Chapter 353
That's right, it is the most correct choice to apply the strengthening buff before fighting. Jin Zhisuge can greatly improve the overall strength of the Emperor's Armor. Although the consumption is a bit large, it is still within the acceptable range for Wang Ming.

"Totally pissed me off."

I don't know when Mephisto has come back, and he is standing not far from Wang Ming, his eyes are full of bloodthirsty light staring at Wang Ming.

"If you like to play, then I will play with you. I probably already know the nature of your strength. Then, let's have a real fair fight."

Mephisto's tone was cold, and then a terrifying wave of magic power suddenly erupted from him, followed by an incredible scene.

Mephisto's crimson skin began to fade gradually, and his huge bat wings were also retracted, until finally Mephisto's skin turned golden yellow like Emperor Wang Ming's armor.

Then Mephisto's bones twisted and transformed, and finally a different version of the six-gem Emperor's armor appeared opposite Wang Ming, or it would be more appropriate to call him a different kind of emperor.

And this is one of Mephisto's abilities. He has a special ability, that is, he can use his magic power to simulate the nature of any energy, and he can transform his magic power into any energy.

In other words, at this time, he completely imitated Wang Ming's power, and he was not weaker than Wang Ming at all. This was the first time that Wang Ming experienced the feeling of being hacked face to face.

Although the opponent is only a simulation, the essence of the power after the simulation is actually the same, which means that Mephisto on the opposite side already has the power of the Emperor's Armor and the power of the Infinity Gem, which to him can only be regarded as It's just a little strenuous, but I haven't reached the limit yet.

"Interesting, you are so interesting. I haven't met such an interesting opponent as you for a long time. In the past, I was the only one who stole other people's accounts. I didn't expect to be hacked by you today. This is really a different experience."

However, Wang Ming wasn't angry because of this, instead he was looking forward to it. Mephisto, who was opposite him, also grasped it from the air, and took out a counterfeit version of the Aurora Sword from somewhere.

"Then let's start the second round."

As soon as Mephisto finished speaking, he appeared in front of Wang Ming and slashed fiercely with his sword!He has lived for countless years and has already reached the pinnacle of all kinds of swordsmanship and fighting skills. In this regard, both of them are not bad.

Even Wang Ming's simple swordsmanship and fighting skills are not as good as Mephisto, who has been tempered for countless trillions of years. The two just held the Aurora Sword under the blood moon of hell, and started an extremely intense close fight body fight.

Mephisto is obviously a great demon, but the light power he simulated through magic power is actually no worse than Wang Ming himself, and it is all extremely pure light energy.

This thing is not as simple as spells. It can be said that Mephisto is similar to the innate supernatural power. Wang Ming was attacked by Mephisto like a storm for a while, and he was a little overwhelmed.

The opponent's swordsmanship was too mature, he couldn't find any loopholes, he could only parry, even parrying was a bit reluctant, this was the first time Wang Ming met a real strong man in close combat!
But Wang Ming's purpose is not to kill him, his plan is very simple and very random, if he can kill Mephisto, he will kill him, and then use the power of the six reincarnations to wipe him out, and if he can't kill him, he will take it Just leave the card.

After all, the Mephisto in front of him is definitely a multi-level peak existence. If Wang Ming wants to kill him, it may be unrealistic to rely on the emperor's armor alone, unless he uses the form of the god master.

But this thing exists as his hole card. If he uses it easily, it will expose his strength. It is better to save a hand when he comes out to play, so that he may be able to fight back one day.

If all the power is made public, there is a risk of overturning. Although Wang Ming is not as cautious as before, he still retains some vigilance.

If the divine Wang Ming in the past would never come here to trouble Mephisto, nor would he want to take his card, at least the current Wang Ming would think about coming to get Mephisto's card, and decide whether to use it or not depending on the situation. Devouring it is much higher than the previous awareness.

"Aurora Slash!"

Finally, after countless sword fights, Wang Ming caught a gap and slashed fiercely, and Mephitos, who was facing him, also slashed with his sword not to be outdone!
"Aurora Slash!"

Two huge dragon-shaped sword qi with the same energy and nature collided fiercely, and first made a deafening sound of gold and iron.

Then an incomparably terrifying shock wave swept through the entire hell in an instant, and the thousands of light-years around the two of them were all devastated by the endless sword energy.

It can be seen from a distance that after the two huge golden dragons collided and dissipated, they turned into countless golden lights and destroyed the surroundings.

After the two slashed the sword, they each retreated hundreds of steps and temporarily opened the distance, panting and looking at each other. I have to say that this Mephitos imitated him, and it really looks like him. of.

Even the power of the Infinity Gem can be simulated by him. This guy is simply a monster. If Wang Ming hadn't inlaid six Infinity Gemstones, the Emperor Armor alone would really be unable to defeat him at this time.

Previously, Wang Ming still underestimated the strength of these dimensional lords. The previous judgments were about the same level, but the actual fighting power was really extraordinary.

The judged combat power is different from the actual combat power displayed, but at least Wang Ming judged the great realm correctly, which is not too outrageous.

Although it's not a car overturn now, but it's still in a state of stagnation. Wang Ming looked at the bond value between himself and Mephitos, and then he realized that he might not need it, no matter how much he entangled with this guy.

The bond value of the two has reached 90.00%, that is to say, if Wang Ming fights him a few more times, he won't need to kill him to gain his power, and finally run away and it's over.

Wang Ming wanted to wait until he had collected six multi-level cards before using the god master mode to challenge the master of the crimson universe: Cytorak!
According to Wang Ming's judgment, that guy is an infinitely multi-level powerhouse, and if Wang Ming wants to attack him with multi-level strength, he can only use the power of the God Lord mode.

And in order to ensure that he possesses the strength that can at least drag Saitorak and his bond value to full, Wang Ming must collect six multi-level cards to be sure.

Now in his deck, except for Dormammu, there are half-step multi-level existences, including Noah, who is only a top half-step multi-level existence, so Wang Ming collects power like this.

(End of this chapter)

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