I have to say that Gu Yi's method is really good, it can be both aggressive and practical, especially when it is used to teach some people who are not open-eyed, it is simply a sharp weapon for pretending.

In less than 1 minute, the Illuminati, which almost represented the most powerful organization in Marvel, was beaten to the ground by Wang Ming alone. In fact, Wang Ming was just playing casually, not serious at all.

The difficulty of fighting a few of them is no different from that of playing house. It is not an exaggeration to say that Wang Ming beats them like a grandfather beats a grandson.

After about 2 minutes like this, the Black Panther and Captain America pulled themselves out from the wall. They both looked at Wang Ming with some lingering fear. The strength of the man in front of him was simply beyond imagination.

"Oh shit! I was in free fall in space for two hours!"

At this moment, Namor's yelling came into the ears of the two of them. The time they felt after the out-of-body experience was different from the real time. It was about 1 minute in the real world, and their out-of-body experience would take an hour. look.

That's why Namor is so annoyed. That feeling is not something ordinary people can bear. The feeling of weightlessness and all kinds of bizarre scenes in front of him, from the birth of the big bang to the end of the collapse of the universe, he has experienced it all over and over again. The amount of information is terrifying. It can make a normal person go crazy directly.

That is to say, there was no mortal present, so he was able to withstand such a toss, and Doctor Strange calmed down a lot after opening his eyes. After all, he had already experienced this kind of thing once, and now he experienced it again, but it was a little wrong. That's all.

"It feels kind of magical."

After Mr. Fantastic returned to his position, he looked at his body curiously. As a top scientist, Mr. Fantastic has been devoting himself to scientific research, and Wang Ming's action directly made him see the essence and true meaning of the universe.

This has greatly inspired and resonated with him. Some things that he did not understand before are completely understood now. At this moment, Wang Ming's voice with an arrogant smile came into the ears of several people. .

"How is it? Did you have a good trip, do you want to do it again?"

Doctor Strange took two steps back calmly after hearing his words, and Mister Fantastic's eyes were eager to try. As for Namor, he hid directly behind Mister Fantastic and Doctor Strange. Although they didn't speak, their The actions have already indicated that they don't want to fight anymore.

"Okay, what are you supposed to do, I don't have time to play house with you, and I'm not interested in telling others about your existence."

Just when they were in a dilemma, Wang Ming's voice came to several people's ears again, and then Wang Ming disappeared directly in place, no one knew where he went.

After Wang Ming left, several people looked at each other in dismay, and the black panther said in a daze.

"Then what should we do now?"

"Let's act according to the original plan. That person is very strong. I'm not sure how to deal with him, even with some illegal spells. Steve, Black Bolt, Namor and I will go to find the last Infinity Stone together. The three of you Just study an early warning system and come out, you can't be so passive and wait for other parallel universes to turn around."

Doctor Strange directly suggested that his arrangement is also very reasonable. The remaining Black Panther, Mister Fantastic and Iron Man are all top talents in the field of science and technology. It is most suitable and efficient for them to create an early warning system. of.

And Doctor Strange, the US team and others are all characters on the side of super magic, so it is appropriate to entrust them with this kind of field work.

At this time, the Illuminati has been established for a while, so it is normal to have a few more members. Rather, the more people there are, the higher the efficiency of work. After all, if you want to join the Illuminati, you have to follow the philosophy of the Illuminati To act, even Captain America is no exception.

And if there is a member of the Illuminati who violates the philosophy of the Illuminati, then Doctor Strange will use magic to erase all the person's memories of the Illuminati and kick him out of the Illuminati.

"Okay, just do as you say."

"I have no opinion."

"That's fine, that mysterious man is too powerful, but he doesn't seem to have any malice towards us, and he doesn't seem to pose any threat to the earth, so we can ignore it for the time being."

Several people also readily agreed to Doctor Strange's arrangement. After all, among the members of the Illuminati, there are also two people who are the leading brothers. Although each of them is equal in name, they are the most powerful when it comes to fame and reputation. The two people must be Mister Fantastic and Doctor Strange.

After all, this is Marvel's 616 main universe, not the Marvel movie universe, so Iron Man is actually just a second- and third-tier hero here, far from the first-tier or even super-first-tier heroes in the movie universe, and the weight is completely different.

Then the members of the Illuminati began to divide into two groups according to their original plan, three of them stayed for scientific research, and four of them went out to work.

The four Doctor Strange first came to the Academy of Mutants, because Professor X used to be the dean here, so they wondered if they could find any clues here.

But just when they came outside the Mutant Academy through the portal, they suddenly heard a huge explosion.

After the four of them heard this movement, their expressions changed immediately, and then they rushed into the Mutant Academy and rushed towards the place where the explosion occurred.

"Cough, cough, cough! I didn't expect the professor to put the gems here. This is too imprecise, and he made such a big commotion by accident."

Doctor Strange and others came to the outside of the small building that was blown into ruins. If they remember correctly, this small building in a single courtyard was the residence of Professor X during his lifetime.

Just when they were wondering, a man with dark blue skin, hair all over his body, and wearing glasses climbed out from the ruins. He was still holding a transparent box in his hand, which contained the last infinite gem. space gem.

Yes, this guy is a member of the X-Men,
Henry Hank McCoy, alias Beast, is the smartest person in the mutant academy except Professor X, and the only scientist in the mutant academy.

"Hey, why are you here?"

Hank looked at Doctor Strange and others who surrounded him with some doubts. Doctor Strange and the others also smiled knowingly when they saw this. The space gem has been found.

Then Doctor Strange went up to explain the situation to Hank the Beast. The other party was not unreasonable. He was not only an X-Men, but also a member of the Avengers. He and the few people in front of him were nominally comrades-in-arms.

After Doctor Strange explained that the world was about to be destroyed and invited him to join the Illuminati, he agreed without hesitation. In this way, the six infinite gems were once again gathered by the Illuminati.

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