"Bastard, look at what you have done, why did you destroy the Infinity Stone? Just because you don't want to destroy another earth! You killed us all!"

After seeing this scene, Namor yelled angrily, and while speaking, he rushed up and punched Captain America. His punch hit Captain America hard in the face, knocking him down. The latter was beaten with blood all over his mouth.

Others also looked at Captain America suspiciously. After all, the Infinity Gem cannot be broken for no reason. This is the incarnation of the rules of the universe, and it is basically impossible to be destroyed by external forces. If there is something that can destroy the Infinity Gem If so, it would be the Infinity Stones themselves.

It is theoretically possible to destroy oneself with an infinite gemstone wish, and it is the only feasible method now, so now the infinite gemstone suddenly shattered, and the US team took a big blame. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with him, he I don't even know what happened.

"I really don't know what happened. I obviously wanted to use the infinite stone to push the earth away, but the infinite stone just shattered."

Captain America covered his slightly swollen cheeks and explained in a daze. His words completely angered Namor, and Namor rushed up and grabbed Captain America by the collar and shouted angrily.

"Didn't you say it was easy to destroy? Why did you push him away! You actually made such a mistake at a critical moment! Do you know that this may cause the entire universe to pay for your mistake!"

"But the Infinity Gem can't even push it away, let alone destroy him. Whether the Infinity Gem is broken or not has nothing to do with what I do!"

The US team is also fighting for reason at this time, and what he said is not unreasonable. He just tried to push away another earth and broke five infinite stones. If he just wanted to directly destroy the opposite earth, it is estimated that At that time, all six infinity gems had been shattered.

Therefore, the US team is not really responsible for this matter, because if the infinite gems are really useful, after the US team completes the plan to push away the opposite Earth, it can be regarded as indirectly saving the entire universe, but it will only be the next time everyone It is unlikely that Captain America will be able to use the Infinity Gauntlet.

The people present were all the smartest people on earth. After thinking about it carefully, I realized that the crux of the matter was not the US team, but the fact that the Infinity Stones were really useless.

"Even if the Infinity Stones are useless, what you did did violate the original intention of the Illuminati. You can't give priority to your own sense of justice. You have to give priority to the life of the whole universe! You are taking the life of the whole universe , to satisfy your own illusory sense of justice!"

Although everyone understands the truth, Namor still angrily reprimanded Captain America, and Captain America knew that it was his fault, so he bowed his head and didn't dare to say anything.

"Everyone, I decided to initiate a meeting of six people to vote. I don't think Steve Rogers is suitable to stay in the Illuminati. I decided to open the vote and kick him out of the Illuminati. I am the first to agree!"

Seeing this, Namo didn't do anything to the US team. He directly exercised the power of the first six members of the Illuminati and became one of the elders who founded the Illuminati. The first six people have the right to initiate a vote, and this vote can decide The fate of members of the Illuminati.

And now Namor has already begun to prepare to kick the US team out. Although he is not a bad person, he is very disgusted with this kind of guy who does not consider the overall situation and insists on messing around.

"I agree."

"I agree."

"I agree."

"I have no opinion."

Doctor Strange, Mister Fantastic, Black Panther, and Iron Man all raised their hands in agreement, because Professor X of the first six people has died, so the current situation is basically equivalent to the decision of all members to be eliminated by kicking the US team?


Captain America looked at the crowd in disbelief. Although it was very cold on the Daxue Mountain, his heart was even colder at this moment. This feeling of being rejected and abandoned by all his companions was really not good at all.

"Very well, the resolution is passed. Steve Rogers, you are no longer a member of our Illuminati. According to the original agreement, I will delete all your memories about the Illuminati. Please see it for the sake of being a companion." , don’t make unnecessary resistance.”

Doctor Strange looked at Captain America with a serious face and said, Captain America was completely disappointed at this time, and he had already broken his defense psychologically, so he didn't have any thoughts of resisting, he just nodded very calmly.

"In this case... well, I won't resist, you guys come."

"it is good."

Doctor Strange nodded in satisfaction seeing Captain America's cooperation, and then began to cast his own spells. It didn't take long for Captain America to pass out under the hypnosis of Doctor Strange's spell.

In about three or four seconds, Doctor Strange got up and nodded to everyone.

"His memory has been cleaned. From now on, he won't remember anything about the Illuminati. When you get along with him, just do what you did when he didn't join the Illuminati. Don't It's revealed."

Everyone nodded after receiving Dr. Strange's advice, and then they sent the US team back to their home through Dr. Strange's portal. Then it was time for them to figure out how to solve this earth.

"What should we do now? Without the Infinity Stones, it may be difficult for us to fight against another parallel universe."

"There is no other way, we have to carry out the original plan, we go directly to destroy that planet, so as to prevent the two universes from colliding."

Mister Fantastic and Doctor Strange were discussing, but at this moment, another earth in the sky above their heads suddenly changed.

Its gradually disappearing figure disappeared, as if it had never been here before, and this multivariate collision crisis ended suddenly like a joke.

"I remember Steve said just now that he wanted to push this planet away?"

"Okay, it seems so."

Everyone is a smart person, so after seeing this situation, it didn't take long for them to understand something. They seemed to have really wronged Steve.

Then everyone's performance was very uniform, they looked around as if nothing happened just now, after all, it's a bit embarrassing to say such a thing, and it's impossible for them to bring the US team back again.

After all, Captain America's personality is really not suitable for this kind of cruel war. It is enough to keep him in the dark and continue to maintain the peace of the superficial world. It is better for the few of them to act in secret wars by themselves.

Then everyone was teleported by Dr. Strange, and the magic circle left them and returned to where they should go. After all, the crisis is over now, and when the next crisis starts, someone will naturally notify them, so they have nothing to do What he did, he could only say was to go back and continue to reserve strength.

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