Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 357 Marvel's main universe, secret war

Chapter 357 Marvel's main universe, secret war
"This is really a good thing as soon as you come out."

Just as Wang Ming walked out of the space portal, he saw a huge planet above his head falling towards the ground, and that planet was a red earth.

The place where Wang Ming is now is the earth where the main universe of Marvel is located, and judging from the current situation, the secret war has already kicked off.

The approximate origin of the secret war is because: in the Ultron era event of the main universe, Wolverine continuously jumped the timeline and traveled through countless parallel universes of Marvel, resulting in the destruction of the continuity of time.

This caused the cracks in time and space to spread towards countless parallel universes, forming a domino effect, and the end of Marvel's infinite universe came early.

Of course, this is not entirely Wolverine's fault. The more important reason is that one multiverse was terminated ahead of schedule, and the end of this multiverse caused the lifelines of other multiverses to be shortened rapidly. All other multiverses will be destroyed prematurely.

Wang Ming hadn't seen this prematurely terminated multiverse, but the chain effect was triggered by the end of this universe. While shortening the vitality of other universes, it also triggered a space collapse from small to large.

The arrangement of the Marvel multiverse is in order. Once the space collapses, two adjacent multiverses will start to collide, and the two multiverses will be completely destroyed after the collision.

And the first place where these multiverses collide is either the earth, so the earth is the first to be destroyed before other planets collide with each other.

And because the collision of two of the multiverses will cause a chain reaction, causing all multiverses to collide with each other, and finally the entire universe of the Marvel series will be destroyed and there will be nothing left.

And there is a way to prevent this kind of collision, just destroy the earth that is about to collide with you, because the Marvel series is a typical "earth center theory"

This means that the earth is the core of the universe. As long as the earth in another world is destroyed, the first collision will not happen, and the following things will not happen.

This is also the origin of the name Secret Wars, because when the two earths are about to collide, only a certain area can see the other earth come.

That is to say, there are only a very small number of people who can see another earth collide, and this kind of collision has warning and time, and the collision process will last for eight hours.

After eight hours, another earth will completely appear in the real world, and both earths will be destroyed by collision. These eight hours are the core time of the secret war.

Either destroy the opponent's earth, or destroy your own earth, there is no other way, this is the secret war, the war to destroy another world.

And the ones leading this war are the members of the Illuminati. The so-called Illuminati is a secret underground alliance. It is not the same as the Avengers on the surface. Even many Avengers do not know that there is such an organization. exist.

But there are also many Avengers who are members of the Illuminati, a rather secretive underground alliance, an underground organization established by a group of the smartest and richest people on earth.

The philosophy of the Illuminati and the X-Men Avengers Alliance is exactly the opposite. What they do is to avoid greater sacrifices with small sacrifices. They are to solve organizations that threaten the earth and even threaten the existence of crises in the universe. Their behavior style is a bit means unscrupulous.

There is no Madonna plot in this organization, and the choices they make are all judgments that maximize their interests, or the judgments that are most beneficial to the situation, even if it means sacrificing a small number of people.

For example, if the death of a thousand people can save the earth, then Illuminati will kill those thousand people without hesitation. If it is a traditional hero of justice, it will try to preserve both of them. The risk is too great, and the final result may be that neither is guaranteed, so the Illuminati's behavior style is the most stable.

There are six members of the first generation of the Illuminati, and they are also the Illuminati established by the six of them. They are: Mister Fantastic, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Professor X, Black Bolt, and Namor.

The scene Wang Ming was facing at this time was exactly the scene of another earth colliding here, and at this time a group of people came down from the earth that was about to fall, and Wang Ming was located near Wakanda in the main universe.

The main reason is that he knows that this is the time when the secret war first appeared, so he came here. Seeing such a strange scene, the people of Wakanda and the black panthers of the main universe immediately led people to surround them.

When the group saw the people from Wakanda coming over, they raised their guns without any explanation and shot a group of Wakanda soldiers to death.

After seeing this scene, the black panther was furious, and at this moment, the leader of the group, a tall woman, also took out something similar to a remote control, and pressed it against the earth above her head.

The next second, an even more strange scene happened. There was no sound or movement. The earth above the woman's head was just broken. The strange thing was that only the picture was broken, but there was no sound.

"Who the hell are you! Why did you kill my people?"

The panther questioned the woman angrily, and he could tell that this woman was the leader of the group, but the woman didn't answer him, but raised her gun and wanted to shoot him.

This made the black panther completely angry, and he rushed towards the opponent directly, relying on his dexterity and the cooperation of the Zhenjin battle suit, he knocked down the woman with three blows.

And he didn't directly choose to kill the woman, but knocked her unconscious to lock her up, and asked about what happened just now.

But at this time, he saw Wang Ming who had been standing aside watching the show, which made him very strange, because Wang Ming's attire obviously looked like he came from outside, and the people in Wakanda don't look like this and don't wear this kind of clothes. Suit.

Wakanda has a powerful energy shield, and ordinary people can't get in. The only way to get in is through legal channels and being picked up by a Wakanda plane. That is to say, the man in front of him is either a stowaway or a Women belong together.

Anyway, no matter what it is, you have to catch it first. This was the first thought of the black panther, so he went directly to Wang Ming and asked.

"Who are you? I don't recall inviting outsiders into Wakanda in the recent past."

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider, you can call me World Destroyer if you like."

Wang Ming replied with a nasty and arrogant smile on his face. His words made the Black Panther vigilant, and the latter immediately yelled.

"No matter who you are, now put your hands up and squat down!"

(End of this chapter)

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