Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 350 The Realm Above Infinite Diversity

Chapter 350 The Realm Above Infinite Diversity

"Okay, guys, the matter is over, everyone can go to the celebration banquet."

After Thanos left, Wang Ming turned his head and said to the crowd with a smile, but the reaction of the crowd was beyond his expectation. They all looked at Wang Ming quietly and did not speak. It took a while for Xingjue to stand up and speak.

"Gamora is dead, I..."

"Oh, now she's alive again."

Xingjue brewed his emotions for a long time, and finally brewed his emotions to a state of grief and anger, and was about to give Wang Minglai a good mouthful, but Wang Ming's words directly interrupted all his emotions.

And as soon as Wang Ming finished speaking, a green-skinned figure appeared in the field, and Gamora looked at the group of Avengers in a daze.

"what's the situation?!"

Gamora said something in a daze, and the star-lord who reacted immediately rushed towards Gamora, and then hugged her.

"What else do you want to say?"

"It's gone, let's have a celebration banquet!"

Wang Ming looked at Xingjue with a playful smile on his face. After the latter found his beloved, he returned to his funny nature. Xingjue also said that he was a little overjoyed.

"Okay, guys, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll just use it as a wishing machine. If you have any regrets you want to redeem, just say it."

With an incomprehensible smile on Wang Ming's face, he clapped his hands and said, Sol was the one who lost the most relatives, and he couldn't wait to come to Wang Ming and said.

"Although I don't know why Thanos called you a true god, but I am also a god. Why don't you let me make a few more wishes for the sake of our close relationship."

Sol had a somewhat cramped smile on his face, dancing and said, Wang Ming still looked at him with such a smile and didn't speak, Sol was a little embarrassed by the look, and scratched his head after a while and said.

"Okay, okay, it's really the same as in the fairy tale, you can only make a wish once, and you can't get a bug. If this is the case, can you please revive my brother Loki?"

Sol stated his deliberate goal. He did not choose to resurrect his parents, but immediately chose to resurrect his younger brother, half-brother.

"I'm afraid I can't help you, because I can't resurrect a person who is not dead."

Wang Ming shrugged his shoulders and shook his head and said, this time it was Sol's turn to be confused, but he clearly remembered that Loki was killed by Thanos, and he died very well.

But soon Sol remembered a detail. When Loki was killed, he seemed to still look like an Asgardian, but the problem was that his body was a frost giant. Prototype, isn't this common sense?

When Loki was alive, he used magic to cover his body. This made sense, but it didn't make sense. After Loki died, the magic released by him would still be effective...

"Shit! He tricked me again!"

Thinking of this, Sol couldn't help cursing directly, because this wasn't the first time he was cheated by Loki, counting the previous few times, this was already the third time he "died".

"Then I wish to resurrect my father, hey, can't we discuss it? How about adding another quota?"

Speaking of which, Sol showed another flattering smile, but no one told him, is his smile really worth beating?At the beginning, he showed this smile to Hulk in the arena, and then suffered the same treatment as Loki.

"Okay, be serious, and resurrect your parents together."

Wang Ming resisted the urge to slap him and said, and then the woods on the edge of Wakanda became a large-scale confession scene.

Basically, the wish of these people is to revive their relatives or lovers, which is just a trivial matter for Wang Ming.

With his ability, even without infinite gems, he can do whatever he wants in the Marvel universe. Of course, this refers to the premise of not messing with those existences beyond the multi-level.

The classification of these levels in the Marvel Universe should be called the super-large universe level. This level is compared to the infinite multi-level in the combat power system of the Ming Realm, because the definition of super-large here is also equivalent to infinite. Translated from the super-large universe In fact, it is an infinite universe.

This is equivalent to the realm of offering sacrifices in the perfect world, and the Dao ancestor in the mythology. As for the combat power above the infinite diversity, there is no record in the Ming Realm. Even the concept of infinite diversity was proposed by the emperor himself Assuming that Wang Ming always called it that way, it was because he was used to it.

But in Marvel, there is an existence beyond the infinite multi-level, and that is the only omnipotent universe-level existence in the Marvel universe, the ceiling of the Marvel universe: OAA!

The only person in Marvel who can fight against him is the Transcendor from the Transcendence Realm. After all, the setting of the Transcendor is quite perverted.

Like Wang Ming, he is actually an alien invader. He came from a transcendent realm outside the Marvel multiverse. In order to enter the Marvel universe, he lowered his status and modified his own settings. How strong, but he has been weakened N times when he entered the Marvel universe.

He is still his own weakened self, otherwise he would not be able to enter at all, because he is too strong, this guy's strength should be similar to that of OAA.

As for why it's not that he is stronger than OAA, it's because if he is stronger than OAA, he doesn't need to modify the settings so troublesomely to enter, and directly violently entering OAA can't stop him, right?

Since you can't find how strong he is, you can directly compare them, so these two should be regarded as the ceiling of the Marvel universe, that is, the legendary almighty universe level.

It is also an existence beyond the infinite multiverse level, and its upper limit is so high that it is no longer possible to compare the known characters of Wang Ming with this kind of existence, because Wang Ming does not know who to compare with him.

The legendary main god?It seems far from it.

Pan Gu in mythology?Seems to be that close.

The realm above the sacrificial path in the perfect world?This one is probably about the same.

Or is it Gu Chensha in the Dragon Talisman?This guy is so strong that he can only know which character is stronger if he fights with the author of the other party. After all, this is the combat power of high-level infinite multivariate nesting dolls.

Or is it Ruphas, one of the current ceilings in the anime?This is also a character with a high-level infinite set of boxes, and it also belongs to the kind of existence that no matter how strong you are, I will overwhelm you.

So don't look at Wang Ming's strength close to the infinite multiverse level, but in this endless infinite world, he really can only be regarded as having the ability to protect himself.

A strong man like a cloud can't even describe the depth of the water here, which is why the divinity Wang Ming has always emphasized the low-key and harmonious style of doing things before.

Because if you are too arrogant, it is really easy to be killed by some big bosses, and Wang Ming feels that his belt is more and more mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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