"It's the body consciousness that is more inclined to me, so I will also help, or besides me, are you worthy?"

Tian Dao Wang Ming's eyes were still cold and heartless, and he answered Human Dao Wang Ming's words in a rather arrogant tone, but his words caused collective dissatisfaction among the other five Dao Wang Mings, and everyone turned their angry eyes on Tian Dao Wang Ming.

"Why, do you think I'm wrong? Look at which one of you is the right one? A lunatic who only knows how to fight, a lunatic who only wants to eat, a lunatic who only wants to kill, a beast who only wants to mate every day , a brat who only knows how to cause trouble, if I don’t suppress you and let you influence the main body, then he would have died countless times by now.”

Regarding the dissatisfaction of Wang Ming of other Five Paths, Wang Ming of Heavenly Dao didn't have any intention of shrinking back. He directly sprayed these people one by one.

Although the scene where I scolded myself seemed a bit weird, what Wang Ming said was actually correct. If one of them is really going to guide the six realms of reincarnation and indirectly affect the consciousness of the body, then the almost absolutely rational King of Heaven Obviously is the best choice.

"Okay, stop arguing, let's do it."

Just when these people were about to fight, a loud voice came from above the crowd. At this time, Wang Ming's own voice, Wang Ming of the Six Paths immediately bowed his head and remained silent after hearing this.

Only Dormammu looked up curiously, and then he discovered a somewhat spectacular scene. At this time, in the void above everyone's heads, there was an extremely huge helmet staring down.

This helmet is exactly the helmet of the Emperor's Armor, and it is only now that Dormammu realizes that the place where he is is the palm of the Emperor's Armor.

The entire surrounding void was grasped by Wang Ming, and his body became extremely huge, even comparable to some small dimensional spaces.

And the place where Domamu and the six reincarnation halos are located is just the center of Wang Ming's palm. I don't know when, he has been held in the palm of Wang Ming, unable to escape, desperate emotions, It was born involuntarily from Dormammu's mind.

He suddenly regretted the arrogant words he said just now. If he had known that he would have pretended to be dead just now, he might have escaped. However, he was beaten a little bit at the time, and now he is a little sober.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation Great Grinding Disc!"

Seeing that the main body had already begun to urge, the Six Paths of the Six Paths of Samsara did not delay any longer and directly used the trick. The six rays of light of different colors instantly enveloped Dormammu's body.

The six kinds of rays of light merged together, and turned into a large six-color millstone, and the big millstone emitting six-color divine light began to slowly rotate.

Of course, this is just an illusion on the outside, the truth is that there are six different laws that are obliterating Dormammu's dark dimension and his consciousness.

As the big millstone rotated, wisps of black air gushed out from the gaps in the millstone, and then dissipated into the air. This time the collision between the two was a real collision in the sense of law.

Moreover, the original laws of the two are colliding. This kind of struggle is extremely dangerous. The loser will lose everything, even if he is immortal, his consciousness will dissipate and become a walking dead.

After the new consciousness was born in the walking dead, the identities of the two have disappeared, and they are no longer themselves. Although they still have the same name, they are not the same person as before.

This kind of struggle is only a little bit better than the battle for the great way. After the battle for the great way is defeated, life and death disappear, and nothing is left, and the original law of the two people, the real loser will not die in the true sense.

It's just that I have lost my true self, because it's very difficult to kill each other completely when two people are at this level, even Wang Ming can't do it.

Wang Ming can only kill Dormammu's consciousness and the dark dimension he currently masters, but after a few years, the dark dimension will re-condense, and a new Dormammu will be born again.

But the Domamu who was born again is no different from this Domamu, because he is like a person who has drunk Mengpo soup, and has nothing to do with the previous life.

"No, you spare me, I am willing to surrender to you!"

By now, Dormammu probably knew what Wang Ming wanted to do, and suddenly he let out a pitiful begging sound, although he would be resurrected, but that, he was no longer this him, what's the point of being resurrected?

"You look too inelegant now, I still like your unruly look just now."

Wang Ming's joking words passed into Dormammu's mind, but he didn't realize that some details of his behavior had changed subtly.

The Great Mill of Six Paths of Reincarnation created by Wang Ming is not just obliterating Domamu's consciousness and power, but at the same time he is also devouring the opponent's power to strengthen himself. coping methods.

Since it can't kill you, it will eat and digest you. The principle is very simple and crude, but it is quite effective. Although the side effect is to produce inner demons, it only takes a little time to erase them.

"Do not!……"

Time passed like this, and finally half an hour later, Dormammu let out a final scream, and completely lost his movement.

However, the Great Mill of Six Paths of Reincarnation still hasn't stopped, they are still obliterating the origin of Dormammu and absorbing it.

Without the resistance of Dormammu's will, the absorption process became very smooth, but it still took a little time to do this.

After all, this is a real multi-level existence. Although Wang Ming didn't completely kill him, he still has a chance to start all over after a few years, but that's not important anymore, because Wang Ming probably ran away long ago.

Even if Domamu wanted to take revenge, he couldn't find anyone, not to mention the new Domamu, who didn't even know about it.

Just like that, the void temporarily fell into a brief dead silence, and countless dimension lords cast their eyes on Wang Ming in horror.

They all deeply remembered this guy in golden armor, it was terrifying!The name of Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, is still somewhat famous among the dimensional lords.

But such a powerful existence, together with its own dark dimension, was wiped out by this man in golden armor.

And Wang Ming's high-profile actions finally attracted the attention of several powerful dimensional lords. Among all the dimensional lords, the few dimensional lords who could rank in the top few all cast their surprised eyes on Wang Ming.

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