Chapter 342 Breakthrough Diversity!

"This guy's strength is good. He should be ranked in the top 10 among dimension lords. Unfortunately, he is not a dimension lord. He will be kicked out soon. Otherwise, I really want to compete with him."

Mephitos, the lord of the hell dimension, looked at Wang Ming who was devouring Dormammu with great interest, while Saitorak, the lord of the crimson dimension, just glanced at Wang Ming indifferently, then lost interest in him, and commented I said two words.


Watching the fight between Wang Ming and Domamu with his strength is no different from watching children fight, so naturally he would feel bored.

The relationship between the dimensional lords is actually not very good. It can even be said that every dimensional lord is hostile to each other, because if they want to become powerful, they must devour other dimensions.

Therefore, there is a potential hostile relationship between the dimensional lords. No one cares about Dormammu's killing, and no one will come forward.

If Dormammu and Wang Ming hadn't fought too fiercely, the dimensional lords wouldn't bother to look at them. They are very in line with the selfish image of the dimensional lords. Frost.

And the refining that Wang Ming prepared has come to an end, the origin of Domamu's refining has been turned into the nutrients of the six reincarnations, and the six reincarnations are constantly feeding back to Wang Ming's body.

That is to say, Wang Ming's body is gradually becoming stronger beyond the limit, and Wang Ming has not discovered a strange thing yet.

It's just that his body is getting stronger and stronger, and the red light in his eyes is also getting stronger and stronger. If there are outsiders here, someone will definitely remind him, and Wang Ming can react in time.

But now there is only Wang Ming here, and he is wearing a helmet, so outsiders can't see his face. At this time, Wang Ming is involuntarily immersed in the pleasure of gaining power.

Some things in his heart began to gradually change, and some things that he deliberately suppressed were released, and when this thing reached the critical point, it was when Wang Ming completely refined the origin of Domamu.

When the Six Paths of Samsara completely refined the origin of Dormammu and the dark dimension, the whole nothingness trembled violently, and after completing the task of Six Paths of Samsara, it returned to the Wang Ming's body.

At the moment when the reincarnation of the six realms returned, Wang Ming only felt that the energy in his body exploded out of control, and the incomparably pure and majestic energy filled every corner of his body.

Wang Ming felt that his own strength was soaring like a rocket, which was his own strength, not the strength of the emperor's armor or other foreign objects.

Originally, the strength of Wang Ming's body had already reached the level of a half-step multi-level close to the quasi-immortal emperor, but now after devouring a real multi-level strong man, Wang Ming's essence has been qualitatively sublimated.

At this moment, Wang Ming felt many selves, but these were not hallucinations, these were Wang Mings in parallel time and space, Wang Ming in all kinds of strange parallel time and space.

And these Wang Mings seemed to raise their heads to look at the sky as if feeling something, and then the next second these Wang Mings disappeared strangely.

Among these Wang Mings, there are also existences with universe level or even half-step diversity. After all, in the almost infinite parallel time and space, it is not surprising what kind of Wang Mings appear.

But the only thing that is certain is that in the infinite time and space, no Wang Ming has reached the multiple level, otherwise the current Wang Ming would have ceased to exist long ago.

And what Wang Ming is doing now is constricting his own causal line. This step is one of the most critical steps to break through to the multi-level. That's right, now Wang Ming has begun to sublimate his essence and is ready to break through the multi-level.

Multi-level combat power has a remarkable feature, that is, to attribute all great power to itself, to gather all time-space lines and causal lines, and to become the only existence in the real world. In any parallel time-space, there is no king of parallel time-space. Bright.

There is only one real Wang Ming, the only one in all worlds, there is no parallel world, he will be the same in the past and future, no matter how powerful the opponent is, if he wants to kill Wang Ming through the reverse flow of time, then he will only Meet Wang Ming at his peak.

Completely grasp his own space-time line, cut off the causal line that could threaten him, and then use the great power to divide the world, let the parallel space-time self return to his place, and he will be almost immortal from then on.

If the avatar is not dead, he can restore the original peak with a single thought. Even if all the avatars are cut off, Wang Ming can still recover from the long river of time and space, and can even be resurrected from other people's memories of himself. With his information, even Wang Ming can be revived.

This is diversity. Of course, this realm only represents a level of strength, and it is called differently. Some people like to call it Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, and some like to call him a prehistoric sage. Before Wang Ming The world of cultivating immortals that I have been to, this realm is called Immortal Emperor!
And the same reasoning is the same, Wang Ming didn't kill Dormammu, his devouring seemed to be the end of the matter, making it impossible for the other party to be resurrected.

But its influence in the Marvel universe is not small. Resurrection is only a matter of time, but because of being swallowed, it may lose its self.

If it is forcibly killed, the previous memory will be retained after resurrection. Devouring this method is a disgusting way to deal with multi-level existence. If I can't kill you, I will make you lose your memory and make you lose your self.

Or use great mana to permanently seal a multi-level existence, which is no different from killing him, but doing so is risky, no one can guarantee a permanent seal, and it will only be a matter of time before they get out of trouble.

The process of breaking through multi-diversity is extremely long. After all, you have to close all your parallel time and space, and then you have to close the causal line.

Of course, these avatars are not under Wang Ming's control. They have their own consciousness and live their own lives, and Wang Ming has no way to read their memories. This is just a way out for Wang Ming.

Similar to the existence of archives one by one, the trumpet can be cut into the trumpet when it dies, and then the trumpet will have the essence of Wang Ming, and it will return to Wang Ming's peak state in a very short time, even in an instant, Each of these avatars is equivalent to a resurrection coin, the kind that can instantly revive Wang Ming with full blood and full state.

That's why Wang Ming took the trouble to do this. Of course, this kind of thing is not possible for the multiverses of the Marvel Universe, and even most multiverses.

Because they are confined in the Marvel Universe, to put it bluntly, the structure is small, Wang Ming should be regarded as a multi-level powerhouse of the heavens, and the diversity of Marvel is only the diversity of Marvel.

Although the two sides say that the difference in combat power is not very big, they are far behind in terms of essence and means.

(End of this chapter)

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