Chapter 356 Going to the Marvel Universe

"Well, since you are so eager to drive me away, then I will really leave. I originally wanted to use the power of the infinite gem to repair hell, but it seems that there is no need for this."

Wang Ming shrugged helplessly, and then said in a regretful tone. While speaking, he opened the space channel and prepared to return to Earth. Seeing this, Mephisto quickly stopped Wang Ming's movements, and his tone was not It was so tough just now.

"Wait! Cough cough, since you want to help me so much, then I will accept it reluctantly."

At this time, Mephisto has changed back to that one, which looks a bit like the blood-red cloak demon of the vampire duke, and there is a forced smile on his face at this time.

"I still prefer your rebellious look just now."

There was a faint smile in Wang Ming's voice, and the next second he activated the power of the Infinity Gem, snapped his fingers, and the hell instantly returned to its original state.

After all, this is something that is equivalent to the authority of an administrator. If it is purely used for fighting, the combat power of the blessing will be the same, but if it is used for other things, the effect can be called invincible.

Infinity gems don't actually work for Mephisto. This guy is also a superpower who is almost equivalent to half-step infinite multivariate. It is still difficult for gems to influence him.

But if gemstones affect these ordinary items and spaces, it is simply a professional counterpart, relaxed and enjoyable, and Mephisto's attitude also proves that it will take a lot of effort for him to restore hell.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to change his attitude suddenly. Creation and destruction cannot be generalized. Mephisto has the power to destroy the entire hell, but this does not mean that he can create the entire hell out of thin air. Destruction and creation will always be the latter. Disaster.

"Okay, the matter has been settled, and you should hurry up and let your demons come back, otherwise your hell may be besieged by then."

Wang Ming's tone was a bit gloating, and after saying this, he disappeared directly in place, not giving Mephisto a chance to scold his mother at all.

After Wang Ming left hell, he also returned to the peaceful earth. Of course, this is only peace in the general environment, and some criminal cases still emerge in endlessly in the small environment.

That's why some superheroes who don't even reach the planetary level have the chance to stand out. Because of Wang Ming's appearance, the timeline of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe has been rewritten by him, and earth-shaking changes have already taken place in the future. Variety.

Wanda didn't go crazy like in the original book. She struggled to get the Dark Book and Doctor Strange. After all, Vision is not dead, so she has no reason to go crazy.

And Tony also successfully retreated from the whole body, and lived a peaceful life with his wife and children. The one who replaced him as the guardian of the city order was Spider-Man. The little spider can now be called the Iron Spider. nanotechnology.

His own strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, and with the blessing of the nano-suit, the current little spider's strength has surpassed Tony himself, but the combat experience is still lacking.

The people of the Guardians of the Galaxy embarked on the process of interstellar exploration, but their future is not peaceful, because their team likes to make things too much.

Doctor Strange returned to Karma Taj and continued to practice all kinds of white magic. At the beginning, he made a wish to Wang Ming to revive the ancient one, but Wang Ming refused. Wang Ming knew that the ancient one was tired of living. I want to die, so there is no need to make such a fuss.

And Doctor Strange didn't have any other regrets to make up for, so he became the only one who didn't make a wish to Wang Ming.

Sol rebuilt Asgard with the resurrected Odin. Of course, Asgard is just a small town on the earth now, and Odin did not rebuild a more glorious Asgard. idea.

As for how long their quiet life can last, it is not certain, because it is estimated that in another dozen or 20 years, Geer, the God Slayer, should appear on the stage, and this is the plot of Thor 4.

As for how did Wang Ming know?Isn't it easy to peek into the past and future with Infinity Stones?
That's right, Wang Ming can basically confirm that the place he is in now is the Marvel movie universe. The Marvel world is a typical infinite multiverse. It is so systematic that each universe has its own unique number.

And if Wang Ming remembers correctly, the number of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is: Earth-199999, and the Marvel World has a main universe, and the weight of the main universe is the greatest. The number of the main universe of the Marvel World is: Earth-616. [-].

The universe with the craziest plot in the Marvel world should be the ultimate universe in the Marvel world, and the number of the ultimate universe should be Earth-1610. The reason why the ultimate universe is mentioned is because the ultimate universe and the main universe collided later. The universe is destroyed.

This leads to the new main universe in the future: the emergence of a new and completely different Marvel main universe. Of course, Wang Ming does not intend to go to the new main universe in the later timeline, because when he travels, the comics have not yet serialized the contents.

What Wang Ming wants to go to is the timeline at the end of the Marvel 616 main universe, which is the timeline where the Secret War took place. Many powerful people from the Marvel universe collided in a battle, and finally led to a suspected infinite multi-level strongman. come out.

Mister Fantastic possesses the power beyond the domain. The fusion restarts the entire Marvel Universe. This is also the reason for the birth of a new and completely different universe. Wang Ming wants to get stronger cards, of course he has to go to this place full of battles. , It's not the same thing to always go to trouble with the dimension lord.

After all, the dimensional space of the dimension lords is independent of the real universe, and it doesn’t matter to them how to restart the main universe. background board.

Therefore, there is no concept of multidimensional space, that is to say, no matter which numbered Marvel universe Wang Ming goes to, as long as he wants to, he can return to nothingness at any time and find the dimensional lords to cut leeks.

"It's almost time to leave. Fortunately, I got the Infinity Stone, otherwise I really don't know how to find the main universe."

Wang Ming took a stroll around the earth, observed everyone's state, and was about to leave. There was nothing to miss in the movie universe, and he was going to the main universe to find a stronger one.

Wang Ming made this decision because of the existence of Infinity Gems. As I said before, Infinity Gems are equivalent to the administrator authority in the Marvel Universe.

As for Wang Ming, who has administrator privileges, it is basically effortless to check the universe number, so Wang Ming directly found the location of the main universe.

Wang Ming used the power of the space gem to open the passage to the main universe, and then walked in without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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