Chapter 354 The Strongest Attack Form

Because if you want to deal with a powerhouse of Setorak's level, you must have absolute certainty, otherwise you will die.

Wang Ming didn't dare to challenge Sai Torak with a multi-step multi-division God Lord form, that's purely courting death.

That's why he turned his idea to the dimensional lord. It's not that Wang Ming doesn't dare to move the five creation gods in the real world, but that if he moves them, he may provoke the life court. This conservative estimate is also infinitely diverse. exist out.

So Wang Ming thought about it for a while, and only these dimensional lords who fought against each other were easy to bully. The others were either super strong, he was not necessarily an opponent, or there were people behind them.

"On the contrary, I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be so strong."

Wang Ming also said with a hint of admiration in his tone. If he had known that his side was fully loaded, he could barely draw with the opponent. It is conceivable how terrifying Mephisto's strength is.

"That's because you don't understand hell at all. The power I can exert in hell is several times that of the outside. You have to figure it out. There are many infinite multiverses outside, but there is only one hell connected to them. I count it here. Shang is the transfer station of Wanjie, and I have to say that you can be regarded as a strong player if you can compete with me like this in my home court."

At this time, Mephisto was not as angry and angry as he was at the beginning. After this round of fierce fighting, he had already recognized Wang Ming's strength, so his attitude was a little better.

"I respect you as a character. If you leave now, I won't pursue anything further."

Mephisto looked at Wang Ming and said very seriously. To be honest, he didn't want to fight Wang Ming at all. After all, the opponent's strength was about the same as his own, and he even faintly surpassed him. If it wasn't for Hell's home court, he would have lost. up.

"Then I also respect you as a character, as long as you can accept my move, I will leave immediately."

Wang Ming saw that the other party had already made a concession and said, anyway, he doesn't need to really kill the other party, as long as he uses this move, the remaining [-]% of the bond value can probably be filled up. up.

Moreover, Wang Ming felt that Mephisto would not be able to imitate the ultimate skill of the Emperor Armor, no matter how powerful it was. After all, it was a skill he used to insert cards. He was not able to use other skills of the Emperor's Armor like himself,
He has been imitating all the time, he will use whatever Wang Ming uses, and it is only imitating from the nature of energy. He can indeed imitate simple energy burst moves, but if it involves the original core of the emperor's armor, it is estimated that he will imitate it for a while. If you don't understand it thoroughly for a while, you won't be able to use this kind of trick.

His imitation is actually a kind of energy transformation. If you want to transform energy, you must understand that Wang Ming has only used the power of the emperor's own light so far, and he has not used the power of the five elements once.

Now that he uses it suddenly, he may be able to catch the other party by surprise, and after hearing Wang Ming's words, Mephisto also heaved a sigh of relief, and then readily agreed. He is not afraid of another move.

"Okay, so what if I just pick you up? I have figured out your strength. The stronger you are, the stronger I will be. Are you afraid that you won't succeed?"

"Okay, that's what you said."

Seeing that the other party really agreed, Wang Ming also had a successful smile on his face, and then he took out the Emperor Horse's item card from the card box and inserted it into the driver.

The next second, a space portal opened, and the emperor's horse jumped out of it, and then quietly hovered beside Wang Ming. Wang Ming waved forward, and a huge golden card stood on the emperor's side. In front of the horse.

The emperor's horse also understood what Wang Ming meant, and then slammed into the golden card. In the next second, its body began to disintegrate and reassemble.

With a dragon chant that shook the sky and the earth, the emperor's horse that passed through the golden card turned into an extremely majestic and domineering golden dragon. This golden dragon hovered behind Wang Ming and stared at Mephisto on the opposite side.

The emperor's horse and the emperor's armor have a special connection that is mutually beneficial. The stronger the emperor's armor is, the greater the power that the emperor's horse can unleash. This is a very simple reason.

That's why Wang Ming chose to use the Emperor's Subduing Devil Annihilation Slash. This two-in-one power can burst out Wang Ming's current strongest power.

Seeing this, Mephisto, who was opposite Wang Ming, already had a bad feeling in his heart, and at this time Wang Ming had already stepped on the dragon's head of the emperor horse.

After the combination of the Aurora Shield and the Aurora Sword on his chest, it became an Emperor's Halberd with sword and shield in one, and it was still an Emperor's Halberd with six Infinity Gems inlaid. After all, Wang Ming's Infinity Gems were inlaid on his chest. On the breastplate, which is actually the top of the Aurora Shield.

This is also the result of Wang Ming's deliberation. After all, removing the Aurora Shield alone and combining the power of the six infinite gems can allow Wang Ming to enter a state of the strongest defense.

If it is combined with the Aurora Sword to form the Emperor's Battle Halberd like now, it can unleash the most powerful attack. When the sword and shield are not usually used, inlaying it on the chest can enhance Wang Ming's overall strength. It can be said to be a combination of offense and defense. .

To put it simply, the Infinity Gem is inlaid on the core component of the Aurora Shield, which directly allows the Emperor's Armor to have three forms: the strongest attack, the strongest defense, and comprehensive enhancement.

Previously, Wang Ming had been fighting Mephisto in a comprehensively enhanced form, but now he is using the strongest attack form.

At this time, Wang Ming was holding the Emperor's Battle Halberd inlaid with six infinite gems, and he was stepping on the Emperor's Dragon of Light whose strength had reached multiple levels. The sky was all golden.

Now he is like a god who dominates all things, looking sacred, solemn and inviolable, and after all the skills are ready, Wang Ming is also controlling the Emperor of Light Dragon, holding the Emperor's Halberd, and rushing towards Mephisto past!

"The Emperor's Demon Subduing and Annihilation Slash!"

At this time, Wang Ming was also inspired to fight. He even called out the name of the skill loudly when he charged. Mephisto seemed a little flustered at this time.

When Wang Ming summoned the Emperor Horse, he was already analyzing and transforming, and he wanted to repeat the trick to simulate, but the progress of his simulation transformation was too slow, and the speed of transformation was far behind that of Wang Ming's release. The speed of the skill.

When Wang Ming rushed in front of him, Mephisto barely simulated the Aurora Shield, and then tried his best to block in front of him. After all, the things Wang Ming took out were all unused just now.

Because if Wang Ming hadn't taken down the Aurora Shield himself, it would be difficult for outsiders to know that it was actually a shield.

(End of this chapter)

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