Chapter 343 Magical Nature

To put it bluntly, they are aborigines. There is also a concept of incarnation in the heavens in the perfect world. Although it is only a small heaven, it is not comparable to the real heavens and worlds, but it is also very powerful.

And the Marvel universe doesn't have this concept, so they can't understand the benefits of becoming the heavens at all. They are all limited. To be precise, someone deliberately blocked this kind of thing.

oaa will not allow the powerhouses of Marvel to incarnate into the heavens. Having a Deadpool running around and even going to the editorial department and the DC universe is enough to cause headaches.

If there are a few more, the Marvel universe will collapse, that is to say, Deadpool's own strength is not very strong, otherwise he would have been sanctioned long ago.

And in this nothingness, there is no concept of time at all. If you really want to use time as an analogy, it is already No. 11 years since Wang Ming left the earth.

And the process of Wang Ming's breakthrough has also come to an end. At this time, he has entered the last moment of incarnation into the heavens, and he has completed the process of incarnation in the heavens with only tens of billions of worlds left.

And this process didn't last long, just 3 minutes later, Wang Ming suddenly opened his eyes, at this time Wang Ming had already lifted the emperor's armor.

He was sitting cross-legged in the endless void. The moment Wang Ming opened his eyes, the aura of his body surged out, and an incomparably vast and terrifying aura swept the entire void.

The various dimensions of the surrounding space that were originally hidden because they gradually became quiet, all appeared under the agitation of Wang Ming's terrifying aura.

The breath fluctuated again after more than ten years, and those dimension lords were terrified. They all looked at Wang Ming in horror, but Wang Ming's current state was a bit strange.

After he opened his eyes, he didn't move at all. At this moment, his eyes were emitting golden light and blood-red light.

There is a price to be paid for devouring Dormammu, and this price has been said before, that is, it will generate magic thoughts, but Wang Ming has calculated the size of the magic thoughts before, it stands to reason that even if he swallows Dormammu, he can completely Withstood the backlash of this evil thought and wiped it away.

But now the situation is different, the situation is quite weird!
"Hehehe, I finally waited for this opportunity. I have endured you for a long time because of today."

Wang Lin's mouth suddenly burst into a strange smile, and there was a very exaggerated smile on his face, but his expression returned to normal in the next second, and he asked a little seriously.

"Who are you? Why are you in my body?"

"Who am I? I am you, and you are me. To be precise, I am the self you are most afraid of. According to your understanding, I should be your demon, or your evil thoughts.

No, it can’t be called evil thoughts, I’m not that bad, if I have to define it, I’m the feeling you gave up, your emotions, or our emotions, I’m something you subconsciously and unintentionally discarded.

Or maybe I am your sensibility and demon nature, hehehe..."

The red-eyed Wang Ming, that is, Wang Ming's inner demon said so. After Wang Yun heard his words, he immediately felt a piercing headache. He didn't know why this happened, but Wang Ming still forced himself to speak with pain.

"You are my demon? How is it possible? I have completely wiped you out."

"Erasure me? I am you, you are me, if you want to kill me, you just kill yourself. Your so-called obliteration is just what I want you to obliterate. I have always been hidden in the deepest part of your consciousness. It’s just impossible to notice.”

"After I finally got the opportunity, and under the joint promotion of me and the other five realms other than Heaven, you finally began to feel that it is not a big deal to use the six realms of reincarnation to devour the strong, but I have been waiting, waiting for someone you devour more than The timing of your own level powerhouse."

"And I finally waited for it. Today is the day when you break through and I will be reborn. You should also rest, and Tiandao's damn rationality. I have had enough of you!"

The heart demon Wang Ming's words became more and more arrogant, even arrogance, and in the end he became a little hysterical, as if a prisoner who had been suppressed for many years finally broke out.

And Wang Ming was also shocked when he heard the words of the inner demon. What he didn't expect was that the breeding of his own inner demon was actually related to the will of the six realms of reincarnation.

The will of the six realms of reincarnation can be regarded as an extension of his own will, not something similar to the spirit of the weapon. Wang Ming is not worried about letting other consciousnesses control his own reincarnation of the six realms.

And the situation that happened this time can be completely understood as that he himself betrayed himself, Wang Ming couldn't figure out why other wills would reject him so much when he obviously did nothing wrong.

"Now, let me completely integrate into one body. We are one, but you reject us so much. There is nothing you want to understand. It is your fault, and we want to correct this mistake!"

In the next second, Wang Ming's aura soared, and the abyss-like aura instantly swept through thousands of dimensions, and the six halos of reincarnation behind Wang Ming directly emerged.

Five or five lights of different colors can be vaguely seen, working together to suppress a golden light spot, and Wang Ming's eyes are also constantly changing from gold to red.

It was a confrontation between divinity and demon nature. Before Wang Ming's divinity dominated his body, the demon nature that had been suppressed for too long finally found a chance to explode.

An extremely dangerous battle was going on in Wang Ming's sea of ​​consciousness. The demon Wang Ming, who was wearing a fiery red armor and holding a magic sword, was fighting fiercely with the divine Wang Ming, who was wearing a golden armor and was extremely holy.

As for why there is no humanity?That's because Wang Ming has already undergone a radical change, and his human nature has been divided into divinity and demon nature, because human nature is complicated, while divinity and demon nature are pure, and this process of purification is also a kind of evolution.

So the divine nature suppresses the demonic nature from the very beginning, not because the divine nature is stronger than the demonic nature, but because Wang Ming helped the divine nature with the remaining humanity at the last moment of the conversion.

In most cases, human nature yearns for beauty, and divinity is undoubtedly the beauty in human consciousness, so divinity wins at the starting line from the very beginning, causing Wang Ming's demonic nature to be suppressed all the time.

But this kind of suppression is not a long-term solution, it will only make Wang Ming's demonic nature stronger and stronger in the oppression, until today the war between gods and demons in Wang Ming's consciousness has been completely opened.

This is not schizophrenia, nor is it a second personality, both are Wang Ming, no matter who wins, Wang Ming is still Wang Ming.

These two can be understood as ideology, or Wang Ming's self, today is the time for Wang Ming to decide whether the self is a god or a demon!
(End of this chapter)

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