Chapter 348 The Collapsing Thanos

"Tony, do you know him?"

The other Avengers members looked at Tony in surprise. Everyone thought they had reached a desperate situation, but they didn't expect to kill another person who looked very hanging.

"Yes, he is the person I mentioned to you, the master who gave me the first set of armor and helped me solve the problem of chest shrapnel. I can have the current scientific research achievements, and the master gave me the first A set of battle armor is inseparable, and I have even cracked some of the technologies and applied them to my own battle armor."

Tony puffed out his chest very complacently when he heard people's inquiries, as if it was something proud to know Wang Ming. Vision and Scarlet Witch, who had known Wang Ming's identity for a long time, were not too surprised. The worry is whether this guy can beat Thanos with five gems.

The current Thanos is already considered the strongest group of people in the universe. Only the strongest in the universe can deal with him, and the strongest in the universe are all famous and well-known.

And Wang Ming's fame is only limited to the earth, well, maybe those dimensional lords in the dimensional space who are frightened can be counted, but Wang Ming is indeed not well-known in the real multiverse, so they are worried .

"Who are you guys?"

"It's just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember it for me."

Thanos looked at Wang Ming with some puzzlement, but Wang Ming still looked like he didn't deserve a beating, and answered Thanos' death question.

"Although I don't know where you got it from, I still want to thank you for sending the Infinity Stone to me. In return, I will give you the fairest death."

Thanos looked at Wang Ming's eyes more and more coldly, and then he stopped talking nonsense, after all, he was only one step away from success, and now he was not in the mood to force Wang Ming.

The purple light representing power on the Infinity Gauntlet lit up. He strode directly towards Wang Ming, and then punched him hard. Seeing this, the Avengers members couldn't help but reminded him.

"Quickly dodge, that is the power of the power gem, you can destroy a planet at will, you can't stop it!"

But their reminder was still a step too late, Thanos' fist had already slammed down on Wang Ming, but in the next second, something happened that shocked everyone's jaws.

Wang Ming's hand firmly caught Thanos' fist, no matter how bright the light erupted from his infinity glove, he couldn't move half a step forward.

Even after Wang Ming received the punch, the soil under his feet didn't change in any way, which meant that he completely absorbed the punch's power, and didn't borrow or unload it.

"Are my eyes blurred?"

Xingjue looked at the situation on the field with a dazed expression. They were the first group of people to come into contact with Thanos, and they were also the ones who were beaten the worst, so they had a deep understanding of Thanos' power.

Now this kind of scene gives people an unreal feeling, and Thanos is more confused than them. He is very sure that he has fully activated the power gem, but why is there no effect at all?

"It seems that your strength is quite strong, then you can try this again."

After a brief shock, Thanos didn't give up. He saw a blue light glowing on the Infinity Gauntlet, but the power of the space gem came into play.

He wanted to use the power of space to completely tear Wang Ming into pieces, but it was of no use. The power of space fell on Wang Ming, like a stone sinking into the sea without causing any waves.

Then Thanos started his own attempt with some horror. The power of time was invalid, the power of soul was invalid, and the power of reality was invalid. He tried the power of the remaining three gems in a row, but got invalid feedback.

Now Thanos was really frightened, he looked at Wang Ming in disbelief, and he pondered for a while before speaking.

"You, how did you do it?!"

"Who knows, have you finished trying? If you keep tickling me, I will get angry."

A nasty smile appeared on Wang Ming's face, like a child who succeeded in playing a prank. Thanos was completely skeptical of life at this time, and it seemed that he wanted to hit him more thoroughly. Wang Ming's next words Let Thanos feel like crying without tears.

"I'll tell you a little knowledge. Infinity gems can't be compared to objects with higher status. Unfortunately, I have a higher status than infinite gems."

"Higher than the Infinity Gems..."

Thanos was a little dazed and muttered to himself that as a Titan, he knew a lot more than humans. As far as he knew, even the five creation gods would be affected by the Infinity Stones.

That is to say, the status of the man in front of him is even more noble than the five creation gods. This is going to shatter Thanos's three views. Is there really such a powerful existence in the world?

"His Royal Highness, I was the one to be rude."

Thanos, who saw the situation clearly, chose to surrender directly, and used the highest title. The name "True God" does not represent a certain person, but a concept.

In the worldview of Thanos before, only the five creation gods were the real gods, and the others who claimed to be gods were false gods.

But now in his heart, Wang Ming is the only real god, the true god who surpassed the five creation gods!
His world view was directly shattered, and what he said was correct, the current five creation gods really might not be able to defeat Wang Ming, even if they fought together.

Wang Ming's strength has reached the peak of the multi-level after devouring Domamu and accepting the power of the inner demon. Even if he meets an opponent of the infinite multi-level, he can fight and even retreat completely!

"You still have some eyesight, otherwise, you are already a corpse at this time, so now, I allow you to offer me infinite gems."

Wang Ming nodded with an arrogant smile on his face. After Thanos heard Wang Ming's words, he hesitated for a moment, then took off his infinite gloves, came to Wang Ming and knelt down on one knee, offering the infinite with both hands. Gloves.

The rest of the Avengers members were almost dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Before, they wanted to snatch the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos, but the other party resisted with tenacity, even with a gesture of risking their lives.

And now it's so easy to send?What is the situation?Does anyone come out and explain?

All in all, the Avengers members were full of question marks and looked confused, while Wang Ming took the gloves as a matter of course, and then picked out the gems one by one under the astonished eyes of everyone.

"Let me give you the gloves, I'm not such an unreasonable person."

After digging out the gems, Wang Ming returned the Infinity Gauntlet to Thanos, and he played with the six Infinity Gems in his hand like a plate of walnuts.

(End of this chapter)

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