, the field of the six realms also began to undergo earth-shaking changes. Six huge totems representing the six realms of reincarnation appeared in six directions of the halo.

Inexplicable figures emerged from the Heavenly Way, Asura Way, Human Way, Animal Way, Hungry Ghost Way, and Hell Way, and these stalwart figures all had a characteristic without exception, they all looked like Wang Ming.

The totem of the beast way is a half-dragon man, to be precise, this is Wang Ming who has turned into a half-dragon man, with golden dragon scales covering most of his body.

A pair of golden dragon wings flapped behind him from time to time, a dragon tail full of spikes extended from the spine, and a pair of cold and ruthless vertical pupils stared at Domamu coldly.

The totem of hell is a terrifying demon king in broken black armor, which is also what Wang Ming looks like.

The totem of the Hungry Ghost Path is Wang Ming, who is wearing a blood-red shirt and is holding a bloody head of an unknown creature the size of a hill. At this time, Wang Ming of the Hungry Ghost Path is looking at Domamu with greedy eyes , it seems that it will be devoured at any time.

Wang Ming of Asura Dao held two long swords in his hands, and his eyes exuded an extremely bloodthirsty light. He gave people the impression that he was an extremely warlike lunatic.

Wang Ming of Tiandao was wearing a dragon robe, and his eyes were cold and ruthless, staring at Domamu like an ant.

The humane Wang Ming's painting style is much more normal, and he is also the least threatening one among the six totems.

The humane Wang Ming is wearing a black suit with a purple shirt underneath and a sci-fi camera hanging around his neck. At this time, he is putting his hands in his pockets and looking at Doma with an arrogant smile on his face. m.

However, after staring at Domamu for a while, he felt that the other party was meaningless. Instead, he turned his gaze to Tiandao Wang Ming, and said with an arrogant smile on his face.

"You guys are quite good at taking advantage of loopholes. Do you really think you are the big brother? I've been annoyed at seeing you for so long affecting the consciousness of the main body."

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