Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 359 The Illuminati Who Was Beaten Down

Captain America's words also reminded others that they still have gems in their hands. It shouldn't be too difficult to stop this kind of thing with the power of gems, right?

That's right, all the infinite gems in the main universe are under the control and supervision of the Illuminati. Each of the six members of the Illuminati keeps an infinite gem. They also have their own infinite gloves, which can be inlaid as long as they gather together. use.

This is why the Illuminati has the confidence to prevent the earth crisis, and even the universe extinction-level crisis, because the infinite stones do have such a powerful power.

"Your method seems to work, but the death of Professor X caused the loss of the space gem, and we don't have six infinite gems now."

Tony didn't refute Captain America's words, instead he began to think very seriously, while Neptune Namor raised his hand and offered his own suggestion.

"Infinity gems are all attracted to each other. We can go to the place where Professor X used to go to and use five infinite gems to summon the remaining one, so we should be able to find the last space gem."

Just as the members of the Illuminati were making plans, the laughter of the black swan came from not far away, very discordant.

"Hehehe, don't bother, the Infinity Stones can only interfere with everything in your own universe, and have no effect on the parallel universe. Do you think there are no Infinity Stones in the parallel universe?"

The hope that everyone had just raised was instantly suppressed by the black swan, and Captain America stood up and said righteously.

"How do you know if you don't try? If you give up without trying, how is that different from a coward?"

"Cut, I don't cry when I don't see the coffin."

Black Swan muttered something in a low voice, and quoted a famous quote from Huaxia. It can be seen that her cultural accomplishment is still relatively high.

"It's good to let them try. This will also make them aware and make up their minds in advance."

Wang Ming didn't know when he came to Black Swan, looked at the people of the Illuminati and said with half a smile, but Black Swan was startled by Wang Ming's sudden appearance, this guy walked without footsteps.

Wang Ming didn't choose to directly help them. The people of the Illuminati are not as naive as the Avengers. Once they decide something, they won't give up if they don't try, just like now.

And Wang Ming is also quietly waiting for the development of the plot. It's not that he doesn't want to jump to the time when those big bosses come out, but that the infinite gems can't do it.

Even Wang Ming's own time and space ability is not enough to do it, because those famous big bosses came out in the late stage, and the timeline and spaceline in the late stage of the secret war are quite disordered, and there is no way to determine the specific location.

So the only thing Wang Ming can do now is to wait quietly, first lurk on the side of the Illuminati, and see what their plans are.

"Well, can you explain who this gentleman is?"

The members of the Illuminati had just made a plan to split up, and Mister Fantastic asked the most important question. Everyone wanted to know who Wang Ming was. The Black Panther hadn't explained it just now, so they subconsciously ignored Wang Ming. .

"This... Guys, I was actually held hostage by him, and he asked me to signal you to come over."

The black panther was a little embarrassed by the sight, and he muttered in a guilty voice, because the news that the black swan said just now was too shocking, and they were too devoted to researching the solution, for a while, the black panther forgot that he was How did you get these people together.

"Oh, are you kidding me?"

Tony looked at the panther with an unbelievable expression on his face, and the others also looked at the panther with the expression that they really saw a ghost today.

"Well, that's the truth, otherwise, do you think I'll let an outsider know about our existence?"

The black panther felt like breaking the pot now, he shrugged helplessly, now the other five people looked at Wang Ming in the wrong way, and even the black swan looked at Wang Ming with a sudden change of style.

"Guys, it looks like we have to deal with him before we deal with the end of the world, what now?"

"What else can we do? Of course, we should lock him up first. Don't let him out until we find out his identity. We have to deal with the big crisis of cosmic collision first."

In a few words, the five of them had already decided how to treat Wang Ming, and Wang Ming looked at them with an arrogant smile that was half a smile.

"Okay, if you can do it, try it, I'm really looking forward to it."


Since the six members of the Illuminati have decided to lock Wang Ming up first, they have already started to put it into action. The Black Panther has almost recovered his physical strength, so he also put on the Zhenjin battle suit in an instant, and then revealed own claws.

It was Captain America who took the lead. He threw the shield in his hand towards Wang Ming, and Wang Ming caught it firmly in his hand.

"To be honest, this shield is pretty good."

Wang Ming played with the shield in his hand and said with an evil smile on his face. While speaking, he casually threw the shield at the black panther who was rushing over.

The latter was directly engulfed by the huge force on the shield and flew upside down, and was ruthlessly embedded in the wall. Captain America's fighting power dropped by more than half without the shield, and he was also bombarded by Wang Ming's brainscratching. Flew to the panther.

The two members of the Illuminati temporarily lost their fighting power. Later, Wang Ming snapped his fingers at Tony, who had just taken off for a meter or two and was about to rush over. The latter's steel armor immediately lost all power sources and fell straight down. down.


The steel battle armor that had lost all power was like a humanoid imprisoner, imprisoning Tony on the ground, and he couldn't even move.

At this time, Doctor Strange also threw out a few magic whips, entangled Wang Ming to trap him and imprison him, but Wang Ming's body appeared in front of Doctor Strange like a ghost, and he slapped him lightly. on his chest.

In the next second, Doctor Strange experienced again the scene where his soul was out of his body when he was filmed by Master Gu Yi.

Seeing this, Mister Fantastic quickly stretched out his rubber-painted arm to wrap around Wang Ming. Regarding this Marvel version of Luffy, Wang Ming was not polite to him, and he also lightly slapped the opponent's soul out of his body. , went to experience a wonderful adventure with Doctor Strange.

All that was left at the scene was Namor holding the trident. This King of the Seven Seas who possessed both the blood of Atlantis and the blood of mutants, faced Wang Ming alone at this moment, and felt a sense of fear.

"Do you still want to fight?"

"I won't give up easily..."

Wang Ming looked at Namo with a smirk and said, while the latter was full of stubbornness, but before he could finish his words, he went out of his body to experience the essence of the universe.

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