Chapter 355: Mephisto's Card Is Here

Even the Aurora Shield simulated by Mephisto at this time is only a semi-finished product, with at most [-]% of the defense power of the original Aurora Shield. After all, it only took about two seconds for Wang Ming to rush over from releasing his skills. time.

Although two seconds is quite a long time for two people of this level, it is still not enough to imitate the complete Aurora Shield.

In the next moment, the emperor's war halberd directly pierced Mephisto's counterfeit aurora shield, and the sound of a huge metal and iron clanging, which can be regarded as a shock wave, swept across the entire hell space.

Endless rays of light erupted from the place where the two clashed, lighting up almost half of hell, as if they had become the new sun in hell.

You must know that the scale of this hell has far exceeded that of the general multiverse, and it is conceivable how terrifying the energy that erupts in such a vast space is illuminated.

Until this moment, the terrifying strong wind swept across the entire hell centered on the two of them like a world-destroying one. The millions of light years at the center of the battle between the two were directly destroyed, leaving only empty space.

Within 300 billion light-years of the center of the battle between the two, nothing but a thin layer of rock remained.

The trillion light-years at the center of the battle between the two were directly flattened, and the terrifying wind was still advancing at an incredible speed. Most of the hell was affected, and the environment of the entire hell had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Affected by the aftermath of the fight between the two, all the floating islands in hell were destroyed and fell, and the whole hell was trembling at this time.

Terrifying space cracks constantly emerge and disappear from the periphery of hell, which is hell's urgent self-healing.

At the center of the fight between the two, even the will of the law of hell was destroyed and obliterated. The center of the fight between the two has already penetrated the entire hell from top to bottom.

Through the two extremely terrifying and huge voids, you can also see many strange dimensional spaces, and even some real universes.

After all, this place of hell has been said before. This is the transfer station of the world of Marvel, leading to countless worlds. It is extremely powerful in itself, and it is already very powerful to destroy the space to such an extent. .

The powerful individuals in these dimensions and worlds also saw this scene, and all the strong people who saw this scene gasped, feeling horrified.

The hell at this time has been damaged beyond recognition. From the outside, the whole hell is a big box riddled with holes. After all, the inside has been so badly damaged, and the outside is definitely not much better.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the strength of the two were stronger, the aftermath of their collision could destroy the entire hell.

And all the powerhouses have seen the two golden figures in the center of the most severely damaged place. The powerhouses in the real world have no special feelings after seeing this golden figure.

But the dimensional lords in the dimensional space trembled in fright after seeing the emperor's armor, and they couldn't even stand firmly one by one.

People in the real world don't know, don't the lords of their dimensional space still know?This guy is a killing god. He was the one who killed Dormammu, the lord of the Dark Latitude more than ten years ago. Ten years later, this guy actually came to trouble the Lord of Hell again. He is simply crazy!
With their eyesight, they can naturally see that it is Mephisto, the lord of hell, who is fighting this golden armor. After all, he is good at imitating energy.

Now imitating a four-face, it is normal to fight against this golden armor, but at this time the two are maintaining a posture, motionless.

The huge emperor's halberd pierced through Mephisto's Aurora Shield fiercely, and stabbed him straight through. Mephitos turned into a different kind of emperor, with black and red blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth. It's a serious injury.

And the Emperor's Battle Dragon of Light under Wang Ming's feet also disappeared because he had consumed all his power. At this moment, he just held the Emperor's Battle Halberd, maintaining the movement of piercing Mephisto.

But if you look carefully, you will find that Mephisto's Aurora Sword, which has shrunk by a large circle, stabbed into Wang Ming's heart in one hand, and Wang Ming was also pierced right now.

This is impossible. After all, he is using the strongest attack form, and his defensive power will definitely be much lower than before. It belongs to the high-attack crispy skin, and it can be regarded as giving everything to the opponent. Fatal blow.

But Mephisto is a ruthless person. He knew at the last moment that he couldn't defend himself, so he divided up some of his strength and took the initiative to attack Wang Ming, which resulted in the current situation of exchanging injuries for injuries.

In other words, both of them were injured now, but Mephisto was seriously injured, and although Wang Ming was pierced through the heart, it was considered a minor injury at best for him, and it would be fine if he just recovered.


When the atmosphere of the scene was silent, a notification tone suddenly came from Wang Ming's waist. After hearing the notification tone, Wang Ming's face under the mask finally showed a satisfied smile, which represented Mephisto's The card finally arrived.

He hasn't let go of his hand and has been stalemate here for a long time, just waiting for the emotional explosion in Mephisto's heart to fill up his bond value, otherwise the ghost and him will continue to be deadlocked like this, although it's nothing serious, but it hurts, okay? .


After the bond value was fully filled, Wang Ming drew back the Emperor's Halberd without hesitation and retreated, and Mephisto also tactfully drew back the reduced version of the Aurora Sword after seeing that Wang Ming had given up on his own initiative. After the two weapons left, their wounds healed completely in an instant.

It is easy for the two people's physique to heal this kind of wound. What the two people hurt is the source of vitality. For an existence of their level, even if there is only one quark particle left, they can recover in a single thought. At most, it consumes some original power.

The external injuries of the two of them just now, to them, were not even a scratch on the skin. It was Yuanyuan who really caused minor or serious injuries to the two of them.

"Very well, you are a real man, you have not broken your promise, and I will not continue to fight with you."

Wang Ming took back the Aurora Sword and put the Aurora Shield on his chest again, and then said to Mephisto with a smile, who immediately felt out of breath when he heard the words.

His tone was not so good, he almost said in an attitude of driving people away.

"Get out of here, look what you have done to my hell."

Mephisto pointed at the dilapidated hell and almost scolded his mother. This is his home. No matter who faces this person who has demolished more than half of his home, he will not have a good face.

(End of this chapter)

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