"Welcome Hank, become a member of our Illuminati, remember that our identity must be kept secret, even to the closest people, because the earth needs such a secret organization, if all justice is placed On the surface, it is easy to be targeted by the evil, this is a last resort, I hope you can understand."

"Don't worry, I will follow the rules."

After Hank decided to join the Illuminati, Doctor Strange also told him the rules of the Illuminati very seriously, and Hank nodded very seriously.

"Okay guys, now that the gems have been collected, we just need to wait for the next cosmic collision."

Doctor Strange said this, and then opened the portal. I have to say that this skill is really convenient, and everyone returned to Wakanda through the portal.

At this time, it was less than half an hour before they went out. It can be said that the efficiency is quite high. It will also be much faster.

After all, Hank is also a top scientist. With the concerted efforts of the four of them, they finally developed an early warning system for multiple collisions in just three hours.

"It's finally fixed. If the data given by the black swan is correct, we should be able to give an early warning of the next impending collision within eight hours in advance."

Mister Fantastic said with a sigh of relief, and the rest of the members of the Illuminati also showed a slightly relieved expression when they heard this.

Beep beep!

At this moment, a sharp siren suddenly came from the big screen in the center of the laboratory. Mister Fantastic glanced at the big screen, his face became serious, and he said to everyone.

"The multivariate collision is about to begin, and the specific location is near Karma Taj, and the Himalayas can be seen."

"Okay, then let's set off now to prevent multiple collisions!"

Doctor Strange was the first to jump out and said, after all, Kama Taj is his territory, of course he is the most anxious, because before the collision of multiverses, another powerful multiverse will invade first and try to destroy the earth, because the angles of both sides are the same of.

For the present earth, it is the invasion of the other side, but for the other side, it is the invasion of this side, because the collision is mutual, not a unilateral collision of one universe.

I don’t know how many times the opposite multiverse has experienced this kind of collision. If it hasn’t happened once, then it’s a little easier to deal with, but if it’s been through several times and has destroyed several earths of the same type, it’s quite troublesome. up.

Therefore, the members of the Illuminati did not dare to neglect. The moment the alarm sounded, they arrived at the top of the Himalayas through Doctor Strange's teleportation circle.

And they also got their wish and saw a crimson planet slowly approaching the earth. This kind of multivariate collision is not another earth falling from the sky in the traditional sense.

In that case, the attraction between the two planets will instantly collapse the two planets, and this kind of slow falling scene is impossible. This is a special space collision, and the earth is just a node.

"Fortunately, no one from the other party came down. We came earlier. Let's use the infinite gems now, and act first. If the person on the opposite side uses the infinite gems first, then we will be in danger. Although this is a bit cruel, but buddy We, we protect our own people.

So when using the Infinity Stones, just destroy the Earth on the opposite side. I think everyone should have this awareness, because we are the Illuminati. If we don’t do this, not only the Earth, but life in the entire universe will be finished. "

Doctor Strange looked at everyone very seriously and said, everyone, including Captain America, had serious expressions on their faces, and even nodded solemnly. At this time, Captain America was already mentally prepared.

To know that the US team is eligible to join the Illuminati, it also proves that he has this kind of awareness, otherwise the Illuminati would not accept him.

After all, Captain America's character is too righteous, and attracting such people will cause trouble for the Illuminati, but the appearance of Captain America in the Illuminati means that he has at least initially passed the preliminary assessment of the Illuminati.

"Very well, then let's decide who will control the Infinity Gauntlet now."

Seeing this, Tony also directly took out an Infinity Gauntlet, but there were no gems inlaid on it at this time, it was just an empty Infinity Gauntlet, and the top scientific research talents in the Illuminati were also researched.

This glove is powerful enough to directly absorb the side effects of infinite gems. Even if six infinite gems are used together, it will not cause too much physical burden on the user.

In comparison, the side effects of Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet in the movie universe are a bit big, and the Hulk lost an arm after using it once.

"I think it's better to let Rogers come, and it's time for him to make a bigger realization."

Neptune Namor took the initiative to suggest that other members of the Illuminati also think it makes sense, the main reason is because of the integrity and kindness of Captain America, even if he has collected all the infinite gems and got the infinite gloves, he will not wantonly presumptuous.

After all, whoever takes the Infinity Gauntlet and installs six Infinity Stones can have the invincible power of the universe without side effects.

Those present are all old foxes, no one is willing to give this opportunity to other people, who knows if these people have other ideas, so from the perspective of all the people present, only Captain America is the most suitable for playing with the Infinity Gauntlet, Because he is really too righteous.

Let him use it, everyone is at ease, and the pure American team really thinks this is a test for themselves, so it is also obligatory to agree.

"Okay, let me use it."

After seeing Captain America's promise, everyone started to take out their containers and took out the Infinity Gem they kept. Among them, Captain America also kept a Soul Stone.

The US team put on the Infinity Gauntlet, and everyone inlaid the gems into the Infinity Gauntlet one by one. After a while, all the Infinity Gems had been inlaid.

"I'm ready."

Captain America took a deep breath and looked at the crowd and said, Doctor Strange and Mister Fantastic nodded to him, and then gave serious instructions.

"We must not be merciful and directly destroy the opposite earth. Our ability is limited. We can only protect our own multiverse. It is impossible to protect all multiverses. You must distinguish this point clearly."

"Okay, I understand, I've come to my senses!"

The US team's tone was very sonorous, and then under everyone's attention, he snapped his fingers with the Infinity Gauntlet at another earth!

Captain America snapped his fingers very crisply and powerfully, and then five of the six infinity gems on his glove shattered directly, and finally the only remaining soul gem suddenly disappeared, and he didn't know where it went.

(The new book has been released, and it was posted on a new account. The name is "Comprehensive Man: From the End of the Valkyrie to Sending Plug-ins". From now on, these two books will be updated twice a day, but the new book is only more than 3 words, and you can keep it up. For a moment, the new book is going to take most of the world of Japanese comics, and Guoman is not considered for the time being. There is one thing to say, Japanese comics are easier to write than Chinese comics, and the world view is not so complicated. The readers of the starting point will not be able to see it for the time being. It is estimated that it will take about 10 words. The starting point will be synchronized, and now you can read it on QQ reading.)

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