Chapter 352 Wang Ming vs Mephisto
"It's your grandfather and me."

Wang Ming also cursed unceremoniously in English, and in the next second, a huge figure appeared in front of Wang Ming.

This is a guy with red skin, a blood-red cloak on his back, and thick black hair with two big horns on his head. He is about two meters tall and looks very Powerful and domineering.

And this is the lord of the hell dimension: Mephisto, a multi-level existence!
"I know you. You are the human who killed Dormammu before. Why, you killed a mere Dormammu, do you think you can compete with me?"

Mephisto looked at Wang Ming with contempt and disdain and said, although he felt Wang Ming's strength, he didn't care.

Because the aura emanating from Wang Ming's body is still in the multi-level range, the two are strong men of the same level, and there is no reason why one should be afraid of the other, not to mention that Hell is still Mephisto's base camp, where he is powerful will be further strengthened.

Moreover, hell is not an ordinary dimensional space. It is not as fragile as Dormammu's dark dimension. It can fully withstand the aftermath of the battle between two multi-level powerhouses. Stronger, the stronger the dimension lord is, which is why Mephisto speaks so hard.

And even if Mephisto discovered the six infinite gems on Wang Ming's breastplate, he didn't feel any surprise, because he used to be the almighty father who owned all the infinite gems.

This thing is left over from his play. He can't understand what kind of ability the gemstone has, so Mephisto is not afraid of the power of the infinite gemstone.

"Whether you can beat it or not, you have to try it to know. Let me tell you first, if you lose, you will die, so please use all your strength. I am not such an opponent who is easily fooled."

There was an arrogant and frivolous smile on Wang Ming's face under the mask. He bound Mephisto's bond value on the tablet while talking, and the two of them could officially start fighting at this time.

"What an arrogant brat, let me teach you what it means to be a real strong man."

At this time, Mephisto was a little annoyed by Wang Ming's arrogant words. He snorted coldly and tore off his cloak. Two huge bat wings suddenly stretched out from his back, which represented his entry into the world. Out of the fighting state, now he has become serious!
Mephisto shot at Wang Ming with tens of thousands of pillars of hellfire. These pillars of hellfire possess extremely high temperatures and have the ability to burn the soul like a nemesis.

Mephisto's fighting style is not as destructive as Wang Ming's. One punch can blow up several physical attacks in the universe. Most of his attack attributes are aimed at the soul, so even if it is Some people who are stronger than him may also fall into his way.

Wang Ming also saw the attributes of these hell flames at a glance. These flames are particularly strong against the soul, and they have a feeling beyond imagination.

No wonder Mephisto speaks so confidently. His method of burning the soul has already thrown off most of the dimensional lords.

However, Wang Ming possessed the Mind Gem and Soul Gem, so he was not afraid of this kind of attack at all. Immediately, two rays of light lit up on his armor, and the Mind Gem and Soul Gem worked together, forming a shield around him.

The terrifying flames of hell instantly sprayed on the shield, eroding the shield and making a crackling sound.

Only then did Wang Ming understand the gold content of Mephisto's casual strike, and the power of the two infinity gems was actually a bit irresistible. If he was hit by this terrifying attack, he probably wouldn't feel much better.

'Aurora sword! '

Facing such a powerful enemy, Wang Ming completely put away his underestimation, and he also started to get serious. Wang Ming took out the Aurora Sword without saying a word.

Then the six gemstones on the Emperor's Armor worked at the same time, instilling power into the Aurora Sword, combined with the power of the Emperor's Armor and Wang Ming's own power, the three-in-one is equivalent to three multi-level powerhouses at the same time. The power of the shot is great!
"Aurora Slash!"

Wang Ming yelled loudly, and slashed at Mephisto with a sword from the air. The mighty golden light, like the power of the sky, crossed the entire sky of hell!
A dragon-shaped sword energy rushed towards Mephisto at an incredible speed!
After the latter realized the horror of Wang Ming's sword, he immediately spread his bat wings to wrap his body, forming a perfect defense. The next moment, the dragon-shaped sword slashed fiercely at Mephisto. On the batwing!

Then the extremely terrifying sound of the explosion swept across the entire hell in an instant at an unreasonable speed that surpassed the speed of sound or even the speed of light. You must know that the area of ​​this hell is tens of thousands of times larger than the universe in real life. .

Such a terrifying momentum made all the demons in hell tremble, and even some demons have begun to open the passage to escape to other worlds, one by one fleeing for their lives.

This also created another spectacle. In the worlds connected with hell, the number of demons suddenly increased sharply. No matter whether they were strong or weak, all the demons rushed out of hell like crazy. It's the demons of hell who are going to invade the surrounding world in an all-round way.

There is no way, the fight between multi-level powerhouses is so terrifying, even some aftermath can kill some half-step multi-level demons, and these demons have made the most correct choice.

And this also corresponds to a different sentence: Hell is empty, and demons are in the world. It is not that the demons do not obey the rules, but that hell is scarier than the world.

And as the person who faced such a terrifying sword, Mephisto was directly cut off and sent hundreds of millions of light years away. This is the best result he has been striving for with buffering and unloading.

And on the invincible bat wing that he was proud of, there was also a sword mark with deep bones and bloody flesh. Wang Ming had already cut him with just one sword strike.

But Wang Ming was even more surprised than Mephisto. His sword was basically a full-strength strike when he was not using his special attack in this form.

But the result of the battle was just a wound on Mephisto's wing. How abnormal should the guy's defense be?

"It seems that these dimensional lords are still underestimated. Guys who have lived for an unknown amount of time always have some means."

Wang Ming's gaze spanned countless light-years and locked on Mephisto's body. Then he reached out and pulled out a skill card from his waist and inserted it into the driver. This skill card is usually his, The first one to fight with the Emperor's Armor.

'Golden Suge! '

(End of this chapter)

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