Chapter 349 Inlaid Gemstones
Wang Ming's actions made the members of the Avengers feel terrified. After all, this is an infinite gem, which contains extremely terrifying power. If you just hold it with your hands and bump it at will, who knows what accidents will happen?

After all, the combination of six gemstones is not a joke. This is a complete multi-level power. If there is any accident, the whole earth will be gone.

However, after Wang Ming pondered for a while, he felt that it was meaningless, and then, regardless of the surprised eyes of the people present, he directly thought, and the super-dimensional Decade belt appeared around his waist, and then Wang Ming directly took out the emperor armor. card.

"The Emperor's Armor."


'Armor fit! '

Following the Chinese voice on the belt, a set of mighty and domineering golden armor appeared in front of everyone. Looking at the appearance of the emperor's armor, Tony suddenly felt that his armor seemed a little ugly.

Before, everyone didn't have any idea about Wang Ming's strength. After all, he didn't exude a lot of aura before, but now they finally know why Wang Ming was able to make Thanos bow down.

Not to mention the few of them, even the well-informed Thanos felt trembling from the bottom of his heart, and at this moment he dared not act rashly even more.

Wang Ming, on the other hand, was looking at his body, as if he was thinking about which part should be inlaid with the gemstone. After thinking for a while, Wang Ming made a decision.

Naturally, things like gems should be inlaid in the most conspicuous place to look good, and then Wang Ming decisively decided to inlay the gems on the chest armor, after all, this is indeed the most conspicuous place.

And it also conforms to the aesthetic feeling of symmetry, and then Wang Ming started inlaying, the process is very simple, just hold the infinity gem and press it on it.

Under Wang Ming's deliberate control, the breastplate of the emperor's armor became extremely soft. After the gemstone was pushed in, it was immediately surrounded by the armor, only a small part was exposed, and the rest was covered by the armor.

Wang Ming pressed six times in a row, and the gemstones were all inlaid. When the last gemstone was inlaid, Wang Ming seemed to feel that the entire Marvel multiverse was connected with himself.

He seems to be able to arbitrarily mobilize anything in the Marvel universe. This feeling is like a creator. As for the huge burden caused by using gems, the quality of the emperor's armor can completely resist it.

"It's like having administrator privileges."

Feeling the extra power, Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction. Now he is quite powerful. He himself is a multi-level existence, and with the blessing of the emperor's armor, six reincarnations, and six infinite gems , it becomes even more powerful.

Wang Ming felt that maybe he could really meet a strong man of the infinite multi-level. To put it bluntly, Wang Ming's current combat power is about half a step at the infinite multi-level.

"It's a pretty good feeling."

After Wang Ming felt the power, he didn't miss it any more. He directly took out the card of the Emperor's Armor and released the combination of the armor. At this time, the card of the Emperor's Armor changed again.

The only difference from before is that there are six more infinity gems lined up on the chest of the emperor's armor. There is no change in other places, only this change in detail.

But it is precisely because of this change in details that the Emperor's armor has been strengthened at an epic level, and after Wang Ming lifted the Emperor's armor, the terrifying oppressive force disappeared, and everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath. in one breath.

"It's too scary, what kind of existence is this master friend of yours?"

"You ask me, I ask who to go."

Doctor Strange asked with some doubts, and Tony couldn't figure out what was going on. Just as they were discussing, Wang Ming's voice came again, but this was what Wang Ming said to Thanos.

"Okay, you can leave too, don't do unnecessary things, this guy may really need to read some books, you want to wipe out half of the life in the universe, haven't you studied biology? I don't know 2/K increase fastest?

When half of the creatures in the universe are suddenly reduced, the reproduction speed of the remaining half of life will reach the peak of the population. It won’t be long before they will bring back the half of the population that disappeared. You really want to cut leeks one crop at a time Cut the stubble? "

Wang Ming is criticizing Thanos who doesn't understand science at all here. With the development of the universe, the number of all populations has basically grown in a balanced manner. Even due to some planet's own reasons, the population is still showing negative growth.

There is no possibility of occupying the entire universe. It is better to say that if Thanos snaps his fingers, it will lead to a sharp increase in the number of creatures in the universe in the future. His snapping fingers is a snapping finger that stimulates fertility.

Creatures have the instinct to reproduce. When faced with the danger of genocide, creatures will give priority to reproduction, so blind extermination will not work.

If Wang Minglai wants to operate, then he must first raise housing prices, raise sky-high price gifts, and aliens must also ask for it, create antagonism between men and women, instill fertility anxiety, target women in the workplace, increase education costs, increase medical costs, objectify women, and belittle women. male.

Create an unemployment crisis and a financial crisis, and then promote a few popular stars, male or female, male or female, so that future people will follow this standard when looking for a partner.

After this operation, isn't it much more effective than eliminating the population?Even barely alive, who would want to have a baby?This ensures that the population will grow negatively every year, and civilization will have to be restarted in the end.

If Thanos works in this way, it is not certain how many planets can survive in the universe. As for what aliens have completely mastered infinite energy, it is not easy.

Wouldn't it be enough to turn unlimited energy into limited energy?Are the troops under Thanos vegetarian?According to this set of operations, without infinite gems, Thanos can play and disable the entire universe race.

Of course, with such a wicked idea, Wang Ming still decided not to tell Thanos. If Thanos really carried it out like this, then he would be guilty of a serious crime.

"Yes, Your Highness the True God."

Thanos nodded very obediently, and seemed to think that Wang Ming was right. Now his three views have been completely subverted, and his worldview has also been broken. Facing Wang Ming, no matter what the other party said, he nodded and agreed.

"Okay, okay, let's go, what should I do?"

Wang Ming also waved his hands helplessly, and Thanos left the scene quite obediently. The heroes of Avengers wanted to chase after him, but they were stopped by Doctor Strange's eyes in the end.

After all, Thanos was subdued by the mysterious master in front of him. The other party let him go, and if they chased him again, it would be a bit embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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