Chapter 347
"Oh, you guys failed anyway."

Captain America looked at Doctor Strange, Tony and the others in surprise, while Tony glared at Star-Lord angrily.

"Ask the idiot if you want to."

"Hey, it's too late to say these things now, let's find a way to deal with this big guy."

Doctor Strange sighed helplessly, while Thor raised the Storm Ax in his hand and said confidently.

"Hey, don't worry guys, just watch how I hacked him to death."

However, no one paid attention to Thor's self-confidence. Only Vision and Wanda, the Scarlet Witch, looked at the highest laboratory in Wakanda with strange eyes.

At this time, everyone also noticed Vision. They were a little surprised to see Vision, who had lost the Soul Gem on his forehead but was still able to move freely. Tony immediately stood up and asked.

"Oh, my God, where is the gem on your head, don't tell me that it has been snatched by Thanos' men?"

Thanos who had just walked out heard such a sentence, and then Thanos also followed the eyes of everyone and saw the forehead of Huanshi, and found that there was no soul gem there. A confident smile appeared on his face.

Even the guy on the opposite side doesn't know where the soul gem is, so there is only one explanation, it must be that his capable generals have snatched the soul gem.

"It seems that I came at the right time, so I don't need to entangle you with you."

Thanos, who didn't know the truth, said with a confident smile on his face, and Vision's faltering answer also made Thanos more confident.

"Well, the gem was taken away, but... the situation is a bit complicated, and I can't explain it well. Anyway, it's not the Thanos who took it away."

Vision held back for a long time before choking out such a sentence. His words directly made the smile on Thanos' face froze.

"That's good, no matter who took it away, as long as it wasn't taken away by Thanos."

"Oh hehe, I'll just ask you to see how stupid he is."

Tony heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, while Xingjue, the guy who needed to be beaten up, laughed at Thanos who looked at the polarized expression, which directly angered the latter.

"You're kidding me."

Thanos said something in a low voice, and then the purple gem representing power on the Infinity Gauntlet flickered, and he punched the ground directly.

The power of the power gem is terrifying. If he hits the ground like this, the whole earth will explode in an instant. The Avengers members who realized this also showed their talents to stop Thanos.

Doctor Strange shot out a chain made of spells and entangled Thanos' right hand, and the little spider also shot spider webs to entangle his right hand.

Thor is even more ruthless, he just swung his ax and wanted to chop off Thanos' hand, so wouldn't he get the infinite gems?
Scarlet Witch also used her own power to prevent Thanos' arm from falling, and the mantis girl in the escort team also unfolded, her mind perception and control ability interfered with Thanos.

Other heroes without control skills also began to greet Thanos with various attacks, disturbing his attention and sight.

They wanted to snatch Thanos' gloves again. After all, although Thanos' body was very strong, the Infinity Gauntlets only covered his arms. If they forcibly snatched them like this, there was still a possibility of success.

This time, all the superheroes tried their best to stop Thanos, but Thanos, who had five infinite gems, didn't care about their fancy skills at all.

Although the Infinity Gauntlet can only mobilize the ability of one gem at a time because the Infinity Gem is too powerful, it is more than enough to deal with superheroes whose highest energy level has not exceeded the black hole level.

Suddenly a terrifying purple light swept across the audience, and all the members of the Avengers were thrown out. This is because Thanos took a little more seriously and mobilized the power caused by the power gem.

At this time, the people who collapsed on the ground around Thanos were all shocked by this huge force and couldn't recover for the time being. Only a few superheroes with better physical fitness could barely get up.

"Just kidding, is this guy so strong?"

Sol, who has never fought against Thanos, said in disbelief that his physical fitness is considered to be the strongest among the Avengers members except Hulk, so he is also among the heroes on the field, and he is one of the few who can stand up.

"Where is the gem? If you don't hand it over, I will destroy this planet, and then I will find it slowly."

Thanos' tone was already a bit cold, he didn't believe that there would be some third-party force that would snatch the gem away, and now he was suspecting that the group of guys on the opposite side were playing tricks with him, obviously they hid the gem by themselves, But pretended to be snatched by someone else.

"I really don't know who that person is..."

Wanda said with a little panting, and at this moment another voice came from the field, this one was full of playfulness and joking.

"That's right, she really doesn't know, the gem is with me, if you have one, you can get it."

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and then they saw a shaky, not very serious young man walking towards them.

The young man was wearing a black suit with a purple shirt underneath and a sci-fi camera hanging around his neck. He was walking towards Thanos with his hands in his pockets and an arrogant smile on his face. past.

The young man's steps were a little devilish, and the rhythm of shaking his body was also quite devilish. He was able to shake his body without shaking his head, just like a chicken, giving people an inexplicably arrogant feeling.

"You are that ghost, bah! You are that master back then!"

Tony became excited immediately after seeing Wang Ming. For this mysterious and unpredictable expert, he had long wanted to find him. When he organized the Avengers Alliance, he had been looking for Wang Ming through various channels but Neither worked.

It can be said that Wang Ming was actually one of his pre-appointed Avengers members, but it was a pity that during that time period, Wang Ming was still breaking through nothingness.

"Hi, we meet again. The armor is pretty good, much better than the one I gave you."

After Wang Ming saw Tony, he also greeted him familiarly. At this time, Tony was wearing the nano-armor from his Ultimate Armor series. The technological armor has already surpassed most of the armor at this level. Ordinary armor.

At least in ordinary armor, if anyone can explode this kind of power, it may only be the five-element armor in the first part, because the five-element armor has unlimited potential.

The pattern of the armor at the back is a bit small, either alien technology or earth elements, what is the element of a mere planet, the armor developed by Tony can even break the five-gem Thanos, from this we can see that Tony How powerful it is.

(End of this chapter)

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